Monday, June 19, 2023

Karsten Hilse, June 15, 2023, Green Dictatorship

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/109, p. 13187.

Valued Praesidium. Ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen.

Again and again, destructive draft laws are put forward by the Ampel – driven by the green climate sects – and against every reason rushed through under disregard of all rules of this sovereign house, the main thing being it serves the climate ideology of the green communists.

It is a law which affects all households, all firms, all landlords, all renters, all homeowners, all local governments – thus practically everyone. According to the will of the greens of all the parties, by 2045 they shall be forced to heat climate neutral. In conformity with the experiences of the Corona dictatorship, every citizen is to be impressed under a climate yoke. Forsa chief Güllner is led to this statement, cite:

"Earlier SPD voters have the impression that their party bows down before a green dictatorship."

In concrete terms:

"When a small, elite minority…enforces its values by means of instructions and bans upon the society of a great majority of those thinking otherwise, that can indeed be evaluated as a dictatorship."

He is right.

This compulsion, these bans of course affect all of us. Correspondingly great are the outcry, the resistance and the comprehensible rage.

The perpetrators [Macher] naturally notice this rage. And despite that, they bring in this law today, talking drivel from their pompous “guard rails” for the pamphlet named the “Building Energy Law”, that Germany by 2045 should be climate neutral. The asserted consensus is however a flat lie. According to a Spiegel poll from March 30, 2023, climate neutrality is meanwhile left behind by half of Germany. 80 percent of people in the country reject your so-called heating hammer. And against this 80 percent, you make your destructive policy.

Yet what is really bad is that the other old parties extend a hand to you for that. From the special democrats and the green communists is meanwhile expected nothing other. That however the coward democrats play along with that is actually tragic.

Despite the mini-changes, for which the coward democrats celebrate themselves, it is and remains a destructive law, annihilating prosperity and workplaces, as is otherwise possible only in a war. Many people meanwhile designate your policy as a “war against one’s own people”. Anyone who participates in this war will someday need to be held responsible before the people.

The only party which stands against this collective suicide is the AfD. Consequently, our approval numbers are rising. That is good for Germany. Bad for Germany is that with each day this government further manages its work of destruction

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Enough now with the shamelessness!

the heaps of rubble which we as a future governing party will have to clear away will become ever greater. We will do it, rely on it. I am besides of the opinion: He who votes Green, votes for war.

Many thanks.

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Shamelessness!

            Jan Korte (Linke): Thorough Nazi speech!


[trans: tem]