Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Nicolaus Fest, March 7, 2022, Russians Guilty by Association

EU Parliament, Strasbourg, P9 CRE-PROV(2022)03-07(1-076-0000).

Herr President. Herr Commissioner. Frau Commissioner.

It certainly is a good day when I can in large part agree with you. This then is also a premiere and I hope that you now in fact implement this which the dear committee already for long demands. Frau in 't Veld has said it: There are naturally also sensible investment programs but the problems of corruption, tax fraud, money laundering, but also of rising real estate prices, are great problems for the citizens of the respective states.

The one thing here with which I have a real problem, even though all find it good, is the  suddenly quick inserted Sippenhaft [guilt by association] for all Russians. Here naturally is to be asked: Did you actually not know who Putin is? Does the name Politovskaya say something to you? Does the name Boris Nemtsov say something to you? Do the confrontations over the Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk simply say nothing to you?

Grozny has been bombed, Aleppo has been bombed. And what is it now when all peek at the Russian oligarchs? What about the African warlords? What about the war criminals? What about the Chinese communists, the high party functionaries? And what about the Arab despots who above all buy golden visas?

We say that European values are not for sale. Yet for me – I am now a lawyer, but fine – individual responsibility and individual guilt are also European values. And that we here introduce guilt by association, I find extremely problematic. I know that it is a difficult history, yet we should all again reconsider that. I otherwise welcome this resolution. But I cannot befriend guilt by association.


[trans: tem]