Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Alice Weidel, September 16, 2020, Sustainability

German Bundestag, September 16, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/175, pp. 21976-21977.

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Worthy colleagues.

Sustainability, that is one of the most abused terms of our time. Sustainability is a conservative idea which in essence says: Act with full responsibility, think in terms of generations, maintain the fundamentals of life and economy and plunder not der Substanz. Thus, the protection of environment and nature is a most profoundly conservative matter.

It is thus yet more ominous that these matters have been pirated by green and leftist eco-marxists and perverted into their opposite and the Union simply joins in that. The consequence is a dialectical revaluation and contortion of terms which drips from every line of this UN resolution. Sustainability must now serve as a pretext for eco, climate and environmental socialism, for global redistribution and for a planned economy on a worldwide scale. Your policy systematically plunders the bases of our welfare, of our cultural identity and of our very existence.

Sin number one: Climate defense and energy transformation. You squander billions and billions of euros on the illusion that Germany could influence the climate by demolishing its industrial core. The result is a gigantic waste and mis-allocation of resources and the crippling of productive economic power which will be wanting for future challenges. You disfigure our forests and fields with windmills which kill innumerable birds of prey and insects

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Gott, oh Gott!

            Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): It’s getting good!

and yet you know not from where in the future shall come more secure and more affordable electricity for households and businesses, and are quite silent as to the enormous additional requirement for E-mobility.

            Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): Better windmills than nuclear reactors!

You ruin our auto industry, the backbone of our national economy, with absurd EU limitations on combustion engine vehicles and the planned economy promotion of non-competitive electric autos. Over 50,000 additional jobs are on the verge in the automobile branch: At Schaeffler, Daimler, MAN and other firms. The unemployment of hundreds of thousands will follow and for that Corona is not guilty.

The second, great ordnungspolitische case of sin: The euro rescue and the handling of the Corona crisis. Mountains of debt, bail-out packages and record taxes are the exact opposite of sustainability. It is the billions of euros which you give away at the stroke of a pen that are however lacking in this country.The monetary socialism of the ECB portends the impoverishment of the Mittelstand and the middle class by inflation and financial repression, creeping statism and the annihilation of independent livelihoods.

And you learn nothing from your failures. You mis-use the pictures from Moria to force a second 2015 on our own citizens. The costs of what is in fact unlimited migration rupture the social system and destroy the basis of our economic and social welfare. The accompanying loss of freedom of opinion and security undermine the fundamentals of the democratic Republic. A hyper-moral migration policy, which leverages right and law and ignores the facts and limits of carrying capacity, divides society and it divides Europe.

He who without limit imports the poverty of this world does not help the poor but impoverishes himself and in the end can no longer help anyone. Only a country which knows and advocates its own interests and which preserves and increases its welfare can determine its place in the world and attend to a responsibility for others. You however do the exact opposite and that is certainly not sustainable.


[trans: tem]