Thursday, September 17, 2020

Franciska Gminder, September 10, 2020, Family Tax Relief

German Bundestag, September 10, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/173, pp. 21703-21705

Right honorable Herr President. The Frau Minister is unfortunately no longer present. Ladies and gentlemen.

Today we deliberate on the so-called Second Family Relief Bill. It concerns the increase of the child subsidy [Kindergeld] and the child allowance [Kinderfreibeträge] on January 1, 2021. As a reminder: Article 6 of the our Basic Law states: “Marriage and family are under the particular protection of the state order.” The family, consisting of father, mother and children, is the nucleus of our state.

            Dagmar Ziegler (SPD): That is likely your interpretation.

            Matthias Birkwald (Linke): That’s not in there.

Unfortunately for years a weakening of this article and change in the sense of family have been taking place in Germany.  

            Michael Schrodi (SPD): Speak on the bill.

There was then certainly no other sense of family. We agree to the planned increase of 15 euros per month in the child subsidy, yet hold this to be next to nothing in regards the problems which today confront a family with children. In the text of the bill, I discern no real reduction of the cold progression. A possible increase in the minimum livelihood for tax-obligated persons and their children was in fact mentioned, yet a yearly income of approximately 56,000 euros is still hit with the top tax rate of 42 percent. Why has this amount not been increased? For years, unchanged – a scandal!

Which measures can actually promote families? To overcome the demographic catastrophe, the family must win back its economic integrity. And a sole earner should be able to care for a family with multiple children with his income. On that account, there is pressure in many cases to give up even the smallest children, virtually after birth, to the day-care nursery. The overwhelming majority of mothers want to care for their children themselves at home until the age of three.

            Steffi Lemke (Greens): Rubbish!

This is regrettably very often prevented on financial grounds. Calculations show that in general the cost of a day-care or kindergarten place is about 1,100 euros per month.

            Dagmar Ziegler (SPD): That is money well invested!

That would be money well invested with the mother who herself cares for her child at home.

            Steffi Lemke (Greens): Have even once heard of men who care for the children?

From its founding, the AfD has been committed to the introduction of a family splitting instead of a marriage splitting. According to the contract of generations, today’s adults care for the contribution payers of tomorrow. Unfortunately, the number of the childless grows.

Could you allow me to speak? That would be very nice.

            Katrin Werner (Linke): Nein, such idiocy does not go at anytime!

Moreover, ask yourselves whether you –

            Vice-president Hans-Peter Friedrich: Dear colleagues, please allow Frau Gminder to speak.

Unfortunately, the number of the childless grows amongst the college-educated and this weakens the future prospects. The contribution apportionment for sickness, pension and care insurance should lead to a direct relief of families with children; since these contribute disproportionately to the insuring of the childless. For ten years, a parents’ suit has been before the Federal Social Court in Kassel. In this context, I recall a statement of Professor Jürgen Borchardt, social judge in Darmstadt; I hope it is known to you.

            Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn (Greens): Yet it would be very annoying if you quote it.

Domestic care-giving performed by the family for the children and for aged parents deserves as family work recognition and protection. An optional debit for the basic security or for home ownership may contribute especially to old-age security. Here, the eastern and Baltic countries are at the top with a rate of 78 to 96 percent. Germany, with about 51.5 percent is next to last in the order of things, with Switzerland, even worse, at 42 percent.

One means of promoting home ownership was the own house subsidy [Eigenheimzulage] which was unfortunately abolished in the year 2006. §27b UstG [Umsatzgesetz, turnover tax] also falls under tempus passat. Introduced in 2018, the Baukindergeld proposed by the KfW was a decision in the right direction.

            Vice-president Hans-Peter Friedrich: Frau colleague, please come to an end.

            Michael Schrodi (SPD): Come to the topic!

It can however cause no surprise. We demand the straight reduction of the real property sales tax for families with children purchasing real estate for their own use. With three children, it should be completely omitted. Also, low-interest credit for this purpose would be worthy of consideration.

            Vice-president Hans-Peter Friedrich: Frau colleague, please come to the end – last sentence.

The interruption was not counted, or?

            Vice-president Hans-Peter Friedrich: The time is run out.


            Vice-president Hans-Peter Friedrich: The time is now run out. You had four minutes.

But if I an always being interrupted. Thus, I want a moderated value added tax on goods and services  for children's needs and a reduction of the tax component of electricity costs for all participants.

            Vice-president Hans-Peter Friedrich: So, Frau colleague, now enough.

There is still much to done to help do right by our families.

Petra Sitte (Linke): You have only won the speaking time because the president is gracious to older people!


[trans: tem]