Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Jörg Meuthen, April 8, 2020, Corona Bonds

Jörg Meuthen
Corona Bonds
AfD Kompakt, April 8, 2020

[Jörg Meuthen is a national chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland and he leads the AfD’s delegation in the European Parliament.]

The EU is shamelessly using the Corona crisis to procure for itself additional competences; thereby is the introduction of Corona bonds, which are nothing other than Euro bonds. Their introduction earlier failed, as may be read, due to the opposition of the Dutch and the Austrians. Tomorrow will be further negotiations. We demand that Finance Minister Scholz draw a clear line against any form of debt mutualization, since it is counter to law and constitution and economically harmful. Germany ought not allow itself to be lead around the circus ring by other states to the detriment of its taxpayers and savers.

[Translated by Todd Martin]