Kompakt, April 15, 2020
Curio is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from Berlin. He is a physicist and musician and is the AfD’s Bundestag spokesman for
interior policy.]
the AfD delegation has predicted and of which it has warned, has now happened: Erdogan
has discerned that the EU and Germany are susceptible to extortion and now,
with previously acknowledged methods, renews efforts to compel yet more
advantage. Instead of acquiescing to Erdogan’s last extortion effort, the money
could have been used for a thoroughly effective border defense. This would have
a priori taken from Erdogan the leverage which, after all, has made possible
the placing of demands upon the EU. The German government, on the other hand,
naturally does not wish to displease anyone who reliably sluices additional
illegal immigration into the EU and thereby de facto into Germany. Thus, the
angst before the voters linked to him in Germany already for long is allowed to
determine German policy.
Erdogan regards solely the tactical advantages of his procedures: Either migrants
unwanted in Turkey are transported to Europe or concessions, material and
immaterial (visa freedom, EU accession negotiations) are compelled. He need not
reckon with the negative consequences for the European states which hitherto,
without complaint, have allowed themselves to be tyrannized. Properly targeted
economic sanctions (i.e., exclusion from payments transfer) which might drive
the economic costs to Turkey to a level at which extortion may no longer appear
to pay, appear not to frighten him.
as properly against the demands in the councils of the southern European EU
countries for a debt mutualization (besides Target 2, a bank union, EZB loan
purchases and now EU unemployment insurance and the alienation of the purpose
of the ESM, the so-called reconstruction aids), so also ought not the Federal
government give way against Erdogan; yet instead, it is ever again the
settlement of crises by means of the robbing of German taxpayers. This policy
of the eternal, fair weather trade is counter to German interests. Germany must
not allow itself to be the defenseless milch cow for the Corona costs of other
countries, nor allow itself ever again to be lead by the nose around the circus
ring by Erdogan.
[Translated by Todd Martin]