Saturday, April 4, 2020

Alice Weidel, April 1, 2020, Credit Guarantees for Family Businesses

Alice Weidel
Credit Guarantees for Family Businesses
AfD Kompakt, April 1, 2020

[Alice Weidel is a chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland delegation in the German Bundestag as well as AfD chairman in the western German state of Baden-Württemberg.]

The 180,000 family businesses with their nearly eight million workers are the heart and engine of our German economy. Particularly for the small and mid-sized family businesses, there must be planning for state support more intensive than hitherto, since they are threatened within the next three months with an exhaustion of liquidity. Tens of thousands of insolvencies and hundreds of thousands of unemployed would be the consequence.

So as to prevent this and safeguard liquidity during the coming, critical months, the Federal government must act quickly and undertake a 100 percent credit deficiency guarantee of state aid credit for businesses through their house banks. The deficiency guarantee of up to 90 percent so far planned by the government is insufficient, since the banks will require complex examinations of solvency of the businesses which may thus delay or prevent the credits.

[Translated by Todd Martin]