Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Martin Hess, February 13, 2020, Islamism

Martin Hess
German Bundestag, February 13, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/146, pp. 18219-18220

[Martin Hess is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the southwestern German state of Baden-Württemberg. He is a police officer. He here introduces an AfD motion directed against Islamism in Germany.]

Right honorable Herr President. Honorable colleagues.

Islamist terror is the greatest danger for our citizens’ security. The frustrated Rizin attack in Cologne has drawn our attention to the terrifying dimension of this threat. Had not our security forces intervened in time, according to the opinion of the Robert Koch Institute, possibly 13,500 dead and even as many wounded might have been lost – 27,000 potential victims of just one Islamist attack. That shows everyone in all clarity that our state must fight this terror with all consistency and severity [aller Konsequenz und Härte].

Yet the Federal government does exactly the opposite. You asseverate to be doing all that is humanly possible against terror, yet you are quite obviously unwilling to effectively defend our citizens against Islamist terrorists. For one, this is seen in in your destructive migration policy which has led to ever more potential terrorists flowing into our country. For another, it is also very clear how you are dealing with with fundamentalist Islam, the fertile soil of Islamist barbarians. Instead of fighting this with all severity, you allow them to go about their business in our country nearly unhindered. Precisely that must and will be corrected by our motion.

First: The Islamist Moslem Bortherhood. Burkhard Freier’s evaluation for the Nordrhein-Westphalen Constitution Defense Office states that the Moslem Brothers are a greater danger than the Salafists and even the “Islamic State”. Concerning the cover organization of the Moslem Brothers, Herr Freier states the following:

The IGD and the network of cooperating organizations pursue, despite assertions to the contrary, primarily one thing: The establishment of an Islamic theological state, even ultimately in Germany.

Nevertheless, you allow the Moslem Brotherhood to spread ever further throughout Germany. Before all in Saxony is this Moslem Brotherhood acquiring strategic real estate. It is reaching the point – and this is the official finding of your ministries – of a dangerous alliance between the Moslem Brothers and the Salafists. Moslem Brothers are thus copying concepts for the recruitment and radicalization of young people.  

All of the facts without any doubt testify to the enmity of the Moslem Brothers and their organizations against the state and therefore they must be immediately banned.

Second: The DITIB mosque association. The DITIB is without a doubt directed by Erdogan who, during a visit to Germany, without inhibition gave the greeting sign of the Moslem Brothers. DITIB allows children in our country to pray for the victory of the Turkish army in its illegal mission in Syria, has permitted its imams in our country to engage in large scale spying upon opponents of Erdogan, consistently rejects cooperation with de-radicalization initiatives and permits into its mosques the entry of central figures of the Moslem Brothers.

Despite all of this, the SPD’s Berlin Interior Senator in all earnestness demands that organizations like the DITIB or the Moslem Brothers should concern themselves with returning terrorists. You thereby assist Islamist despots to spread Islamism in our country. Enough of that!

You must finally awake from your lethargy and draw a clear borderline against the greatest danger to our security. The policy in Germany must be finally and unequivocally oriented and an unmistakable message directed at the Islamists: Political Islam does not belong to Germany.  Who does not share the values and rules of our country or who actively struggles against our society, he must leave our country.

And naturally it cannot be according to denomination. We must finally begin with complete severity and consistency to fight Islamism. Islamist organizations are clearly, without ifs and buts, anti-constitutional. We therefore cannot further, as you have done, naively and helplessly  witness their activity in our country, but must now take all necessary measures to defend our country and our citizens against such enemies of the state.

It is precisely here that our motion is an important, first step. To reject this motion would be to leave our free society nearly defenseless against its enemies. That we cannot and will not allow.

[Translated by Todd Martin]