Saturday, February 15, 2020

Björn Höcke, January 13, 2020, Thüringen Election

Björn Höcke
Thüringen Election
AfD Kompakt, January 13, 2020

[Björn Höcke is the Alternative für Deutschland chairman in the eastern German state of Thüringen as well as chairman of the AfD delegation in the Thüringen legislature. He is a teacher.]

It is an unreasonable state of suspension [Hängepartie] which for months the old parties here have offered. The country must be governed so as to solve acute problems. We have extended a hand to the CDU and FDP for a middle-class [bürgerliche], patriotic politics. If the election programs of the three parties, AfD, CDU, FDP, are compared to one another, there are found to be large, substantial common grounds which can be converted into concrete policies during this legislative period. Here can be mentioned the stop of wind power construction, the return to a capable, differentiated school system, the strengthening of special needs schools, the hiring of more teachers, an improved financial apportionment for local communities, as well as the urgently needed alteration of refugees policy. The CDU instead shall now support the Linke, SPD and Greens in a state government from which the people of Thüringen have clearly withdrawn confidence. Yet if the CDU vote in Thüringen means that red-red-green can continue to govern, then the CDU ultimately makes itself superfluous.

[Translated by Todd Martin]