Sunday, February 2, 2020

Beatrix von Storch, January 30, 2020, EU-Israel Relations

Beatrix von Storch
EU-Israel Relations
German Bundestag, January 30, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/143, pp. 17909-17910

[Beatrix von Storch is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from Berlin. She is a lawyer and here introduces an AfD motion (Drucksache 19/16855) to “Improve Relations between the EU and Israel.” Heiko Maas (SPD) is the German Foreign Minister.]

Right honorable Frau President. Dear colleagues.

After 13 years, Germany again takes the chair of the EU Council. We demand of the Federal government in the first of our two motions today: Use this chairmanship to improve the relations between the EU and Israel. That is urgently necessary.

A November poll by the MITVIM Institute, together with your Friedrich Ebert Foundation, indicated that only 27 percent of Israelis see the EU as a friend of Israel, but 45 percent as an enemy. The overwhelming majority in this poll expressed more trust in Trump’s America or Putin’s Russia than in the EU. That gives us something to think about.

The biased, pro-Islamist and anti-Israeli attitude of the EU Commission and the EU Parliament weighs heavily on the relations with Israel. That is especially clear in three points: The EU refuses to designate Hezbollah in its entirety as a terrorist organization, the EU supports the anti-semitic BDS movement and the EU discriminates against Israel in that they now label wares as being from Jewish settlements; it could also be said that they stigmatize.

The Jüdische Allgemeine Zeitung in November wrote of Heiko Maas’s speeches on anti-semitism, if I may cite: “He uses phrases who has nothing concrete to say.”

            Marianne Schneider (SPD): The AfD has a lot of experience in that!

The Federal government affirms Germany’s historic responsibility. But when it comes to the concrete, you kneel before the Islam lobby, as in the Kuwait Airways case, the subject of the second of our motions today.The anti-discrimination offices take aim at any Handwerkmeister who incorrectly describes positions according to gender. Yet an Arab aviation company can discriminate against Israeli citizens at a German airport and refuse to carry? Consider just for once if Lufthansa did that with Turks, Syrians or Iraqis.

            Vice-president Petra Pau: Frau von Storch –

No, thank you very much – How great would be the uproar? But with the Israelis: Complete and total silence. That is unacceptable and therefore: Approve today this motion from us. Put a stop to this intolerable practice!

Demands that the EU halt attacks on Israel will be ignored, blocked and, in the worst case, sabotaged.

First: Hezbollah. In the EU committee yesterday, my colleague Sigbert Droese asked the Foreign Minister: Will the Federal government during its Council presidency work to classify Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and indeed as a whole? The answer was: That will not fly. What good is a EU which not even once is ready to classify as such a terrorist organization? What good is a EU which intentionally makes itself an area of return for terrorists? We do not want that.

Second: BDS [Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions]. We demand that the Bundestag resolution “Resolute Opposition to BDS” be implemented. The EU foreign policy representative has expressly declared that membership in the BDS anti-semitic movement does not lead to an exclusion from EU funds. That is incompatible with this Bundestag’s resolution. German tax money may not flow into the BDS movement, not even indirectly via the EU budget.

Third: The labeling duty. Central president Schuster yesterday yet again emphasized that to the Interior committee. The labeling duty for wares from the Jewish settlements is a discriminatory double standard. It pertains only to Israel and not to the rest of the world where there are also conflicts.

Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): Which however was not deliberated on before the EuGH [European Court of Justice].

The Jerusalem Post headline on that: While Jihadis Attack Israel, EU Engages in Israel-bashing.

[Translated by Todd Martin]