Friday, December 13, 2019

Martin Hess, November 28, 2019, Interior Ministry Budget

Martin Hess
Interior Ministry Budget
German Bundestag, November 28, 2019, Plenarprotokoll 19/131, pp. 16392-16393

[Martin Hess is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the southwestern German state of Baden-Württemberg. He is a police officer. He here responds to a statement by German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer concerning the ministry budget.]

Right honorable Herr President. Honored colleagues.

Herr Interior Minister, listening to your statements on the domestic security situation, an objective observer can come to only one conclusion: Either you suffer from a major disturbance in the perception of reality or you are simply flattering yourself. What you presented here in regards the security situation has nothing to do with the reality of life in our country. Germany is becoming ever more insecure and the state of law loses ever more ground to its enemies. That is the irrevocable truth.

Every normal thinking person in this country recognizes that. Why otherwise must you expend ever more money for domestic security? Otherwise, why must you worry about an increase of positions for security officials if Germany is allegedly more secure than it has been in the last 30 years? The citizen will not allow himself be treated as stupid and he recognizes the contradiction. On one, single basis you tell the citizens of our country the often repeated fairy tales of an oh, so more secure Germany. You would mislead them with the circumscribed security policy failures of a dilettante.

But I say to you: Ever more citizens see through this farce, and it does not help that you continually attempt to tell the citizens that their subjective sense of security does not correspond to the factual situation, entirely as if our citizens were only imagining that Germany is becoming ever more insecure.

These days at the Christmas markets across this country, it is indeed obvious to all who here is actually suffering from a major disturbance of perception. Our children will not be able to remember a Christmas without terror blockades and heavily armed police. Precisely that is the central evidence of your failures and it confirms that the citizens are right.

With this budget, you are attempting to explain away security policy problems which would not exist save for your unacceptable failures in the area of domestic security. Had the federal government reached the correct decisions, then Germany today would be essentially more secure. You had and have the possibility of implementing a security policy which can lead to a maximum protection of our citizens, Yet precisely here, one of the central, if not the most central, duties of our state, you fail pitifully – with fatal consequences for the life, health, freedom and property of our citizens. This security policy disaster we cannot and will not accept nor submit to. The greatest possible security for our citizens must finally be established and in that regard there can be no compromise.

You here are always proclaiming the defense of our fundamental order and values, yet you do the exact opposite. You in all earnestness wish to distribute, so as to promote integration, 7 million euros of tax money to mosques, and to DITIB mosques, even though security officials state that the DITIB is hatching large-scale anti-state activities and therefore must actually be subjected to intelligence service surveillance. You are financing Islamists and Salafists. That, Herr Minister, is “making the goat the gardener.” We will not participate in the financing of the enemies of the state.

With open eyes, we go about our republic acknowledging how poorly prepared is our state of security. The Islamist terror danger has never been so high, migrant and knife crime increases steadily, the number of serious sexual offenses, like gang rapes, increases. Women and children are meantime thrown in front of moving trains. They not longer go out to health clinics, public swimming pools, schools and job centers. The assaults on police, firemen and rescue workers become ever more brutal. Clan criminals tyrannize entire neighborhoods, storm police stations and health clinics. Security officials confirm a massive influx and warn of new, dangerous clans with combat veteran migrants.

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Irresponsible, what you are doing!

That is the machinery of war which you, with your fatal migration policy, allow unhindered into our country. And that is a scandal.

In the capital, with the consent and tolerance of all state institutions, drug dealers, completely unhindered, can peddle drugs. That certainly has nothing to do with the safest Germany of all time. Just the opposite. Germany is mutating into a security madhouse.

            Ulli Nissen (SPD): Unbelievable!

In light of this devastating situation, there remains for me only an urgent appeal: It is your duty to defend, as best as possible, the citizens. May you, God willing, finally begin to do that!

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): How good it is, that you no longer train any policemen!

[Translated by Todd Martin]