Friday, December 27, 2019

Uwe Schulz, December 20, 2019, 5G Internet Security

Uwe Schulz
5G Internet Security
German Bundestag, December 20, 2019, Plenarprotokoll 19/138, pp. 17302-17303

[Uwe Schulz is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the central German state of Hessen. He is a businessman.]

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

Already ten months ago, the AfD demanded of the Federal Government finally to concern itself with measures for the security of our communications network. In contrast to most in this house, it was quite clear to us then that there was a need to act in regards 5G security.  

The bill’s author, on one page, must examine and adapt the legal grounds.

Primarily, it must be politically guaranteed that the 5G network be constructed only with trustworthy firms. For the AfD, it is clear: Firms which are substantially under the influence of undemocratic states, and which can be pressed into espionage, are not partners for us.

            Michael Fulda (CDU/CSU): Then what is it with you and Russia and China?

All of you rejected our motion of February 13, and there was not alternative motion, nothing.

            Christoph Bernstiel (CDU/CSU): Since 2018!

Yet you now come with similar demands that give up the ghost. To you, dear colleagues of the FDP and Greens, is Germany’s security obviously only important when it fits your partisan political concept.

            Ursula Groden-Kranich (CDU/CSU): The righteous speak!

            Falko Mohrs (SPD): Already a bit confused.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is a tragedy that even though 5G is long since at the starting gate, the government coalition indicates no clear position. In your oh-so-aggressive 2017 5G strategy, there is nothing on the theme of “Internet Equipment Security”, and in regards frequency auctions, for you, the Federal Government, the proceeds are more important than the security aspects.

            Falko Mohrs (SPD): That is still rubbish! The criteria were already announced! 
A bit of acquaintance with the facts helps!

Yet in that regard, even the Federal Government must have understood what it meant: The 5G network in the future will be the central, critical infrastructure for essential social and economic functions. For you, completely responsible officials have written into the risk assessment that the key components of the 5G networks must be subject to control and that dubious network suppliers are to be excluded. Thus far is theory: Since the Chancellor’s arrogance appears again to have won the upper hand. Frau Merkel is quite well aware that the German intelligence service urgently warned of that in referring back to Chinese network supplier Huawei for the German 5G network. While Frau Merkel believes in her own infallibility, the Economics Minister lapses into angst, fearing Chinese sanctions should Huawei not get underway. The Federal Republic of Germany, ladies and gentlemen, allows itself to be extorted by a country to which we yearly pay more than half a billion euros in development assistance.

What do you notice?

Yet you also know – the Federal Government which is not on hand – that China, in strengthening its own economy, is driving an extremely hard bargain: The banning by Chinese officials of foreign computer technology is only one example. Does that look like trust, ladies and gentlemen? Does that look like partnership?  I think not.

It is a question here of whether we as the Federal Republic of Germany will hand over our digital sovereignty to the Chinese Communist Party or whether we want to make a self-determined foreign and economic policy which defends our sovereignty or even restores it. We demand of the Federal Government an end to your embarrassing game of hide-and-seek and finally take a definite position.

            Michael Grosse-Brömer (CDU/CSU): When will you again be going to Putin?

Yet perhaps, ladies and gentlemen of the government parties, your vision will become somewhat clearer should you finally take leave of your dependence on Huawei as a sponsor of your party day –

            Ursula Groden-Kranich (CDU/CSU): Not us!

– since that is long since overdue.

Many thanks.

[Translated by Todd Martin]