Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Björn Höcke, December 3, 2019, PISA Study

Björn Höcke
PISA Study
AfD Kompakt, December 3, 2019

[Björn Höcke is the Alternative für Deutschland chairman in the eastern German state of Thüringen as well as leader of the AfD delegation in the Thüringen legislature. He is a teacher and here comments on the German results in the latest Program for International Student Assessment.]

The disastrous results of the current PISA study primarily demonstrate one thing: Our demands for a reconsideration of an education policy of elementary competences and skills like reading and writing as well as for the abolition of such questionable teaching methods as “Writing through Hearing” are more relevant than ever. As early as 2015, we demanded the abolition of this method, yet the old parties retain it. The previous PISA results have primarily lead to a glossed-over, not a performance oriented, system of grading. Only with the AfD is there a performance oriented education policy! The already strained situation in education policy will be consequently aggravated by the chaotic immigration policy. The portion of migrants in the current study, greater than that of 2015, in combination with the moreover striking scarcity of teachers, has contributed considerably to the notably bad results in reading competence.

[Translated by Todd Martin]