Monday, April 8, 2019

Martin Hess, April 3, 2019, Criminal Statistics

Martin Hess
Criminal Statistics
German Bundestag, April 3, 2019, Plenarprotokoll 19/91, pp. 10852-10853

[Martin Hess is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the southwestern German state of Baden-Württemberg. He is a police officer. He here responds to a statement by German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer concerning police criminal statistics (PKS). Last month, in the western German state of Saarland, a government response to an AfD parliamentary inquiry indicated that approximately 10 percent of those accused of crimes involving a knife in recent years were of Middle Eastern background.]

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Right honorable Herr Minister, each year again it can be said: the same show. You present the numbers of the police criminal statistics and go head over heels with the superlatives. You even assert that in 2018 we had the safest Germany in decades. Your viewpoint is thereby clear: You gainsay the citizens’ own judgment and defame as fearmongers and panic-makers all those who, based on personal, empirical experience, know that you, Herr Minister, are wrong. The truth is, Germany becomes ever more insecure and the subjective sense of insecurity of our citizens –

            Niema Movassat (Linke): But that is due to the AfD!

- accords quite well with the objective situation of the statistics.

I will so long repeat that, Herr Minister, until you acknowledge that the PKS do not really portray the security situation in our country. Previously, we had no concrete barricades and heavily armed police in our inner cities, and there were also no publicly organized safe zones for women. That alone quite obviously shows that day by day we are living more insecurely. Finally acknowledge that. Do not persist in insulting the intelligence of the citizens.

Herr Minister, during the presentation of the PKS, you said you did not want to speak of the violence of migrants, and thus of refugees and asylum seekers, lest you be accused of a political instrumentaliztion of the numbers. And I say to you quite clearly: We will not allow you to cover up your political failures by use of such taboos. Who wants to solve problems must clearly state the facts. The fact is, Germany is becoming more insecure and the principal cause of this is the opening of the borders in 2015.

Over one million punishable offenses by migrants, including 250,000 acts of brutality, 16,000 sexual offenses and 1,500 homicidal offenses, would never have been committed had you effectively defended our borders.

When we compare the relation between perpetrator and victim, we must state: Last year, 102 Germans fell victim to a terminal act of homicide by a migrant, yet only a single migrant was killed by a German. In 2018, a total of over 46,000 Germans were victims of punishable offenses by a migrant. That means an increase of 19 percent. The fact is, Germans are ever more frequently victims of serious punishable offenses by migrants. This development must be stopped and is unacceptable.

Let us look at Bavaria, Herr Minister, where your CSU governs. Last year, 20.8 percent of the accused in the area of violent criminality were migrants. Ten years ago, it was less than 2 percent…You cannot talk that away. That is a fact.

Keyword “knife attack”. Even the perpetrators’ lawyers concede that in the countries of origin of many migrants conflicts are resolved with a knife. And it is precisely this cultural background which is confirmed by the criminal statistics. In Baden-Württemberg in 2018, migrants account for over 30 percent of those accused in the area of violent crime by means of a knife.

            Niema Movassat (Linke): What about the AfD inquiry in Saarland?

            Beatrix von Storch (AfD): That is German.

At last be thorough, Herr Minister: Who wants to stop knife crime must stop mass immigration.

            Niema Movassat (Linke): In Saarland?

Lately, migrants in Berlin are rapidly forming street gangs. Our legal state has no real conception of the implanted criminal family clans which tyrannize our citizens and reject the state’s monopoly of violence. This problem is made more acute by migration. The BKA forewarns of an increase of clan structures and the BND [warns] of the Nigerian mafia. Herr Minister, he who wants to fight criminal family clan structures cannot import massive reinforcements into the country. Ever more citizens report to me because they are worried about their families’ safety. Especially women approach me because they are anxious about sexual aggression. They tell me, for example, that they no longer go jogging in the evening. And this anxiety is indeed confirmed also in your new victimization survey. More than half of women avoid specific places so as not to become a victim of a criminal act.

I recall the 2015 New Year’s Eve in Cologne. 661 victims of punishable acts, 43 proceedings, 3 sentences. Only 3 sentences! This balance, Herr Minister, is unworthy of a state of law. And what do you make of it? You ask yourself, How can I dissuade the citizens from their angst? And I say to you, finally trouble yourself for more security. Then this angst will pass away from that alone.

Our state of law – and this too is a fact – erodes ever more. But the AfD is resolutely opposed to this and will always again confront you with this reality. Germany can first become safe again when the illegal mass immigration is stopped. And the AfD is ready for that at any time.

            (Laughter from member Axel Müller (CDU/CSU)).

            Uli Grötsch (SPD): The worst sort! Bad! The lowest drawer!

[Translated by Todd Martin]