Saturday, April 27, 2019

European Election Program, 9th European Parliament 2019, Development Policy

European Election Program
Program of the Alternative für Deutschland for Election
     of the 9th European Parliament 2019
3.3 Development Policy

3.3 Development Policy
The AfD’s goal is to return EU development policy again to the national level of the member states, with a coordinating role for the EU so as to avoid redundancy. The donation of development assistance concerns the principle of subsidiarity and the maintenance of the donor countries’ self-interest.

Development policy must be help for self-help. A sustained effort against poverty must be the result of steady economic development and the construction of educational systems and functioning state institutions. Private business initiative, a competitive work place and maintenance security are to be required. The recipient countries should be in a position to promote under their own power the formation of their economy and society.

Furthermore, arms exports to crisis regions, especially to despotic regimes, are to be immediately ended.

States in which corruption, nepotism and mismanagement predominate are to be excluded from development assistance. Budgetary assistance promotes waste of resources and is to be stopped. Nuclear powers such as China, India and Pakistan which are however also states which guarantee development assistance should not receive, as it always turns out, development assistance.

Free trade is the most practical and un-bureaucratic form of development assistance. The EU must therefore open its market to the goods and services of developing countries and end the export of subsidized products to developing countries. EU evaluation and donation procedures as well as standards and norms should not become trade secrets.

Development assistance must submit to a strict usage control and to a regular, independent evaluation of results. Humanitarian aid generally has no long-term development effect and is thus is not in the strict sense development assistance. Humanitarian aid should be the mission of the churches and welfare organizations. Financial aid to organizations which commit, support or favor terrorist action is to be immediately stopped.

[Translated by Todd Martin]