Saturday, April 6, 2019

Gottfried Curio, April 3, 2019, Criminal Statistics

Gottfried Curio
Criminal Statistics
German Bundestag, April 2, 2019, Plenarprotokoll 19/91, pp. 10844-10845

[Gottfried Curio is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from Berlin. He has taught theoretical physics at the Humboldt University in Berlin and the Ludwig Maximillian University in Munich and his studies include time at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey. He here responds to German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer’s statement on German criminal statistics.]

The criminal statistics are presented and the Minister Seehofer is a contented man. Why is that actually? The number of narcotics offenses have increased approximately 6 percent to 350,000. The borders with Belgium and Holland must be put under surveillance. GdP director Krummen said: The border security at this point in time is good for nothing. We are as open as a barndoor. – That is not reasonable. A failure of government!

There is an increase of 40 percent of violence against police; some involving deportation, some of which must be interrupted. Although the number of non-German suspects is already over 30 percent, Seehofer leaves the borders wide open!

            Filiz Polat (Bündnis90/Grünen): Schengen!

Thereby come ever more multiple perpetrators from the Maghreb, from Libya or central Africa. The deportation process is failing. It must be more effective. We need a deportations’ financial sanctions enforcement.

Prisons – overcrowded, police – personnel shortage, courts – overburdened, Arab clans gaining ground. Yet Minister Seehofer is a contented man. The number of attacks on police, medics, firemen increases. The gray zone of unreported offenses becomes screened-off. The number of threats subject to round-the-clock surveillance increases. Yet Minister Seehofer is a contented man. But it is not the Interior Minister who should feel safe, but the citizen, he who knows exactly what is going on in his town.

Fewer break-ins of homes an achievement? Far from it. Success only due to prevention expenditures on the part of the citizen. The government does little against the criminality flooding across the border as a result of Schengen. Because the borders have not been secured, the citizen must now secure his front door. When doctors complain of increasing aggression, security training and courses in de-escalation are offered – naturally for the doctors. The migrants can let loose.

            Konstantin Kuhle (FDP): Bingo!

When ever more citizens drive with pepper spray, then has Germany become more secure? When ever more people dare not go into no-go areas, it is an anticipation of risk-avoidance on account of the already prevailing criminality, which is at the cost of the citizens’ living space. That is total government failure!

The portion of migrants among suspected perpetrators is 14 percent, for serious crimes still higher; the portion for the general population is 2 percent. For foreigners, the general crime rate is over 30 percent; for the general population it is 13 percent. Every third prisoner is a foreigner. What is the government doing about the excessive portion of foreign criminality?

            Niema Movassat (Line): Do you know the minor question in Saarland?

You give away quasi-German passports! He who has such a government need no longer worry about reunification of outlaws!

            Konstantin Kuhle (FDP): Bingo!

Without Frau Merkel’s welcome culture, last year there would not have been 500 fatal offenses, 1300 rapes and 22,100 dangerous bodily batteries. The perpetrators were at the time refugees. Yet Frau Merkel’s friendly face was, ja, more important. No wonder the citizens’ sense of insecurity increases.

He who brings into the country a million-strong, high-risk group of young men of cultures from which are acquired a readiness for violence and a contempt for women – without any emergency keyword of “self entry” – he, ladies and gentlemen, manages irresponsibly.

Police personnel in a critical state. There are also declining numbers in the statistics because there are fewer police to take reports and enforce control.

            Christoph de Vries (CDU/CSU): There are not fewer police!

Government failure! Court personnel in a critical state. In 2018, 65 urgent suspects were released because procedures were not completed in time. They are now running around free. Government failure! Clan criminality. The Essen police president states: Integration is up against the wall because many of these people do not at all want to fit in. These people look upon the state only as loot. In Essen, a clan chief is not indicted: the security risk is too high! Madhouse Germany 2019!

            Niema Movassat (Linke): That is nonsense, what you are recounting! Fake news!

The Chemnitz perpetrator ought to have been long since deported: intensive perpetrator, knife attack, 14 aliases, robbery, assault, drug dealing. Tolerance running out, he was allowed to remain and he killed. The citizens can pay for Frau Merkel’s friendly face, a deadly negligence of insufficient prevention of danger. And where the despairing citizens rise up to demonstrate against this injustice, the Chancellor’s office unleashes an unequaled disinformation campaign and a top security chief who uncovers this is dismissed as politically inconvenient.

In the security ranking of the 2017 world economic forum, Germany was in 51st place; two years ago, it was in 20th place. When Herr Seehofer says that Germany is one of the safest countries in the world: Yes, ladies and gentlemen – for criminals.

Thank you.

[Translated by Todd Martin]