Thursday, December 28, 2023

Götz Frömming, December 13, 2023, Education Disaster

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/143, pp. 18150-18151. 

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

If is entered into a well-known search engine the word “education catastrophe” [Bildungskatastrophe] – it directly occurs to me when I peek at you, Herr Gehring – 

            Kai Gehring (Greens): Many thanks!

then is received within 0.21 second approximately 34,600 results. The theme thus appears to agitate the public – in that regard, the term is certainly nothing new. Already in 1964, the leftist pedagogue Georg Picht coined the term of the so-called education catastrophe. He of course did it with a knowing alarmism so as to drive the Politik before him and agitate for reforms, similar to what today the authors of the PISA study are attempting. Yet, ladies and gentlemen, Georg Picht was wrong; since in comparison to today the 60s were simply an education paradise. Then, even a Hauptschul student still mastered the rule of three. Today, very many Gymnasium students can no longer do that, ladies and gentlemen. 

When we now peek at the study, we need to state – it has already in part been said: In mathematics, Singapore is 100 points ahead of Germany, which corresponds to a lead of several learning years. And in German and natural science, our performances have dramatically broken down. The big question simply is: How to explain this? 

For one – this was also discussed this morning in committee – it was a great failure to close the schools for months during the Corona pandemic. In scarcely one other country was it so long as with us in Germany. We had warned of that and meanwhile we know that these school closings, inclusive of wearing masks, were completely useless. Pleasant greetings to Herr Lauterbach and his wretched advisors. 

Yet you evidently also wanted to use the times of the school closings to demonstrate that presence instruction might be replaced by digitalization. Now, ladies and gentlemen, if this should have been a field research, then you have thereby ruinously failed. 

Kai Gehring (Greens): Yet you said: There is no Corona! And Herr Gauland as one of the  first let himself be vaccinated! Thus, what now?

Since in many subjects, the students after the celebrated on-line instruction during the pandemic knew even less than before. That is indeed an evidence of incapacity for your pitiful attempt with the digitalization. While other countries – the song of songs to digitalization was again sung here today – like Sweden or Denmark besides straightaway again ban the tablets from the instruction – just read the newspapers – 

            Kai Gehring (Greens): Nay, read the studies for once! One does not succeed here                  with newspaper knowledge! 

one hears and is stunned – to recollect the culture of books, you plan on economic and not really pedagogical grounds a Digital Package 2.0. Dear colleague Kaczmarek, dear Herr Jarzombek, you also evidently are for it. Please exempt the children and our schools from that. They still have not yet digested the Digital Package 1.0. 

And the second principal origin of the education disaster is due to political false decisions – we have also already heard it. Between the years 2012 and 2022 – thus, within the span of the PISA – the portion of students with a migration background nearly doubled with us. It is now at 26 percent. And, ladies and gentlemen – here I need to look at the CDU – that was also unfortunately a “service”, in quotation marks, of your Chancellor. 

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): Of whom they want to hear nothing more! 

Kai Gehring (Greens): Do you still want to say something on gender, and why the young are worse?

The opening of the borders in 2015 and in the following years was a heavy mortgage on our education system, on which we still have to chew, ladies and gentlemen. 

Josef Kraus, he was for 30 years President of the German Teachers Association, has just recently indicated in an article that at a proportion of from 20 to some 30 percent of children with a migration background, the level of a class or of an entire school dramatically sinks. In regards to which I need say from my own experience: It depends on from which countries the students come. Girls from eastern Europe, boys from Japan or Korea, are as a rule not a problem. Yet, ladies and gentlemen, we need for once to openly state it: Problematic are countries of origin like Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria and also Turkey. These students frequently fail over-proportionately in our education system. And those are the facts, Herr Gehring, at which you certainly need not laugh. 

If we are not ready to name these facts without prejudice, without similarly swinging the racism club in the direction of the AfD, and then to thereby speak of it, then we will then also not protect our education system from further decline, ladies and gentlemen. 

Kai Gehring (Greens): Ja, you are in love with decline! We are average and need to be at the top! Yet, for you, it’s about decline! The AfD is a wrecking ball for Germany!          

Added to this with greater difficulty is that most of the students from these countries of origin also bring with them an unfavorable socio-economic profile, as is stipulated in the PISA study. Now, I translate that: There are students who also in their countries belong to lower classes distant from education. And it is simply naïve to believe that they, within a brief time with us,  could present the skilled force which we so urgently need. 

            Maria Klein-Schmeink (Greens): Which all of you scare off!

You make the dumbest migration policy of the entire world! 

            Vice-president Petra Pau: Please come to a conclusion.

To other countries come the top forces; from us, they emigrate. 

Kai Gehring (Greens): You are thus for the point system. Which you yourself do not believe in!

Thus will be nothing with the education change. We require an education change 

            Vice-president Petra Pau: Herr Dr. Frömming.

and a migration change of 180 degrees, ladies and gentlemen. 

Many thanks, Frau President. 


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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, December 13, 2023, Economy and War

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/143, pp. 18091-18093. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

            It needs be well stated following the government declaration of Chancellor Olaf Scholz and  after Herr  Merz’s speech, that they have argued completely past the primary cares and problems of one’s own country. Frau Haßelmann, your speech was a pure war speech, nothing other. That has really shaken me.  

            It thus need not be wondered that ever more citizens look at the Federal government with concern and really with a lack of understanding. If one peeks at the half-time of this Federal government of which it needs be truly said: This country has never been so run down since the Second World War. Within a few months, the economic nation of Germany has been decisively changed by this Federal government: Inflation, a shrinking economy, rising insolvencies. And, as a crown, the Federal Constitutional Court declares your special debts budget unconstitutional. Your conclusions from that – we have today already again heard it: You do not allow yourselves to be diverted, and run exactly so as ever, with the KTF and eyes open into the dead end. – Thus appears this government’s present policy.


From the SPD we hear at the party day: Social spending certainly belongs to the SPD’s DNA, social spending which is meanwhile most deeply unsozial because it no more cushions the emergencies of individuals but presents in the form of Bürgergeldes [citizens’ wage] a kind of basic income. This is tied neither to conditions, 

            Christian Petry (SPD): Nonsense! 

nor is partially worse paid work motivated and generally something done for the social state. You see, valued colleagues: This policy continues to create one-sided dependencies and plainly no innovations.  

            Christian Petry (SPD): No idea!

Herr Chancellor, we know you are not a man of many words. You will perhaps go into the history of the Federal Republic as the eternally silent Chancellor. 

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): Olaf, the Forgetful! 

For you, not only the information for the Warburg Bank has gone missing; there is also no idea in your cabinet – none which we notice – of what you actually want to make of Germany. In that regard, we have again today heard nothing. The entire world you want to save and the climate, too. Yet these cannot be the only goals of a German Federal government. 

The citizens of this country need to stand quite high on the agenda for you. In your election campaign, your yourself ever again spoke of “respect”. Where remains the respect for those in this country who are economically active, for the Mittelstand, for the trades, for industry? Instead, you artificially restrict the energy supply. You disconnect intact nuclear power plants, permitting, with the attacks on Nord Stream, that our critical infrastructure be destroyed, and stop the import of Russian gas. 

The Economy Minister conducts his green economic war within Germany and in the entire world. These also he will not win. He so far fails with that, as the economic sanctions against Russia indicate. These have for a consequence – we certainly see it presently – that the Russian economy grows and ours shrinks. That is presently the situation. 

Today, almost every second large business considers emigration from Germany, and every third already sits on packed bags. In that regard, no words from you, Herr Chancellor. And with the rising CO2 prices which you today have announced, you make Germany as a business venue even more unattractive. Industry associations warn of a de-industrialization. The Alternative für Deutschland had done that already for years. For that, we were accused of conspiracy theories; that was then your assertion. The CO2 duty – Frau Haßelmann has just said it, subventions were cut – will not then rise around 30 euros per ton, but around 45 euros. Thereby will the inflation be further heated up next year, and this business venue be further ruined. That is your policy, and that we will prevent. That, I can promise you. 

Ladies and gentlemen, Germany finally needs a prosperity policy in the citizens’ interest. There is therefore finally required an audit. Unnecessary spending needs to give way, and to that belongs the entire theme complex of Ukraine. What I have heard here today really leaves me to an extent stunned. Presently there is six billion euros yearly of Bürgergeld for 700,000 Ukrainians. To the year 2027 shall be expended an additional 17 billion euros for weapons deliveries and five billion euros for the reconstruction. And that – we have heard today what you want to arrange at the European Council – also includes the planned entry of the Ukraine in the EU. This will cost 130 billion euros; the Institute for the German Economy has calculated that. As primary financier, we will of course again need to finance that. 

These expenditures should now before all be defrayed from the regular budget. And here is seen how this Ukraine emergency situation, which you today in principle have announced for next year, shall be planned in the future: By overtaking future, eventual payments lapses of other countries   this you have already today said. Here is seen that we ever more become a war party. We really cannot allow that we continue to impose ourselves in the Ukraine and make ourselves, as single payer and a war party, co-responsible for misery and suffering in the region. 

We presently see – let us peek at the U.S.A.: The U.S. Republicans in the Senate block a package in the billions for the Ukraine and for Israel, because the U.S. citizens plainly do not want to spend more money for foreign wars. The German citizens also no more want that. We need no invented enemy images and firewalls. We finally need – it is what the economy also demands – reasonable parameters so that the remaining businesses continue to produce here. Grasp tax reductions as investments! Businesses and end consumers could figure on a relief of seven billion euros were you, for example, to take back the increase of the [trucking] fee. So as to justify your own budget, you continue to invent additional possible emergency situations. For the hospitality industry, the emergency situation ends in January of next year, and the complete value-added tax will again be due. We say: Seven percent needs to be retained, because otherwise the 19 percent will also apply for meals in day-cares and schools and here also prices for families will further rise. 

Valued Federal government, you all flit through the political everyday. You have no concepts, no goals. Yet with your chair circle policy, you have meanwhile again made hyper-morality and black-white thinking socially acceptable [fähig]. You promise everything to everyone, and of that can thus passably hold to nothing. And therefore, dear colleagues, it lies at hand: This Ampel – so long as it should exist – stands permanently in the red and thus at a standstill. Germany requires change. Germany requires the Alternative. 

Many thanks. 


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Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Mariana Harder-Kühnel, November 16, 2023, Islamization

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/137, pp. 17298-17299. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Certainly in the last days has it become clear: The alleged conspiracy theory of an increasing Islamization of Germany is in fact a terrifying reality. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Such nonsense! 

The pictures of pro-Hamas demonstrations on German streets allow no other explanation: A situation over which you are now overheated, yet a situation which you have brought about. 

These demonstrations are only the current high point of a creeping Islamization of Germany which is expressed in many facets: So-called honor killings, forced marriages, yet which is also manifested in the symbolic occupation in day-cares and elementary schools by means of wearing the children’s head scarf, and in polygamy which unfortunately becomes ever more prevalent. All of this is the result of our own weakness, of a woke culture, which hates all that is one’s own and our cultural identity as well as our tradition. And this self-hate makes one susceptible: To welcome culture and to mass migration, 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Apparently you really need to hate yourself.

to children’s head scarves and to polygamy. It becomes high time to esteem one’s own, instead of sacrificing it to the foreigners. Otherwise, Germany becomes a caliphate. And we want no caliphate. We want a Germany that remains German, dear friends. 

Let us thus begin with the little ones. Let us ban the head scarf for children under 14 years in schools and day-cares. Since this head scarf for little girls is nothing other than a continual bodily and psychic disciplining. Free running, playing, swimming, etc., with it is scarcely possible. The writer Fatma Bläser, who as a child was herself forced to wear a head scarf, sees therein an “endangerment of children’s well-being”. The head scarf may become for young girls a “second skin” by which they are robbed of their freedom and childhood. It suppresses the children of today and makes them the suppressed women of tomorrow – and that may no longer be. 

And no, the children’s head scarf has nothing to do with religious freedom, since there is in Islam no religious precept for children to wear it. Until a few years ago, it was fully unusual in Islamic countries. 

The state of law is not allowed to tolerate it when little girls are thereby abused for transporting Islamist messages into our kindergartens and schools. For it is nothing other than political child abuse, what is happening here. This political child abuse needs to be forbidden; since it leads to parallel societies, it leads to the dis-integration of young girls and to the suppression of women. Such power demonstrations of political Islam have nothing to lose in Germany. 

These days, this becomes more clear than ever. The French and Austrians have long since recognized this and forbidden the head scarf in schools – in France besides, with the votes of the socialists. Let us thus defend young girls from the head scarf, and let us defend Germany from parallel societies! 

Polygamous marriages are also an expression of these parallel societies and they lead to a parallel justice. Where that leads to is shown in the many so-called honor killings. A stop to them must  be ordered. To them must be opposed law and order, and in fact our law and our order. Here, the statistical registration of polygamous marriages in Germany is required. Here, a general ban on religious early marriage is required. Here, polygamous marriages concluded in foreign countries need to be annulled. Here are required rigorous penalties for violations against the ban on bigamous marriage. 

Children’s head scarves and polygamy do not go in our country. Germany may no longer decay into a multicultural test laboratory; since it is not compatible with these imported conflicts. There must finally again 

            Vice-president Yvonne Magwas: Please come to a conclusion.

be recollected its culture and tradition. Germany must finally again be German. 

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]

Monday, December 18, 2023

Jörn König, November 17, 2023, Cum-Ex Tax Fraud and Olaf Scholz

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/138, pp. 17617-17618. 

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable colleagues. Dear citizens. 

Olaf Scholz, our patron saint of every purposed lapse of memory, is indeed the chancellor with the tightest scandal entanglement in the history of the Federal Republic. We recall: There was once a firm, Wirecard, in Finance Minister Scholz’s area of responsibility – a gigantic scandal due to a lack of financial oversight. At the BaFin [Federal Finance Office], the chief and vice-chief needed to go. Its state secretary however remains untouched. In the good, old times of the Bonn Republic on the other hand, ministers resigned on account of shopping tokens. 

Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): Yet nothing new occurs to you! The speech you have already made here a couple of times!

Yet one scandal alone is not sufficient for Olaf Scholz. He still has, ja, Cum-Ex and lately a breach of the constitution in reserve. 

            Matthais Hauer (CDU/CSU): And G 20!

With Cum-Ex, taxes could be saved, and this doubled and multiplied. On the whole arose a damage of almost 36 billion euros for the German people. That was in fact illegal, yet it functioned for years. 

As Cum-Ex finally went up in smoke, what did Olaf Scholz as First Bürgermeister do? Instead of rendering a report, he met with one of those responsible for the illegal deals, Herr Olearius of the Warburg Bank, and he has evidently lied about that. Following this meeting, Hamburg’s finance administration then decided in November 2016, in the face of the legal situation, not to demand 46 million euros in taxes back from the Warburg Bank. 

Chronologically, it went further. One year later, a Finance Minster, namely of the Union, Wolfgang Schäuble, took care that the city of Hamburg not again renounce the 46 million euros. 

Frauke Heiligenstadt (SPD): That’s all old hat! There’s nothing there. On the contrary!

The leader of Hamburg’s tax office at that time was sent into early retirement, after Olaf Scholz became Finance Minister in Berlin. 

            Michael Schrodi (SPD): The AfD’s lies are long since overhauled! 

            Matthais Hauer (CDU/CSU): The SPD becomes quite nervous! 

            Götz Frömming (AfD): The truth hurts!

At the end of 2020, the bank finally paid back to the fiscal authority the demanded millions from the Cum-Ex business, plus interest. The Hamburg SPD is deeply entangled. Alone in 2017, at least four donations of the Warburg Bank or subsidiaries to the Hamburg SPD. Later, 215,000 euros in cash were found in a safe deposit of SPD comrade Johannes Kahrs. Nothing has to do with nothing. 

            Beatrix von Storch (AfD): That’s the facts!

Since October 2020, an investigative committee finally pursues the Cum-Ex affair, first in Hamburg, then in Berlin. The state attorneys investigate many persons on account of suspicion of favoritism. In that regard in April 2021, the investigators noticed that there were e-mails which include for consideration effacements of data. There is the suspicion that in Olaf Scholz’s calendar from his time as Hamburg Bürgermeister information is lacking or was even effaced. 

The former member of the Bundestag Fabio De Masi could even later in August 2023 demonstrate that. 

In April 2023 the Union in the Bundestag, thus here, moved for a parliamentary investigating committee. A vote in plenary session was prevented by quite shabby procedural tricks. 

            Frauke Heiligenstadt (SPD): Ja?

Since probably the required 25 percent was quite surely present. 

Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): The only ones who here always seek to                         trick are you! Only, it doesn’t work out for you!

In July 2023, the lead state attorney in Cologne, Joachim Roth, placed himself in quasi retirement so as to forestall a dismissal. Were the investigations somehow too good? Four months later, in November 2023, this man is suddenly dead. 

            Jens Zimmermann (SPD): Ey, Leute!

In any case, in November 2023, laptops learn to run. Steffan Jänke, the SPD’s chief investigator, was submitted to the security testing of Hamburg’s Constitution Defense. He was nevertheless made chief investigator by the Hamburg SPD. This man takes into possession evidence laptops and presumably makes evidence on the side; notably from a safe. 

Frauke Heiligenstadt (SPD): He does not take into his possession! He is straightforward and impressively qualified!

To say it in the exactly suitable words of Olaf Scholz of a year ago in this place – he himself will have already again forgotten these words: Who believes that Olaf Scholz has nothing to do with all of this, he also believes in talking white rabbits. Welcome to Alice in Wonderland! Welcome to the Wonderland of the SPD where reality stands on its head! 

Herr Scholz, what will your legacy be? You lead a coalition of breach of the constitution, you demonstrably lie, you are involved in illegal machinations, and you have lost the trust of the citizens. Resign! Lord God, what needs to happen so that you finally take responsibility? 

            Norbert Kleinwächter (AfD): Herr Scholz is set in concrete in his                                         Chancellor’s chair! 


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Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Maximilian Krah, November 17, 2023, Attacks against Christians

AfD Kompakt, November 17, 2023. 

The [OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) and OIDAC (Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians)] reports on the rise of attacks against Christians in Europe are themselves already alarming. The scant resonance in the press however reflects a disturbing ignorance of the political-media mainstream. 

All lip service for tolerance is of no value when it does not also pertain to Christians. Thus why this deafening silence? Perhaps it has something to do with that the anti-Christian attacks all too often proceed from leftist ideologues or those supposedly “seeking protection”. 

The AfD is resolutely committed to heightening the awareness in society as well in the European governments of this abuse. We will not allow that Christians in Europe can no longer freely live their faith without being attacked. 


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Monday, December 11, 2023

Peter Boehringer, November 28, 2023, Budget Crisis

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/139, pp. 17659-17660. 

Frau President. 

We experience historic weeks. Years of law-breaking and false decisions culminate in a budget crisis behind which is hid a crisis of government and also one of reason. The Chancellor’s conclusions from a compelling decision of the Constitutional Court are deviant and illogical. The government cannot in 2023 retroactively assert the continuation of an uncontrollable emergency situation which in 2022 itself had declared to be ended. That doesn’t go.   

It might have been strained as to whether this time it would be based on an energy emergency, or a foreign war, or a newly inflamed Corona rage, or the immediately impending over-heating of the Earth, – we have heard even that from Herr Kindler – or like a storm flood of the previous week in Schleswig-Holstein, it needed to be held out as an emergency basis for 2024. Yesterday evening came the solution: The war of February 2022 and even the Ahrtal flood of 2021 are the culprits for the emergency of 2023. All of this you discover directly after the decision and quite suddenly in November 2023, retroactive to January. At which embarrassing level should we here still be deceived? 

To expect a vote in favor of this reasoning in the Bundestag will similarly be the next breach of the constitution. Neither in 2023 nor 2024 arises an emergency situation in the sense of Article 115 of the Basic Law. One breach of the constitution is not healed by another, Herr Chancellor. And your demonstrative exit from the hall at this sentence in my speech therein alters nothing at all. 

You decided on, – you still adhere to it – in one of your first acts in office as Chancellor together with the new Finance Minister Lindner, the absurd 2021 supplementary budget in January 2022 and therein also the quite clearly unconstitutional accounting system. The special funds’ illegal credits of many billions should be the cash box for the implementation of the red-green goals altering society. The entire policy of the CO2 hysteria energy guidelines, the mass immigration, the woke transformation of society, the hostility to industry, the Corona lockdowns costing billions, and gifts of weapons to foreign countries, would not have been thinkable without this money. 

Unfortunately, the Constitutional Court has withdrawn from you the financial operations basis just now, dozens of billions too late. For four years already, Germany is governed by financial emergency. There is a whiff of Weimar; from 1930, there was emergency government, mostly supported by emergency decrees. Since 2020, by the Groko and by the Ampel were generally declared “emergency situations”. In this way is the debt brake shredded, the Basic Law circumvented – the people need to know this! 

The Greens chief Ricarda Lang even demands the permanent suspension of the constitutional debt brake. Herr Mützenich has also plainly more than implied it. It is desired to declare a permanent emergency. “We will also need to discuss the suspension for next year, that is a debate which now…is next”, said Frau Lang. The Ampel stands before political, moral and financial bankruptcy. 

The country can be governed according to the constitution only with a fundamental change of course. The self-named democratic middle – the oh so democratic middle! – has with at least three budgets governed beyond the constitution. And the SPD delegation chief here in this place has a few minutes ago designated the Basic Law as a monstrance, as an embarrassing relic! Shame on you, Herr Mützenich! Where is the Constitution Defense when it is needed? Where is it? These are attacks on the free democratic basic order, here from this podium! 

One cannot be permanently pressured by a crisis. The decades-long, lies-of-a-lifetime policy of all the old parties cannot be compensated by debts and tax money. I here in this place in the Bundestag said exactly so at the proclamation of the first emergency situation in March 2020. It still does not go. 

Herr Scholz, from the beginning, your uncovered, deliberately illegal checks have even worsened the German misery. Had this money not been expended, Germany today would be not only financially but generally better, because then a mass of social-political nonsense would not have been able to be financed. And all of you have participated since the Kohl’schen checkbook times! 

The AfD is ready to clear away this debris, yet only when you put away the false decisions and make free the way for a new beginning, for finally a once more rational-, national-led  government. Then, despite the horrendous damages resulting from eight years of borders given up and billions of interest-bearing indebtedness which will burden the budget until 2070, 

            Vice-president Yvonne Magwas: Please come to a conclusion.

exists the opportunity for a rescue of Germany. – My last sentence. – Yet initially required is your exit as a purifying catharsis which, yes as in classical tragedy, is the prerequisite for a healing. 

Many thanks. 


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