Monday, May 1, 2023

Beatrix von Storch, April 26, 2023, Greens and Billionaires

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/99, pp. 11915-11916.

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The House of Habeck’s nepotism has now finally reached the mainstream press and is a theme. What still is no theme: The financial investors and billionaires linked to the nepotism in the House of Habeck and who get still more money –  billions.

            Marcel Emmerich (Greens): What is it then with the billionaires behind you?

It is about the business with the heating pumps and ultimately about the entire German private real estate assets. And precisely that let us now look at for once.

All in the House of Habeck turns around the State Secretary Patrick Graichen, brother Jacob, sister Verena and Michael Kellner, her husband and Parliamentary State Secretary. We have heard it. A terribly nice family. The think tank Agora Energiewende and the Öko-Institut together published a paper: “Breakthrough for the Heating Pump”. We have heard it. In the Öko-Institut sit Jacob and Verena Graichen and at the Agora sat brother Patrick for seven years as managing director before Habeck made him State Secretary. But he not only made him State Secretary, he now transfers their paper, one for one: “Breakthrough for the Heating Pump”.  

So, now let us look at: Who stands behind the Agora and the Graichens? Who directs them? An intricate system of nested foundations disguises precisely that. The Agora Energiewende is financed by the European Climate Foundation fund. This is financed by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation and which is in turn is financed by the British billionaire Christopher Hohn. Hohn earns two million euros – per day – and

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): Oh! Yet that is in order!

is the principal money donor of the climate extremists Extinction Rebellion.

He thus distributes his money for the climate agenda. Yet really exciting is the question: How does he earn his money? I cite from the self-description of the Fund: The Fund is centered on the donations from mortgage companies and real estate companies in the major cities of North America and Europe. There where his climate agenda especially spins, there the financier of the climate agenda earns his money with mortgages and real estate. That is the crux of the matter.

            Carolin Bachmann (AfD): What the Greens have quietly become!

To where lead Habeck’s heating law and the Graichen clan? Homeowners need to take out mortgages so as to pay for the heating pumps. And if they are not able to do so, then they need to sell their real estate. And see there: There stands ready Hohn’s hedge fund and buys up the real estate. What a coincidence!

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): That is just rubbish! Such nonsense!

You can now say: Herr Hohn is nevertheless not the only one who stands behind the Agora. That’s right. There is still the Mercator Foundation with the Metro billionaires, and through the European Climate Foundation flows the means of the Canadian billionaire John MacBain, like Hohn a member of Bill Gates’s billionaires club, “The Giving Pledge”. As soon as you scratch the Green veneer: Billionaires, billionaires, billionaires.

Real estate is one side of the coin. The other side is the business with the heating pump. The U.S. concern Carrier Global now purchases the largest German heating pump manufacturer, Viessmann, for 12 billion dollars. And to whom does Carrier Global belong? 86 percent belongs to institutional investors, that means the U.S. finance industry, namely Blackrock – Herr Merz is here –

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): BlackRock, there where Merz hangs out.

Vanguard Group, Capital Group.

At the moment in which Habeck and the Graichen clan compel Germans to the purchase of heating pumps, the global finance industry takes over the German heating pump production. There are coincidences in this country! Unbelievable!

Thanks to Green climate policy, a gold-digger mood rules there. 75 billion euros, so much must the Germans raise for the heating pumps. And BlackRock, Vanguard and Capital Group inherit the Earth [verdienen sich dumm und dämlich].

Ladies and gentlemen, the Greens are the political arm of these global financial interests and the Graichen clan is the hand which writes the laws required for that.

            Till Steffen (Greens): Oijoijoi!

Your climate policy makes the global super-rich still much richer while the normal Germans lose the proverbial roof over their head. Your climate policy is nothing other than the ultimate attack on the entire wealth of the German people. I can assure you: We will not allow you to succeed with that.

Many thanks.

            Marie-Agnes Streck-Zimmermann (FDP): The troll has a face!

            Marcel Emmerich (Greens): A speech like a Facebook comment!


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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Gereon Bollmann, April 21, 2023, Vaccination Harms

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/98, p. 11809. 

Frau President. Dear colleagues. Ladies and gentlemen in the tribune. Good morning!

It composes 22 pages, the concluding report for the health effects of Corona on children and youth. One should thus actually expect a comprehensive and complete clarification. Yet to me appears noteworthy is not what the report describes but what it keeps quiet. One perhaps recalls the 17 year old gymnast who, after the second BioNTech shot, needed a year in hospital. Valued colleagues of the CSU, here it is about the well-known Markus Söder shots and about vaccination harm. The theme of vaccination harm simply imposes itself.

Yet if the reader now leafs through these 22 pages so as to learn what the Federal government plans to do to clarify and comprehend the vaccination harms in regards children and youth, what it plans so as to at least prevent in the future the current harms, what it plans so as to compensate children and youth for vaccination harm, one is left thus disillusioned as to what was actually expected of you. Since of that is found simply nothing.

Now then, dear colleagues, I for once explain to you. – Listen well! Clarification never harms! – The Paul Ehrlich Institute up to February of this year registered 3,227 suspected cases of serious vaccination harm for 12 to 17 year olds. Even this horrific number does not describe the true extent. The doctors indeed need to report vaccination harms. Yet for that a doctor requires more than 30 minutes and that is still without fee! A clear legislative failure – a rogue who thinks it evil [ein Schelm, wer Böses dabei denkt]. Professor Werner Bergholz – also known to you as an evaluator – has recently referred to the vaccination of 266 dead children in Europe and to over 15,000 serious side-effects. To be added of course is the large gray area.

A study published in the U.S.A. this year of 8,000 students from 12 years who received the second vaccination with the Pfizer preparation – I know that the numbers do not please you – yields for example a 17 percent indication of diverse kinds of heart damage; that is nearly every fifth child. With reference to the 12 to 17 year olds and their vaccination rate in Germany, this yields some 260,000 cases. That would be of the highest alarm – and the government turns away and even cloaks the shrill alarm clock with a mendacious concluding report.

Nein, it does not suffice, Herr Rix, that you have three times referred to the failures, to what has happened. These are no more than crocodile tears. We need clarification. Nothing is to be hushed up, hindrances to an understanding of vaccination harms must be removed, and the victims must be appropriately compensated. It’s bad enough that I here at all need to mention this.

            Leni Breymaier (SPD): You need not!

            Emilia Fester (Green): You could have spared yourself!


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Monday, April 24, 2023

Stephan Brandner, April 20, 2023, A Poor Man’s Joe Biden

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/97, pp. 11604-11605.

If Frau Klöckner has again calmed herself, I may begin.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The CDU installs its first investigating committee. What it now puts forward, after much tamtam and a conceited announcement, is beyond thin: Six and a half pages of which a page and a half are names. I need say to you: With a five page investigation motion, you fall short of us. You still need to learn opposition. We sit directly beside you. Simply call upon us and we may show you how it goes.

Nevertheless, one now wants to address oneself to the Chancellor’s false stories and/or increasing bouts of amnesia – it is, besides, a shame that he is not here; perhaps he has forgotten the date. That is in our view in order. This requires a clarification. Since who really wants to be governed by anyone who is either mysteriously forgetful or simply lies without blushing as he has already?

Ladies and gentlemen, the term of Rumscholzens is meanwhile firmly anchored in the German language usage. It stands for careful and long-term planning and to announce a policy; and yet then to do the opposite: For dodging, for laughing it away, for laughing off the citizens,

            Johannes Schraps (SPD): We have made it clear in the government                                     declaration. That it is nonsense what you are telling here! That is rubbish!

for non-reaction, and for recourse to memory loss – like a poor man’s Joe Biden. We are in Germany.

How can such a man, how can such a person at all govern Germany – a country that slides and is steered from one crisis to another? How can such a man stand at the top of our government? The Cicero  newspaper has the answer in the form of a question and which reads: How could anyone “with so little standing” [„mit so wenig Anstand“]  and talent arrive at the office of the Federal Chancellor?

I reveal it to you. It is, for one, his Scholzo-mat aura, for another, his competitors were certainly beyond pale. Frau Merkel did not want or should no longer be Chancellor candidate, Laschet on the sidelines laughed in the face of the Nordrhein-Westfalen flood catastrophe, Söder entangled himself in intrigues from which he did not extricate himself.

Today’s opposition leader Herr Merz – he sits here – is, with his BlackRock entanglement, scarcely acceptable as Federal Chancellor. BlackRock – one needs know; Herr Merz knows it, he even laughs – is an investment group with administered assets of 10 trillion euros, two and a half times as much as Germany generates in gross domestic product. Herr Merz, that allows to expect nothing good from a person who thereupon shall assume influence on German policy. And Wolfgang Schäuble, with the money bag and the 100,000 mark donations, the circumstance of which was never clarified, is still remembered. Thus, here some brandish themselves as accusers who actually belong on the bench of the accused.  

Ladies and gentlemen, money bags, corruption – one thinks of the Corona profiteers and the mask dealers of the CDU and CSU – scandals wherever one looks. Herr Scholz, First Bürgermeister of Hamburg, who already in the year 2017 at the G-20 summit allowed his city to be laid in rubble and ash, hangs in the midst of this swamp.  

It is of course still more interesting that in this Warburg Bank swamp Mathias Döpfner also now emerges. He is the head of Springer who gladly insulted we east Germans as low-grade fascists and communists and whom the FDP and Herr Kubicki praised to the heavens in his press organs. And Herr Döpfner has received 60 million euros from the Warburg Bank. I am anxious that everything here may appear.

Ladies and gentlemen, a clarification is required, yet we have in Germany essentially greater problems. We have significant harm as a result of the Afghanistan disaster with many dead, as a result of the Corona disaster with costs in the hundreds of billions, the Nord Stream explosion, this unlimited immigration, the exploding criminality,

            Maximilian Mordhorst (FDP): Mein Gott!

tens of billions in costs for the immigration, the Treuhand disaster and the disaster of the Merkel regime. These problems in addition require clarification.

All of this you of course do not want. You all are stuck in the mud. You want to hush it up. You now throw yourselves at Herr Merz and the Warburg Bank. Have fun. We are nevertheless –

            Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Herr Brandner.

yet think that much greater efforts are required to again bring Germany onto the right path.

Many thanks.

            Bruno Hönel (Greens): You have said nothing at all on the motion!

            Markus Herbrand (FDP): Not a word on the motion! Laschet is laughing.


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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Alice Weidel, April 14, 2023, Atomic Energy

AfD Kompakt, April 14, 2023.

The Federal government needs to stop the impending withdrawal from atomic energy. And listen to its own citizens. According to a current survey, 65 percent of those questioned want to let the atomic power plants continue to run. The ideological state of madness is against every economic and political understanding and against the will of a majority of German citizens. The operational time of the remaining, active nuclear power plants in Germany needs to be regulated according to the technical usage duration and economic criteria. We reject a disconnection on other grounds. German nuclear power plants belong to the world’s most secure. The AfD demands the re-establishment of nuclear research centers and a comprehensive participation in international nuclear research projects for the safeguarding of the required knowledge for the operation and construction of nuclear reactors as well as for research of progressive reactor concepts of Generation III+ and IV, as also for molten salt reactors. The AfD is for the new establishment of secure nuclear power plants so as to avoid energy scarcity for the industrial site Germany and its citizens.  


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