Thursday, December 2, 2021

Rolf Weigand, November 18, 2021, School Teachers in Saxony

Saxon Landtag, Plenarprotokoll 7/38, pp. 2914-2915.

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

Frau Friedel, you have said it was a failure to make the false prognoses of ten years ago. I think certainly a gigantic failure was made in the rural districts, because the numbers of the births were other than as you have said. The numbers of births were then already high. It actually would have need be seen if the numbers of those born in the years before 2010 had been looked at. What has been done? – The Oberschulen have been extensively closed.

In rural areas, the Oberschulen were often converted to Grundschulen, so that now the re-activation which we actually require is difficult because we have high numbers of students. We want to make it attractive for young families to come to the rural areas in which we may say to them: Here, there are also Oberschulen. Here, it continues after the Grundschule. – This has been forbidden to us. This has been a great failure of the CDU.

Certainly, you have said something on the student prognoses; it is agreed that we will have in the coming years more students in Saxony. The colleague Romy Penz will go into the area of vocational schools [Berufschulen].

Yet let us remain with the general purpose schools: Those which place challenges before us. We then require more teachers because there are more students. Let us look at the age profile of the teachers: In the next ten to 15 years, 50% of the teachers are to be pensioned. We will then not only need to hire new teachers so as to cover the needs of the new numbers of students, but we will need to hire more teachers so as to at all be able to provide schools in Saxony.  

In the Grundschulen, 47% of the teachers are in the age range so that they are to be pensioned in the next ten to 15 years. In the Oberschulen, it is even 60%. This will become a gigantic problem. We now already have Oberschulen as in Cossebaude in which for example in this school year 39% of the biology instruction has been omitted. It can well and readily be said: The students need not give any thought to a social sex because they do not at all know what a biological sex is, ladies and gentlemen.

The great challenge which we have – which you have said – is: We here need to retain the teachers. Where lie the present problems? A large portion of the teachers who we train in Leipzig and Dresden want to remain in Leipzig and Dresden. 70% of the teachers in Saxony state: I want to be assigned to Leipzig or Dresden. – We need to get there. We need finally to train in the fields, not only in drips and drabs but we need to do it big, and we need to do it in the training. The study places in recent years were increased from 2,400 to 2,800. Yet not only more quantity is required; since if still 40% of the students discontinue their study, that is too many. Already in 2019, we demanded that aptitude tests be implemented for the course, as there in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – besides, under a red government. If you introduce this also in Saxony, then we will in fact find more teachers. Or, so as to say it with an old slogan from Freiberg: “Class instead of mass”.  

If one looks at the Oberschulen in Saxony, we now already have 200 unfilled positions there. If  one looks at the State Office for Schools and Education, there are 450 teachers employed full-time. It should thereon be reconsidered in the transition phase to order one or another from the School Office out again into the country, or to simply say: Raus, out of the warm School Office, to where thou art needed; namely, in the schools so as to compensate for the omitted instruction!

For us, an additional matter is important: To strengthen the authority of the teachers. We increasingly have more helicopter parents or complainant parents who, when a teacher acts effectively, immediately call the School Office and say: That is unjustified, what is done with the student.

Of the 31,000 teachers in Saxony, 40% are employed part-time. Stand up more strongly for your teachers and end the inclusion without conditions. That certainly in the Oberschulen is a gigantic problem as to why teachers do not go there. In the special needs schools [Förderschulen], we now already have 220 unfilled, full-time positions. Yet we have at the same time ordered 100 teachers to other schools, to Grundschulen, Oberschulen and Gymnasium. Back that up a bit; then we would thereby manage to strengthen the special needs schools.

A last point into which I want to go in the first round is the introduction of a country teacher quota, analogous to the country doctor quota, so that we make study places available for the teachers, especially in the area of special pedagogy for the special needs schools. Teachers will there be needed in Saxony. We ourselves will therefore submit a motion of our own for a country teacher quota.

Of how we in the future manage to obtain young people again in the rural areas so that there the loss of student numbers does not occur, I may speak to you in the third round.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]








Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Stephan Brandner, November 30, 2021, Constitutional Court and Corona

AfD Kompakt, November 30, 2021.

Arbitrarily laid down incidences, which are based on tests prone to failure, will be used not only to restrict nearly all the basic rights but to completely hollow out their substance. Thereby will be readied the way for a political further so: Compulsory preventive measures, isolation of the healthy, closing of entire branches.

The Basic Law is no longer worth the paper upon which it is written. Yet what should one otherwise expect of a Federal Constitutional Court which is closely bound with the government, of which the entire membership meets to dine with the Chancellor and there to listen to proposals from the ministers? A court the president of which is a close party friend of Merkel, who was a high functionary of the Chancellor’s party, and already months ago publicly expressed himself as being in favor of the Corona policy?

Considering these presuppositions, no one ought be surprised that no serious legal examination but the jurisprudence of the bailiff was to be expected.


[trans: tem]




Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Alice Weidel, November 29, 2021, Inflation

AfD Kompakt, November 29, 2021.

A rising inflation, in combination with manipulated zero and negative interest rates, is the most intense and most unsozial form of indirect forced taxation. Those of low income, normal citizens and the middle class will be hardest hit by increasing consumer prices and will as a rule be driven into states of impoverishment.

The assertions, repeated like a prayer wheel from ECB milieu that the price increases deal only with passing appearances, are an impudent maneuver of concealment to divert from the real responsibilities. Prime mover of the inflation is the central bank’s persistent money glut. The increase by leaps and bounds of producer prices is an additional indication that the inflation spiral is just beginning.

The panicked and repressive Corona policy, and the policy of persistently high taxes as well as the politically willed increase of energy and fuel prices, intensify the crisis and are pure poison for the economy and the middle class. Both mis-developments need be stopped without delay so as to spare our country a severe and lengthy recession with all of its destructive social consequences.


[trans: tem]