Thursday, November 11, 2021

Jörg Meuthen, November 10, 2021, Poland and Migrants

AfD Kompakt, November 10, 2021.

  1. The German government and the European Union should immediately accommodate every assistance desired by our Polish friends. To that could pertain financial support for the erection of effective border fortification [Grenzbefestigung] or, if the occasion arises, logistics support desired by the Polish government.
  1. To the migrants’ countries of origin is to be immediately sent a clear and unmistakable message: Here, there is no thoroughfare! Not a single migrant who gets on a flight to Minsk will in this way be admitted to the EU. The times of an unreflective welcome culture are definitely over.
  1. A short-term humanitarian solution must be found for the migrants who presently find themselves on the Polish-Byelorussian border so as to save them from freezing in the approaching winter. A possible solution may therein consist, in agreement with the government in Kiev, of opening a corridor for the reception of the migrants in the Ukraine. For such a humanitarian service, the Ukraine would be financially and logistically supported by the European Union.



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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Tino Chrupalla, November 8, 2021, Merkel and Migration

AfD Kompakt, November 8, 2021.

Merkel’s unreal statement is a mockery of all people who in the past months and years have become victims of assaults by migrants who arrived in the country by means of Merkel’s irresponsible policy of open borders.

Just on the weekend, the terrifying knife attack of a Syrian in an inter-city express and the attack of a man on a ten year old boy have shown that the migration policy vindicated by Merkel ever more becomes a risk for security in our country. Here, the failure of the state, which has to defend the right of its citizens to security, becomes evident.

And in other fields the failed migration policy permanently burdens social life, as the now made known numbers of the BKA [Federal Criminal Office] make clear, according to which the portion of foreigners in organized crime has within one year nearly doubled. When the Chancellor still in office, in view of this sad balance with regard to the consequences of 2015, nevertheless says, “We have done it” [wir haben das geschafft”], the question arises: Which purpose did she pursue with her migration policy?

The AfD Bundestag delegation will continue to insist upon finally and effectively limiting immigration to Germany. For that, we require an efficacious deportation policy so as to end in Germany the meanwhile de facto prevailing “right to remain for all”.


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Monday, November 8, 2021

Tino Chrupalla, November 5, 2021, Coal

AfD Kompakt, November 5, 2021.

The plans to move up the withdrawal from coal by about 8 years to 2030 are entirely irresponsible. In terms of energy and economic policy, they send a fatal signal and once again shake the citizens’ trust in the accountability and reliability of politics in Germany. Even a coal withdrawal in the year 2038 would be for the affected regions, yet also for the supply security in Germany, a catastrophe. Moreover, as a result of the withdrawal from coal-fired electricity generation, there threatens a further increase in German electricity prices. The in any case planned elimination of the EEG assessment by the traffic light coalition is, against this background, nothing more than a drop of water on the hot plate.

Instead of going ever more rapidly ahead on the fatal German Sonderweg, the energy policy’s political responsibilities need finally again be put on a reasonable basis. Not unrealistic climate goals, but the justified interests of our country and its citizens need to thereby stand at the center. Instead of moving up the coal withdrawal, in view of the drastically climbing energy prices, the originally agreed upon periods of time need again apply. At the same time need be immediately created the prerequisites for a continued operation of the German nuclear power plants.


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