Showing posts with label Political Theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Political Theory. Show all posts

Monday, June 12, 2023

Jochen Haug, May 25, 2023, EU Election Law


German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/106, pp. 12811-12812.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The EU Parliament’s proposal debated today for a change of the EU election law is an attack on the national states of Europe. The planned changes are alien to the citizens and fundamentally undemocratic.

Of this are first of all the trans-national lists which certainly have been often spoken of. The EU parliament shall be further enlarged, initially by 28 seats. These shall then be filled by the  European parties instead of by the national lists of the recognized parties. This is a particular act of alienation of the citizens. The European parties are largely unknown in Germany and in other member states. Their positions on concrete political questions are unknown. The citizen shall vote for persons whom he does not know and of whom he in many cases simply cannot inform himself; since there is no EU-wide media public. Information is here not routinely available in each man’s mother tongue. Yet that fits the picture. You want uninformed voters who simply nod to your personnel and positions. You want an EU central state with politicians who owe accountability to no one. Transnational lists are in this way a momentous step which we of the AfD oppose.

            Christian Petry (SPD): What nonsense!

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Super speech! Listen to what you can learn!

            Jörg Nürnberger (SPD): No idea of Europe!

No less do we oppose the attempt to introduce compulsory gender quotas for election lists. The EU Parliament’s proposal foresees precisely this in the form of a zipper procedure [Reissvershclussverfahren]. That means that men and women are to be alternatively installed. This is obviously unconstitutional. The Constitutional Courts in Brandenburg and Thüringen have already decided corresponding regulations. Among others, here is put forward a violation of the fundamental principles of the freedom and equality of the vote.

            Götz Frömming (AfD): The SPD is not interested.

To what unbelievable bleeding such gender quotas can lead may be observed in regards, among others, the Greens of NRW [Nordrhein-Westfalen] who in their statutes have consequently further developed the zipper procedure and call it a “minimum quota”.

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): And now?

I cite with permission of the President from §1 of the Women’s Status of the NRW Greens:         

Election lists fundamentally are to be filled by at least half women whereby the odd places are reserved for women. The election procedures are to be so arranged that, separated, positions for women and positions for all candidates will be elected. All women lists are possible.

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Well cited!

This needs to be looked at clearly: With the Greens, for odd places may only women be candidates, for the even, everyone.

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): With you, even fascists can be candidates!

If this should be democratic, then democracy in our country is truly at an end.

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Discrimination against men!

Not least is there today a restrictive clause in regards the suffrage for the European election. What you here propose – the introduction of a two percent hurdle – is a shameless circumvention of the legal ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court. This had twice, in 2011 and 2014, declared restrictive clauses for the European election to be unconstitutional. Now shall one such be introduced by the avoidance of EU law. There is no sustainable foundation for it. It is solely about building up the large parties’ sinecures at the cost of the small parties. It is simply the arrogance of power.

In conclusion, we maintain: The plans of the EU election law reform are undemocratic and in part violate the German constitutional law. It remains to hope – it was certainly already pointed out – that across Europe considerable resistance arises against it. It remains to hope that it never becomes reality.

Thank you.

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Very good speech! 


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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Gunnar Beck, May 9, 2023, Scholz in Brussels

AfD Kompakt, May 9, 2023.

Who like Germany suffers from helper’s syndrome can accept no leadership role in Europe and overtake responsibility for the the future of the continent. Chancellor Scholz’s demand in his speech is amiss.

Germany in the past has in regards migration, the euro and now the Ukraine often sought to help other countries and to find solutions for their problems without thereby sufficiently taking into consideration its own interests. It has thereby neglected its own needs and harmed itself. This relationship is not only detrimental for Germany itself but also for Europe as a whole.

It is time that Germany freed itself from this helper’s syndrome and concentrated itself on its own interests and needs. Only so can it in the long-term contribute to Europe’s welfare. That would be an authentic day of liberation for Germany and a day of celebration for Europe.

I therefore demand of the German government to pursue a new policy which is based on a realistic valuation of its own interests and needs. Only so can Germany, conscious of its responsibility, play a constructive role in Europe.


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Monday, May 1, 2023

Beatrix von Storch, April 26, 2023, Greens and Billionaires

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/99, pp. 11915-11916.

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The House of Habeck’s nepotism has now finally reached the mainstream press and is a theme. What still is no theme: The financial investors and billionaires linked to the nepotism in the House of Habeck and who get still more money –  billions.

            Marcel Emmerich (Greens): What is it then with the billionaires behind you?

It is about the business with the heating pumps and ultimately about the entire German private real estate assets. And precisely that let us now look at for once.

All in the House of Habeck turns around the State Secretary Patrick Graichen, brother Jacob, sister Verena and Michael Kellner, her husband and Parliamentary State Secretary. We have heard it. A terribly nice family. The think tank Agora Energiewende and the Öko-Institut together published a paper: “Breakthrough for the Heating Pump”. We have heard it. In the Öko-Institut sit Jacob and Verena Graichen and at the Agora sat brother Patrick for seven years as managing director before Habeck made him State Secretary. But he not only made him State Secretary, he now transfers their paper, one for one: “Breakthrough for the Heating Pump”.  

So, now let us look at: Who stands behind the Agora and the Graichens? Who directs them? An intricate system of nested foundations disguises precisely that. The Agora Energiewende is financed by the European Climate Foundation fund. This is financed by the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation and which is in turn is financed by the British billionaire Christopher Hohn. Hohn earns two million euros – per day – and

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): Oh! Yet that is in order!

is the principal money donor of the climate extremists Extinction Rebellion.

He thus distributes his money for the climate agenda. Yet really exciting is the question: How does he earn his money? I cite from the self-description of the Fund: The Fund is centered on the donations from mortgage companies and real estate companies in the major cities of North America and Europe. There where his climate agenda especially spins, there the financier of the climate agenda earns his money with mortgages and real estate. That is the crux of the matter.

            Carolin Bachmann (AfD): What the Greens have quietly become!

To where lead Habeck’s heating law and the Graichen clan? Homeowners need to take out mortgages so as to pay for the heating pumps. And if they are not able to do so, then they need to sell their real estate. And see there: There stands ready Hohn’s hedge fund and buys up the real estate. What a coincidence!

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): That is just rubbish! Such nonsense!

You can now say: Herr Hohn is nevertheless not the only one who stands behind the Agora. That’s right. There is still the Mercator Foundation with the Metro billionaires, and through the European Climate Foundation flows the means of the Canadian billionaire John MacBain, like Hohn a member of Bill Gates’s billionaires club, “The Giving Pledge”. As soon as you scratch the Green veneer: Billionaires, billionaires, billionaires.

Real estate is one side of the coin. The other side is the business with the heating pump. The U.S. concern Carrier Global now purchases the largest German heating pump manufacturer, Viessmann, for 12 billion dollars. And to whom does Carrier Global belong? 86 percent belongs to institutional investors, that means the U.S. finance industry, namely Blackrock – Herr Merz is here –

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): BlackRock, there where Merz hangs out.

Vanguard Group, Capital Group.

At the moment in which Habeck and the Graichen clan compel Germans to the purchase of heating pumps, the global finance industry takes over the German heating pump production. There are coincidences in this country! Unbelievable!

Thanks to Green climate policy, a gold-digger mood rules there. 75 billion euros, so much must the Germans raise for the heating pumps. And BlackRock, Vanguard and Capital Group inherit the Earth [verdienen sich dumm und dämlich].

Ladies and gentlemen, the Greens are the political arm of these global financial interests and the Graichen clan is the hand which writes the laws required for that.

            Till Steffen (Greens): Oijoijoi!

Your climate policy makes the global super-rich still much richer while the normal Germans lose the proverbial roof over their head. Your climate policy is nothing other than the ultimate attack on the entire wealth of the German people. I can assure you: We will not allow you to succeed with that.

Many thanks.

            Marie-Agnes Streck-Zimmermann (FDP): The troll has a face!

            Marcel Emmerich (Greens): A speech like a Facebook comment!


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