Showing posts with label Political Theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Political Theory. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tino Chrupalla, September 11, 2024, Government without a People

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/184, pp. 23875-23876. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. 

75 years Basic Law, 75 years German Bundestag – with the attempt of a celebration yesterday – and 75 years Federal Republic of Germany. The year of jubilees following the straining, successful years of construction in west and in east, after years of Cold War, the east-west conflict – and now 35 years after the fall of the Wall, the Ampel Federal government fights only for the hold on power, we again have war in Europe, and the people’s trust in the political leadership sinks incessantly. You can now again say: The AfD only pushes doom-saying and has no concept. – With that however, you would fall short of the necessary self-criticism. For I want to yet again state one thing: For the desolate situation in Germany, you alone on the government bench bear the responsibility. 

For a re-appraisal of the election results, let us take a look at the east of the Republic. In the 35th year after the fall of the Wall, the  portion of the eastern Germans amounts to 19 percent, and the portion of eastern Germans in top positions in business, administration, science and media is presently at 1.7 percent. The economic situation still differs immensely, as well in regards to  pensions and incomes – and for women and men – as in regards investments in the economic area. That the lives of eastern Germans differ from those in the west, we know. Therefore has this Federal government again called upon an eastern commissioner, Herr Schneider. And here I ask myself, Herr Schneider – in this debate, it’s certainly about eastern Germany: What actually do you contribute to this debate? The citizens in the east are continually denigrated, tutored and not taken seriously. Herr Merz thinks more needs be explained in the east than in the west, and he gladly does this. Frau Esken does that every day on the television. You treat the people in the east like difficult to teach citizens, and actually understand nothing. 

The elections in the east thus have shown – and this you really should take seriously – eastern Germany is the thermometer of the Federal Republic. The denigration besides is related to the Green system. Massively punished by the voters in eastern Germany, you overtook not the least responsibility, but denigrate the opposition. Proposals even so as persons and parties are defamed and placed in the extremist corner. You also denigrate the voters and sympathizers. You thereby damage democracy. 

You no longer at all want to take up with or win over the people. What then are your goals? For you, what actually should Germany be in 10, 20 or 50 years? The current legislature still has exactly twelve months. Three-quarters of your time you have consumed so to drive our country into the wall and de-industrialize it with your mal-economic climate change policy. Your overflowing ideology intervenes in everyone’s private sphere, even when it is certainly not wanted. Your policy wants that we should all bathe less, heat less, eat less meat and drive less with combustion autos. 

            Anja Reinalter (Green): Perhaps more education!

You want to regulate with whom we meet – see the Corona times – and what we think. And when we do not obey, we are divided into good and evil. 

Your concept for the budget deficit is non-existent. Despite that, non-work and feedings will be ramped up. I ask myself: Why actually should the citizens still pay for all that? Moreover arrives a zero growth economy and special debts – in regards, named by you, “special assets” – inflation, price increases for consumer goods and for energy; end consumer prices decrease, if at all, slowly. The citizens are bound by contracts, and need for long to bear the high costs. Not to forget: There is an energy deficit as a result of a deficient supply of nuclear energy and advantageous gas from Russia. 

The infrastructure is exhausted for transportation – we’ve seen it early today in Dresden where bridges collapse – for education, for example in regards the lack of teachers, or for the healthcare system. The hospital reform shall be brought underway with all ministerial power, and be borne on the backs of the citizens, the contribution payers. Doctors continue to be missing. Contributions to the statutory sickness insurance, and also the added costs of wages, continue to rise incessantly. 

Lamya Kaddor (Green): Ask yourself why doctors are missing!

The reappraisal of the Corona time is for long not at all pursued; and, if so, then insufficiently. All of that is unacceptable. On the other hand, only our delegation and party concerns itself across parliaments. 

And I ask again: When finally will an audit be made? Since the beginning of this legislature, I remind for examination how much money we actually, concretely make available for which expenditures. Since we definitely have sufficient state income. Let us look at the numbers: In the year 2014, thus just ten years ago, tax income contributed 296 billion euros to state income. Just ten years later, we are meanwhile at 489 billion euros of state income. And nevertheless the money does not suffice: We nevertheless need to take up 50 billion euros in new debt, at the cost of our children and grandchildren. That is an absolutely irresponsible policy of this Ampel government. 

In addition to that, since 2015 around 300,000 people – good, well-educated skilled labor, Germans – have left our country; Herr Merz has correctly addressed it, he has nevertheless scarcely described the causes. Those are meanwhile almost three million people who in the last nearly ten years have gone. In this time, the CDU and CSU besides also governed. Immigration can never compensate for that. 

In addition, the costs for the state and taxpayer are higher when the immigrant persons initially need to be educated in language, culture and expertise. Primarily, I ask: By whom then? A successful and for both sides well done migration is of course not in the interest of the Ampel government. Your hyper-morality and your values compass have led you completely into error. Go into the States, simply speak with your party friends at the basis. Form a comprehensive opinion, and finally correct the expensive failures of your policy. 

It’s about Germany, our Heimat, and our citizens. We pursue a goal-directed immigration, but no immigration into the social system. The presently active, arbitrary and purposeless policy has not helped the German economy. On the contrary: You have even set and raised false expectations. 

Yet even to the people who come to Germany, the real skilled labor, you offer no perspective at all. In that regard, we certainly do not speak of asylum themes. Your policy enjoins violence and death. You have managed that migration not only has become the theme of the summer of 2024; much more, migration is connected with nearly all political fields: Domestic security and foreign policy, diplomatic relations, labor and social policy, economic and financial policy, etc. etc. 

In all named political fields, you can show since 2021 as good as nothing, no success. Germany and thereby the German Bundestag are after three years of Ampel government ridiculed in foreign countries, and in the country treated by our own people with more than great doubts. You are a government without a people. 

Nevertheless, humility and insight belong exactly as little to the great ones of this Federal government as does the honest dealing with Germany’s difficult situation. From economic leaders, Herr Habeck has made us into economic losers. Your attempts at policy have failed, Herr Habeck. The businesses run away and close the plants in Germany. 

You have overburdened this country, the businesses and the tradesmen. Obvious losses you take without further ado. Obvious gaps will be stopped up and plastered over with tax money, subventions, special debts. You and your policy offer the citizens in Germany no perspective. We require a conscientious dealing with all resources, with the people even so as with Nature. Your absolute and narrow-minded approaches and bans split the society, drive the citizens (those who can afford it) out of the country, and thereby destroy the social peace in your own country. 

It is the same with the Ukraine theme: Weapons deliveries, construction assistance, and no investments in a rapid end of the war, further escalation and a rhetorical fight for war and against peace. I therefore say to you: Continue to do it exactly so. Try to continue so indecently to hold fast to your power, and defame the opposition. Continue to play the master teacher, and denigrate the citizens in the east. Your credibility will further dwindle, day by day. You thus simulate policy for its own sake and against the citizens’ interests. We want in common to make policy for the citizens at home and for Germany’s interests. For we, the AfD, are the future. 

Many thanks. 


[trans: tem]

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Alice Weidel, September 11, 2024, Economy, Immigration, Democracy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/184, pp. 23858-23861. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Herr Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Almost three weeks have passed by since the horrific, terrorist knife attack by a rejected Syrian asylum applicant in Solingen. Ten days have gone by in the country since the crushing election defeat in Saxony and Thüringen which has degraded your Chancellor party to a splinter party. 

You still want to make believe that the voters run away from you in droves because you did not well enough explain to them your policy. The opposite is the case: The citizens have quite sufficiently grasped that your policy means prosperity destruction, de-industrialization, mass migration, and loss of domestic security. You are the Chancellor of decline, Herr Scholz. 

For the erosion of Germany as an industrial nation also stands the decline of Volkswagen. For the ostensible climate protection, you destroy the German economy. Yet the Volkswagen disaster is only the tip of the iceberg. The statistics record 500,000, a half million unemployed since you overtook the government. That is a hundred thousand families, millions of people who need to fear for their future. 

It affects all branches, especially the automobile industry and all that depends on it. Supplier ZF eliminates up to 14,000 positions. At SAP, 10,000 jobs fall away, at Ford 4,600, at Bosch 3,760, at Bayer 3,200, at BASF 3,300, at Michelin 1,500, at Miele 1,300, at Continental 1,200. The most resonant names axe workplaces in Germany and remove them to foreign countries because they are no longer competitive here. 

Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Which of those which you have counted up have been threatened by Herr Höcke?

The list becomes daily longer. Thyssenkrupp’s steel branch proves to be unmarketable because it is uneconomic, and stands before the downfall. 27,000 workplaces are in danger. The number of insolvencies in July reached a ten-year high, 40 percent more than in the previous year. A dramatic balance, and it is your balance, Herr Scholz. 

Your Heat Pump Minister Habeck, whom I miss here today – where actually is Minister Habeck at this debate? – 

            Saskia Esken (SPD): He has Corona!

– wants to compel the threatened private households to pay for the politically demanded demolition of perfectly functioning gas networks. 

The budget which you have put forward after many vain starts is as dilettante and cobbled together as your entire coalition government. You take from the citizens tax money and duties in record sums, and despite that nothing comes. You pile up mountains of debt and for you it does not suffice. To say it clearly: This budget is an insolence and a frivolity not to be surpassed. 

While you seek to soothe the citizens with alibi politics and migration summits, everyday ever more knife attacks and rapes by migrants occur. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): By rightist radicals, too!

You celebrate, shortly before the State legislative elections, an absurd luxury deportation of an entire 28 most serious Afghan criminals and on the way endow them with a princely pocket money of 1,000 euros. That is two years wages for an Afghan: 

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Unbelievable!

The pay for murder and rape and a further invitation for illegal migration. 

At the same time, The Federal Interior Ministry under Nancy Faeser finances a portal which in newspeak calls for tips and tricks against its own authority so as to elude deportations. This Federal government sabotages deportations in that, at the cost of the taxpayer, it allots residency permits for legal residence opportunities and creates additional legal assistance for those obliged to leave. The Solingen assailant could for months evade his return to Bulgaria because a Green Minister thwarted deportations and a CDU Minister-president indulged her. More than half the year, the taxpayer works for the state which entices illegal migrants into the country and robs the citizens of the security which it owes to them. 

The Solingen victims would still live and be uninjured, had those responsible acted according to law and statute. That is to say, first and foremost, not to just let illegal migrants into the country, but to close the borders and turn back everyone who wants to break into Germany without a legal claim and without papers – not temporarily, but forever! 

That is besides no option, that is a legal obligation which you have. Article 16A of the Basic Law clearly says: Those entering from secure third states have no claim to asylum. §18 of the asylum law states that the turning back of these illegals is not only permissible but ordered. No European legal obligations sets this regulation – 

Can you behind me speak a bit more softly? Yes, it does disturb. That, we do not do. 

            Dorothee Bär (CDI/CSU): How thin-skinned you are! 

            Ralf Stegner (SPD): You are screaming!

Thus: No European legal – 

With you, it’s the purest kindergarten, and the next election is coming! – 

For a third time, I begin so that you may know the law: No European legal regulation disempowers that. No sovereign state can be compelled to tolerate entries counter to its law and its intent. 

And then came a CDU Kanzlerin. This Kanzlerin nine years ago wiped away with a stroke of the pen this applicable law and established the rule of injustice which has ruined Germany. It is thus all scrap paper which the CDU tells you today, and Herr Merz will later tell. 

The CDU’s  Realpolitik we besides see in Berlin. Here, in CDU-governed Berlin, the number of naturalizations explodes. There are few rejections of those seeking naturalization: 60 percent more naturalizations in Berlin in the first eight months of this year than in the entire previous year. So looks the CDU policy! 

Mass migration and a migration policy renunciation of control have deadly consequences. We need the migration change, and indeed immediately! 

            Ralf Stegner (SPD): Yet you want deportations!

Non-Germans grab a knife six times more and commit sexual crimes seven times more than German citizens. Thus has the chief of the Federal Police, Romann, summarized the situation. 

Since 2017, as stated in the BKA numbers, more than 52,000 women are victims of a sexual crime by asylum migrants. The principal countries of origin: Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq. The numbers of gang rapes last year rose to 761, more than two of these horrific crimes every day. Of the 209 gang rapes in the State of Nordrhein-Westfalen are almost three-quarters of the suspects non-Germans or have a declared migration background. Around two-thirds of the suspects in criminal bands are non-Germans. What are you waiting for? Finally deport these criminals! 

Against exploding migrant criminality, only immediate, robust measures help: A strict moratorium for immigration, a stop of reception and naturalization of all migrants for at least five years and no naturalization of people who are dependent on our social system, a closure of the borders, a turning away of all illegals without exception, an immediate identification of all illegals and criminals, limitation of all financial, legal and social state incentives, benefits in kind instead of money, and finally the overhaul of the asylum law. That, a responsible, AfD-led government would do now. 

You all in the last years have driven forward the migration policy failures of the state. Still more: You have stamped out the way of reason and instead divided society. You have systematically defamed critics and, with noxious comparisons and wicked scatological and Nazi language, dehumanized and set the secret service on them. Herr Hofreiter of the Greens, with his demand to ban the platform X, has shown the hateful grimace of the totalitarian malignant spirit which you command. 

That is also to say: You hold freedom of opinion to be more dangerous than the boundless import of murderers and terrorists. Instead of seeking in fair arenas the best solution, 

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Fair? That doesn’t go together with the AfD!

you rob the opposition of important parliamentary rights. To this day, you deny to us due positions in the Bundestag praesidium, in decisive bodies, in the committees. You thereby rob six million voters of their full parliamentary representation. You are those who truly scorn democracy and the state of law. 

With threadbare manipulations, your comrades in Saxony and Thüringen want to continue this election fraud and, with all means, keep the power, to which a third of the voters have given a quite clear mandate, away from the government and its rights. Your democratic middle, which you constructed for that, is as democratic as the middle D in the DDR. In the election campaign, the CDU copied from the AfD, yet rejected all of our motions – comical – and after the election they close ranks with the leftist unity front. 

Yet that changes nothing of our resolution, in the interest of our country, to put a stop to this grotesquerie, and at the latest in the next election period which hopefully does not just begin in a year. 

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Where? In Switzerland or here?

Since Germany can no longer wait so long for reforms, and so long may our country no longer endure it [und so hält das unser Land auch nicht mehr aus]. Who wants authentic change and reforms, votes for the Alternative für Deutschland. 

I am grateful. 


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Monday, July 15, 2024

Peter Felser, June 28, 2024, Farm Policy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/179, pp. 23306-23307. 

Right honorable Frau President. Herr Minister. Ladies and gentlemen. Dear guests. 

With the massive elimination of half a billion euros per year for farm diesel, the Ampel unleashed the greatest farmers protests ever since the Peasants Wars of the 16th Century in Germany. 

            Karmaba Diaby (SPD):  Mein Gott! 

Maximilian Mordhorst (FDP): I would say, since 2019! Yet each has his version of history!

Because you wanted to remove pressure, you promised the German agriculture: At latest by the summer pause, there shall be more planning security, there shall be more relief. You wanted to thereby compensate for the tax hike on farm diesel. 

Since then however, as good as nothing has happened. Quite the opposite: You meanwhile have burdened the agriculture with even more bureaucracy; for example, with the obligatory material flow balance [Stoffstrombilanz] for fertilizer. And then we need learn on Tuesday from the farm press that the Ampel has now put forward a so-called farm package. At lightning speed, this shall now be bludgeoned through the German Bundestag. In three days, on Monday, we shall hear the experts – if they come in at all. Two days later, it shall be in committee and then next Friday, presumably in the last minutes before the summer pause, it shall be decided. 

I truly ask myself: Have you then learned simply nothing from the chaos in regards the heating law? The Federal Constitutional Court expressly wrote to you in the album: You need to give parliament sufficient time so that we can thoroughly occupy ourselves with legal initiatives. Of that, there can be no talk here. Dear colleagues, allow me in this place to clearly emphasize: It thus definitely does not go. That is a trivialization of parliament. If you can’t do it professionally, then at least leave out these conjuring tricks. That is unheard of. 

And what is in the farm package – as opposed to what you now have spoken of? As expected, it falls completely short of the promises of January. You appear to have understood not at all the seriousness of the situation  in agriculture. Where is the reliable financing for animal husbandry? Where are the measures for affordable land prices? Where are the measures for affordable working capital? Where is the tax moratorium? This, what you propose to us here, is nothing more than a farm small parcel. This does not nearly compensate the massive costs of the tax hike on farm diesel. The president of the German farmers union therefore rightly accuses you of a loss of reality. 

Dear colleagues, I say to you what would be the most effective relief measure for the German agriculture: 

            Maximilian Mordhorst (FDP): Bad results for the AfD!

The immediate resignation of the Ampel government. Finally make free the way to new elections! 

I thank you.

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Malte Kaufmann, June 26, 2024, Eco-socialism

AfD Kompakt, June 26, 2024. 

The mood in the German economy is long since desolate. The situation becomes further critical. The energy costs are much too high, the bureaucracy insanity is no longer to be endured. Who does not flee to a foreign country, needs in Germany to either struggle for survival or close the business. The overall conditions are no longer suitable; they were for years consistently run down.   

I do not believe that a call to reason by Economy Minister Habeck could in any way suffice and put in motion a turnaround. He has much too far set out on his wrong way and thereby fantasizes of beautiful numbers far from reality. In the view of the AfD delegation, Germany urgently needs to forsake the path of the destructive eco-socialist transformation, and for that requires a capable Economy Minister. The free market economy alone creates the correct overall conditions for business, secures workplaces and increases prosperity. Habeck’s eco-socialism destroys them – we will rebuild them. 


[trans: tem]

Monday, June 3, 2024

Martin Sichert, May 16, 2024, WHO Pandemic Treaty

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/169, pp. 21744-21745. 

Valued Praesidium. Ladies and gentlemen.

 “Bill Gates decides what is healthy”. Thus the Southwest Radio in 2019 captioned the WHO [World Health Organization]. Eighty percent of the WHO’s means comes from donations. The biggest donor is Bill Gates who also acquires distinct influence on the decisions. 

Yet not only the influence of lobbyists is a problem. For China also, the WHO has a quite special affinity.

             Johannes Fechner (SPD): You’re in good company, there.

China deserves the world’s thanks and respect for its conduct in the Corona time, says the WHO general-secretary Tedros. China, which brought Corona into the world, which forbade people access to their own dwellings, which from the beginning systematically mis-used Corona 

            Tina Rudolph (SPD): From China, you get your money!

to re-educate its own people. China wants to be a model for the WHO – or also for you, as you here demonstrate in interruptions; but as a free democrat, I defend myself against Mao’s spiritual descendants deciding over German policy. 

With the pandemic treaty shall be created international, unified procedural means during, following and primarily between pandemics. Thus essentially always. Against this is Article 20 of the Basic Law: “All state power proceeds from the people.” Not China, not Bill Gates, not Tedros, are to decide on Germany’s policy, 

            Johannes Wagner (Greens): What are you really saying here? Such rubbish!

but solely and alone the German people. 

Essential components of the planned WHO agreement are control of information and surveillance. Similarly, two basic rights are opposed to this: Article 3: “No one may be disadvantaged on account…of his political views.” Article 5: : “Each has the right… to freely express his opinion…A censorship may not occur.” Who loves freedom of opinion, needs to vote against the pandemic treaty. 

What’s more, the WHO wants to establish international digital evidence in healthcare. That is a massive intrusion in the basic right of informational self-determination which we decisively reject. Briefly stated, in regards the pandemic treaty, it’s about that sovereignty will be surrendered, freedom of opinion curtailed, and the transparent citizen [gläserne Bürger] established. 

            Johannes Wagner (Greens): That’s not right.

That is a storm assault on the free, democratic basic order which every informed member needs to oppose. 

Where is the Bundestag’s commanding war-monger, the howitzer of the FDP, the self-named “Grandma Courage”? Where is Frau Strack-Zimmermann when it’s a matter of defending against a real attack on the free, democratic basic order? 

Johannes Wagner (Greens): “Where is Petr Bystron”, I ask you. Where is Herr Bystron? I thought he wanted to speak this morning! 

Here, it’s quite easy. Instead of positioning oneself against the pandemic treaty, the kids all over the country prefer to terrorize with their gruesome placards. 

You designate yourselves ever again as democratic parties. Today you can for once show how democratic you really are. Democracy is put together from the words “Demos”, the people, and “Kratos”, the rule. 

            Johannes Wagner (Greens): You are paid by China and Russia! 

Democracy is thus the rule of the people. Any conveyance of power to international organizations is hostile to democracy, because it disempowers one’s own people. 

            Dirk-Ulrich Mende (SPD): Such nonsense.

It is entirely enough that we here have politicians like Karl Lauterbach who in all seriousness planned to forbid access to business for those not vaccinated, and wanted to compel injections for people. In other countries, people with such criminal energies sit behind bars; for us, on the government bench. 

            Heike Baehrens (SPD): That is an atrocity.

The Federal government is burden enough for Germany. We also do not need a conveyance of political influence to a marionet in the grasp of lobbyists and autocratic regimes like the WHO.   

            Johannes Wagner (Greens): You are paid by autocrats!

We today make a vote by name so that each of you shows whether he is for the German people, for sovereignty, democracy, freedom and data protection, or is opposed. 

            Tina Rudolph (SPD): That is awful. 

You remember each year on July 20 one of the famous German Resistance fighters. Vote today in the sense of his last words: Es lebe das heilige Deutschland!” 

            Dirk-Ulrich Mende (SPD): That you are not ashamed!


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Monday, May 27, 2024

Tino Chrupalla, May 16, 2024, Political Violence and Social Division

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/169, 21767-21768. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen. 

The attacks on members and sympathizers of all parties have assumed frightful proportions. We comprehensively condemn this. They need to be clarified and perpetrators unreservedly punished. I hereby appeal directly to all parties of this house and beyond. We thereby make no distinction. 

Nevertheless, many of you now again make it simple for yourselves and play the extremism card, as we have plainly heard from the minister. Yet with precisely this, the citizens are, ja, well acquainted: Once again, the AfD or Putin is guilty. It is besides the members of my party against whom in 2023 the most crimes of violence by far were committed, namely 86, Herr Klingsbeil, 

            Daniel Baldy (SPD): From insects!

and here also is a singular case! That is a sorry record of violence against an opposition party which besides is not responsible for inflation, the increasing acts of violence, de-industrialization or the loss of prosperity. The responsibility lies with those who, quite open and uninhibited, carry the Antifa into parliament, or bellow in the streets with the Antifa, like the CDU’s Herr Wüst in front of the Brandenburg Gate. 

The dangers of a divided society have previously become manifest in Europe. An attack was earlier committed on Slovak Prime Minister Fico. The perpetrator shot him five times and inflicted life-threatening wounds on Fico. We most sharply condemn this attack and wish him a rapid recovery. The so far known reasons for the attack were indeed political. Unworthy in this regard again was the role of some, primarily the German media. Just yesterday stated – who else? – Der Spiegel that Robert Fico had poisoned the climate in his own country. 

            Gerold Otten (AfD): Perpetrator-victim reversal!

Where here then remains the human values? This reaction is irresponsible and absolutely sickening. 

The debate nevertheless needs to be conducted proportionately. We for example require no special statute for politicians. We are not the better ones. 

            Daniel Baldy (SPD): Above all, not you!

We require no two class society. The security situation in the country needs to be generally questioned. The mood in Germany is, ja, over-heated. And yes, we all bear responsibility for that. 

            Michael Brand (CDU/CSU-Fulda): You!

Primarily, the media has an accuracy obligation and bears responsibility. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): The media!

Since the Corona times at the latest Chancellors Merkel and Scholz and their ministers like Herr Lauterbach and also Herr Spahn have actively divided German society. All who questioned your so-called Corona preventive measures were insulted and stigmatized wholesale. Mask deals under the former Health Minster Spahn or business with vaccines by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen of the CDU, all were events which simply happened. And it goes further. Your Saxon SPD party friend Petra Köpping, as Social Minister in CDU Kretschmer’s cabinet in Saxony, in the midst of those difficult times, wanted to send citizens who did not voluntarily remain in quarantine – thus, cite: the unteachable – to psychiatric facilities. She even freed up capacity for that. 

            Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): Good that in Baden-Baden scarcely anyone heard                        of that!

To read out the names of those in this house who have actively pushed the partially unreflective and full of fear vaccination propaganda, for that, my speaking time simply does not suffice. Where remains the clarification, the reappraisal? All was put off or prevented. 

            Stefan Schmidt (Greens): Speak on the theme.

You exacted all of this from the citizens, the German people. Yet they will not forget. All of this has massively damaged the credibility of all politicians. And much worse: The trust in the state, in the state organizations and institutions, has been thereby permanently shaken. Precisely these are the causes of the division in our country. For that, you bear the principal responsibility, ladies and gentlemen. 

It also does not help when you pour out the cornucopia over the citizens. Bürgergeld and child support [Alimente] are definitely not a plan for a secure future, just now before the elections. Your plan to thereby purchase trust needs to be paid for by generations after you. You dismantle the German business venue [Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland] step by step, and want to create one special fund after the next. 

Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Of what are you actually speaking? It’s called “on previous theme”.

Instead of special debts, we require in this country finally investments in durable parameters like healthcare, education or communications infrastructure. Those are the expectations of which the businesses and citizens have of the state, ladies and gentlemen. 

What we today here have heard from Minister Paus: Who evaluates and classifies people and politicians in categories? Stop dividing and here in house distinguishing between democrats and the others. You of course thereby poison the climate ever further. Do you actually notice that? 

            Carlos Kasper (SPD): Do you still have courage for the truth?

We all of us recognize the free, democratic basic order, and are democratically 

            Kai Gehring (Greens): Gesichert rechtsextrem!

elected by the sovereign, the people. Finally tear down the walls in your heads and let us in common make policy for our citizens and Germany. 

That has Germany, that have our citizens deserved. 

Many thanks. 


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Monday, May 6, 2024

Harald Weyel, April 25, 2024, EU Opt-outs

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/166, pp. 21282-21283. 

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

It can naturally only be welcomed when, after a forced pause of almost half a century, Mitteleuropa again grows closer together. At the same time, we want to ask ourselves: What actually happened from 2004 to 2024, and why into this Mitteleuropa package, so to say, was also mixed Malta and Cyprus? In regards, Cyprus, it is certainly seen: That is an apple of discord. It is seen that the situation is in no case really pacified by the EU accession, but previously existing problems – fully financed – persist, perhaps even worsen, a solution set back at a far distance. That is also to be expected in regards an expansion by acceptance of additional countries in conflict. 

What has been experienced? In 2005, the EU referenda on the EU Constitution fell through in France and the Netherlands. Thus this inclination to a central state was similarly an addition. The accession countries could not unconditionally have its shelter because they of course had before them the EU of the 80s and 90s, and there was already enough to criticize. 

The constitution referenda failed. Nevertheless, in December 2009 further – in quotes – “improvement” was introduced with the Lisbon Treaty; namely, the assistance obligation of Article 42, paragraph 7, whereby each member has the obligation to do all in its extant power when another member is attacked. That in fact goes beyond the NATO assistance obligation of Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, in which mention is only made of doing all deemed necessary – thus ideally the provision of confetti for the victory parades which have been, ja, absent at all NATO undertakings in the last decades. 

            Christian Petry (SPD): That is sickening!

The economic and social effects have of course in part previously occurred; that is to say, investment flows by foreign investors, and by tourism and private investments. Primarily to be named is a pull of labor forces to the West, in part permanently. This labor migration is extensively replaced or supplemented by social migration to EU states, of which there is plainly more than at home. This is thus a rather negative development which is pursued or has been established. 

The EU monies which flowed in naturally have visible effects upon the infrastructure. And they were in part better invested than in the countries of the south. Thus, there, one sought to bestow superfluous golf courses and airports. It can be said that the new members invested better than many old members; in part, than many founding countries. I think of Italy. Nevertheless, these EU monies have harmed small business and especially small-scale agriculture, so far as it previously existed. 

And it is of course also to be observed that the thoroughly developed EU disease has spread to each new member country; namely, the politico-administrative complex has been fed – away from the productive economy, be it industry, be it commerce – into a party economy, to an over-dimensioned administration. All diseases of Brussels and the West were imported, have created a new class. That cannot really be seen as progress. 

Now these new member countries, especially those which have not yet accustomed themselves to all these abuses, can make a worthwhile contribution, exactly like the countries intent on acceptance; namely, an opt-out: An opt-out from the EU’s military adventurism; an opt-out from  a climate policy destructive of the environment; 

            Gunther Krichbaum (CDU/CSU): An opt-out from Russia!

an opt-out from a centrally planned agriculture and industrial policy, and a devastating foreign policy which only consists of boycotts and subventions; and an opt-out from a subsidized, treaty-violating, artificial currency. 

I thus come to a conclusion. Only so can the EU be basically, substantially and sensibly reformed. Only so can the uses of the expansion, or a contribution to the expected harms, be overcome. I thank all new and future members for assistance, particularly in regards this matter of a reform project. 

Thank you.


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Monday, April 29, 2024

Kay Gottschalk, April 12, 2024, Tax Relief

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/164, pp. 21103-21104. 

Right honorable Frau President. Dear colleagues. Dear taxpayers in the gallery. 

            Katharina Beck (SPD): We’re taxpayers , too! 

And before all things: Dear tax kleptomaniacs – it cannot be otherwise said – of the Debts Coalition! 

I want to again help you on the point upon which we speak here today. We are speaking on that the minimum livelihood be made tax free. This besides results from the ability to pay [Leisitungsfähigkeit] principle. Okay, that is difficult for the Greens, – it cannot be quite comprehended there – yet for the SPD meanwhile also. 

I want to help you with the point of what the Constitutional Court said. We have today spoken so much of human dignity. The Constitutional Court actually derives this principle from the human  dignity. I cite with the permission of the president: 

It is accordingly not only not sensible when the state first takes from the citizen as tax a portion of his minimum livelihood, and afterwards returns the money to him in the form of support payments 

– as for example in the form of social assistance, housing money and many other things. It is besides a principle which this Debts Coalition manages for years: To take money away from people so as to refund to them a small portion. No, the Constitutional Court further states that, as a result of such proceedings, people who actually were in the condition to live independently were forced into the position of a supplicant to state offices. That reveals precisely your policy, my dear friends of the Debts Ampel. 

Yet let us come to the sobering numbers. Here, even the CDU has slumbered; the press here assembled has slumbered. The scandal of the Bürgergeld [citizens’ wage] increase on Januuary 1 of 12.1 percent, namely from 502 euros to 563 euros, occurred already on 1 January 2023. You of course then increased the basic allowance by merely 5.4 percent, while with the Bürgergeld introduction you just raised the old social assistance contribution from 449 euros to 502 euros; that is 11.8 percent. Reckoned as a basis percentage, you increased the Bürgergeld in not 15 months by around 25 percent. 

            Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn (Greens): That is falsified. That’s not right!                                 That is wrong!

And in regards the basic allowance, you have not managed an increase of 12 percent. That reveals you for what you are. To that I say: Phooey, that’s shameful, what you are doing! 

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): Na, na, na! Slow down!

 For nights, so to say, I checked that with the calculator and it certainly wasn’t difficult. You now hopefully have noted what we here demand – and Herr Lindner now partially, quite timidly – is only a drop on the hot stone. 

So as to support the same with facts, dear taxpayers up there: 

            (The speaker holds up a diagram)

From one euro – this is from the Taxpayers Union – remains 47.5 euros cents. 

            Vice-president Aydan Özoğuz: Herr member, in that regard, we have…

Print this!

             (The microphone is disconnected) 

            Herr member, I am speaking with you. 

            (Member Kay Gottschalk (AfD) continues to speak) 

            Herr member, is it then so difficult to pause for a second? 

But of course! 

I am simply attempting to bring to your attention that we here have an understanding to display no drawings and pictures. 

This is no picture. This is a graphic. 

            It was a graphic. Yet please refrain therefrom. 

Good. I do so in the future. Thank you for the reference. My party since 2019 has here brought in multiple motions and draft laws and therein demanded increasing the basic allowance, or to introduce the tax schedule on wheels [Tarif auf Rädern] which is even in some of the elections programs of parties which have been present here. You have refused all of this with threadbare reasonings and prefer to increase the Bürgergeld in the last 13 months by 25 percent. 

Your learning curve – it can, I believe, be stated – actually approaches asymptomatically the zero line. I hope that the voters at the next elections will correspondingly prepare a bill and make the X by the party which is really committed to the people who are working. 

On our motion [Drucksache 20/10975] is the program name: “Observe the Wage Difference Rule [Lohnabstandsgebot] – Relieve Wage-earners and Mittelstand”, and the basic allowance in fact clearly increase – I believe I’ve made clear why it must be – to 14,000 euros. It needs be said: Herr Lindner has a bad conscience, you not. He undertook a small project and wanted tax relief in the future for foreign employees in the first three years. At least he recognized: For real skilled labor, how I would define it, Germany is quite unattractive. Yet this also applies for the home employees, ladies and gentlemen of the FDP. Perhaps be honest for once! 

Herr Fuerst supports the whole, in which is stated in his study – I cite with permission of the President: "Who works full-time not always has more therefrom”, especially the people who earn between 4,000 euros and 5,500 euros and live in large cities; since then basic supplements and other supplements come to nothing. He calculated: When a labor force under this government changes from part-time to full-time, then it has 32 euros more. 

You thus see: Only one party here in the German Bundestag is really committed for the people. We stand for that working people do not meanwhile become supplicants of a socialist state, ladies and gentlemen. 

I am grateful for your attention. 


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Friday, April 26, 2024

Jörg Urban, April 17, 2024, Inflated Government in Saxony

AfD Kompakt, April 17, 2024. 

Already in the present legislative period, CDU, Greens and SPD have created thousands of new positions, often so as to take care of their own party personnel with lucrative posts. A renewed growth of the ministries we decisively reject. The bureaucracy is not allowed to be ever again inflated. We instead need to deconstruct it.


A shrinking population and the digitalization need to have as a consequence a leaner administration. We are of the opinion that the number of ministries also is to be reduced. The Kultus and Science ministries, for example, could be combined.


According to the government’s positions development report, alone the State Chancellery of Minister-president Kretschmer has created 296 new positions within the last five years. Similarly highly inflated under the regime of the Greens were the Justice and Environment ministries. There must finally be an end to this self-service mentality.



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Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Christine Anderson, March 20, 2024, Democracy Promotion Act

EU Parliament, Written Question to EU Commission E-000861/2024. 

Germany is in the process of bringing in a ‘Democracy Promotion Act’ designed to establish additional tools for promoting democracy. There are considerable concerns, however, as regards the act’s constitutionality and whether or not it runs counter to the EU’s core values. The criticism centres around potential government overreach and the creation of structures that threaten to curtail the freedom and independence of civil society in breach of the principles of freedom, democracy and the rule of law enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU). 

1. What is the Commission’s assessment of the compatibility of Germany’s Democracy Promotion Act with the EU Treaties, particularly in view of the reservations raised by the Bundestag’s parliamentary research service concerning its potential unconstitutionality and violations of the EU’s core values laid down in Article 2 TEU? 

2. Does it consider there to be a risk that the Democracy Promotion Act would quieten or silence opposition voices and critical civil society representatives? How does this square with the principles of freedom of expression and democratic pluralism enshrined in the EU Treaties? 

Monday, March 4, 2024

Jürgen Braun, February 21, 2024, Navalny, Russia and Germany

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/153, pp. 19512-19513. 

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear colleagues. 

The core of every democracy is the opposition, not the government. There are governments in China, North Korea, Iran; however, there is opposition only in democracies. 

            Norbert Röttgen (CSDU/CSU): In Russia also! 

Make a note! 

Russia has been deprived of its most important oppositionist. On Alexei Navalny, millions of cultured Russians in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk had placed their hopes. They wanted a fatherland that would be a part of that common European house of which Michail Gorbaschev spoke and for which Navalny fought. 

For this fight, he first needed to pay with his health, then with his freedom and finally with his life. The convictions he tangibly represented thereby played a subordinate role; for thoughts are not crimes. When anyone is unjustly confined or is persecuted, one should also then stand up for him when one does not share his convictions – in the case of Navalny as also in the case of Assange. 

Nevertheless, a look today at Navalny’s tangible positions is worthwhile, especially since the old parties ably ignore these positions. Alexei Navalny was a patriot – according to green-left standards, even a nationalist. He fought against a prevailing corruption and the erosion of the state of law. While for ethnic Russians an infrastructure is scarcely available, party bosses enrich themselves without limit. And the political competition is either not permitted for election, or is similarly banned. Yet Navalny also fought against excess foreign influence. He never forgot that the murderers of the oppositionists Politkovskaya and Nemzov were the Moslem handymen of the regime. He criticized illegal immigration and the spread of Islam on Russian territory. He criticized the accompanying criminality and religious radicalization. He also wanted no building of mosques in Moscow, since he was a patriot. The sympathy of the Ampel parties and of the Union at the death of Navalny thus appears more than questionable; since against anyone like him, they would have immediately introduced a party expulsion proceeding on account of so-called hostility to Islam or foreigners, and in no way would have celebrated him as a hero. 

Let us recall in remembrance: For what was Navalny officially condemned? For so-called “extremism” and the propagation of “narcissistic ideology”. Does that perhaps remind you of something, dear colleagues? 

Agniesczka Brugger (Greens): To compare yourself with Alexei Navalny! That is an impudence! 

With a cunning similar to Putin’s, you proceed against the only opposition in this country. 

            Frank Schwabe (SPD): Unterirdisch!

Minister Faeser even openly discusses an AfD ban and sics the domestic secret service on us. 

Omid Nouripour (Greens): There is no secret service in Germany! There is only an intelligence service! 

That no longer has the least thing to do with legality. The Internet Enforcement Act of the preceding government even finds official applause in Russia and China – thus, internet censors. For years there in Russia, opposition gatherings were forbidden, as were demonstrations against Navalny’s imprisonment, and in fact under the pretext of Corona. And that we also know from the best Germany ever. 

            Frank Schwabe (SPD): Mein Gott! 

            Derya Türk-Nachbaur (SPD): Shabby! Sick!

And not least: The state media in Germany increasingly attempts to generate a climate of non-contradiction [Widerspruchlosigkeit], a political unity brew. 

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): Such stupidity! Such rubbish! 

            Stephan Brandner AfD): Completely right!

In the face of the farmers’ protests against the Greens, the journalist Knut Bauer just last week raged on the compulsory financed state radio that one dared to disturb the event of a – I cite – “government party”. This same mentality in the GEZ media is similarly found in the Russian state media. 

Agniesczka Brugger (Greens): Your AfD-mimimi has nothing to do with the debate’s subject. 

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): Just listen for once! That is the truth!

And there, it is held to be criminal when the government is criticized. 

            Julia Klöckner (CDU/CS): Here, no one is imprisoned! 

And there, judicial positions are politically appointed. And there, movements of private citizens’ finances are controlled. Frau Faeser has again done so as before. Minister Faeser thus wants Russian conditions in Germany. 

            Renata Alt (FDP): Shame on you! 

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): Such stupidity! 

            Frank Schwabe (SPD): Yet it is your friends who sit in Moscow!

There are governments everywhere, even in dictatorships. The decisive difference between dictatorships and democracies is not in the existence of a government, but in that of an opposition, of a free and unrestricted acting opposition. 

            Till Steffen (Greens): What are you afraid of? 

            Frank Schwabe (SPD): Yet you drive to Moscow for Herr Putin! 

            Britta Haßelmann (Greens): Putin’s sychophant!

 Now after the death of a courageous oppositionist, let us in the future the more take to heart to let the citizens freely vote and to promote free political competition, instead of wanting to ban opposition parties. 

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): Excellent! 


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Monday, February 26, 2024

Alexander Gauland, February 22, 2024, Russia, Munich and Realpolitik

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/154, p. 19630. 

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

“War is a mere continuation of politics with other means” [„Der Krieg ist eine blosse Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln“]. Everyone knows this sentence of Clausewitz. In traditional international law, a war therefore ends with a political result, a conclusion of peace. If however one party to a war excludes the other from the civilized world with a judgement of unworthiness [Unwerturteil], a conclusion of peace becomes impossible. 

Since 1648, as the peace treaty of Münster and Osnabrück ended the ideological war between protestants and catholics, the rule applies that all subject to international law are alike in the sense of a like ability to speak. Even in the times of the Cold War, there were talks between both sides. The expression that one is not allowed to let the line of communication to rupture,  belonged until recently to the standard vocabulary of German foreign policy. 

            Kurt Abraham (CDU/CSU): Who then has broken the line? 

Why, ladies and gentlemen, does this no longer apply to Russia?

            Kurt Abraham (CDU/CSU): Because the Russians have broken the line! 

It was a political failure that Russian representatives were uninvited at the Munich Security Conference, a conference the motto of which is Peace through Dialogue“ – not through weapons deliveries. 

Realpolitik, ladies and gentlemen, is the art of the possible. The possible is often not to be had without painful compromise. Values-led foreign policy on the other hand, as we lately manage it, does not know the lesser evil. When values-led foreign policy leads to that communication and negotiations stop, or are simply just not undertaken, it needs to be replaced by Realpolitik. And when the values-led foreign policy leads to that the war will then be continued when the war aims are not achieved, it needs to be replaced by Realpolitik. 

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the central distinction between Realpolitik and that which we meanwhile have come to know as values-led foreign policy“. 

Marianne Schieder (SPD): It is a lie when you assert that there were no talks. You know that! 

Values societies feel themselves obligated to fight against unworthiness [Unwert]. With a representative of unworthiness, values societies conduct no negotiations. The opponent of war becomes an absolute enemy. His interests are criminal. 

            Marcus Faber (FDP): That is called war crimes! 

The enemy must be annihilated. That unfortunately leads, with a known consistency, to that the war escalates. 

            Marianne Schieder (SPD): That is your vocabulary, not ours!

Ladies and gentlemen, Putin conducts a war which can be held to be unjust and wrong, 

            Agnes-Marie Strack-Zimmermann (FDP): “can be held”! 

or needs be. So as to end it, however, nothing is served by assuming his criteria; but on the contrary, by again recalling Münster and Osnabrück and by overcoming the Western inability of speech [Sprachlosigkeit]. Yet, ladies and gentlemen, for that is required a Metternich at the Vienna Congress or a Kissinger in Peking, instead of a presenter of war. It’s too bad that no one in Munich wanted to undertake that role. Therefore, we will also have no peace if we so continue. 

I am grateful. 


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Friday, February 2, 2024

Alice Weidel, January 31, 2024, Scholz Government

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/150, pp. 19128-19130. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable Chancellor. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Both of the preceding speakers have impressively shown that in them is lacking the earnestness for the true importance and problems of this country’s citizens. It is burning in Germany, 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): You’ve certainly set it afire!

and this government of overcharged miscasts and obstinate ideologues is the arsonist. This country’s exploited achievers are going into the streets: 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Do you actually pay taxes in Germany?

Farmers, tradesmen, those of the Mittelstand, hotel keepers, merchants, those in transport, they continue to protest because they can do no more – silenced by the media. 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Who do better work than you can imagine!

Three-quarters of Germans stand behind the Mittelstand protesters, three-quarters want an end to this government. 

You cut a corridor of devastation through this country. 

            Saskia Esken (SPD): You should be an author of children’s books!

– The children’s books author sits there, Frau Esken. – Yet instead of correcting, you heighten an unprecedented campaign of libel, as is here impressively displayed against the Mittelstand protest and against the opposition force upon which ever more citizens place their hope, frankly according to the motto: “If the citizen becomes disagreeable, designate him as extreme right”. 

Your auxiliary Stasi, “Correctiv”, one of the many non-governmental organizations which is provisioned by your government with ample tax money, has delivered to you the matter for that with unbelievable lies, libel and the most wicked calumny. 

            Irene Mihalic (Greens): With evidence, Frau Weidel.

The chief of “Correctiv” now lies, they had never used the word “deportation”. So far has it come: Tax-financed denunciations against a competing party! 

You are not at all ashamed 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): You are not ashamed!

to pervert the right to demonstrate, a right of freedom of the citizens opposed to the state and not the reverse, instead of listening to people who carry their emergency into the public, you yourselves demonstrate against the opposition. And you find nothing in that regard when at such demonstrations are quite openly placed on display calls for murder against opposition politicians. “Kill the AfDers” are there, and you applaud. The Federal President designates AfD voters as rats and the FDP lead candidate, AfD voters as blow-flies. Shame on you! Shame on you from top to bottom! 

With your unspeakable tax-financed libel and cries for murder campaign, you divide this country only so as to cling to your own power. 

The repair of the repair of a miscarried and inflated budget draft is a document of your arrogance and your incompetence. You speak of savings, yet you impose the costs solely on the citizens. The businessmen’s morale is grounded. The Ampel is the greatest risk to Germany as a business venue. 

Mittelstand and businesses one by one throw in the towel and take to flight. The list of firms which eliminate or displace tens of thousands of positions to foreign countries becomes daily longer. Resonant names are therein: From BASF, Bayer and Bosch, through Mercedes Continental and Miele, to SAP and ZF. De-industrialization Minister Habeck, who is known to always find love of country to be “nauseating”, now demands patriotism of the businessmen – and thereby to go bankrupt. That is the concept of this government. 

Germany is stuck deep in a recession. It is the sole industrial country to shrink, and for that neither Putin nor the world nor any conjured up world climate catastrophe bears the responsibility. This incompetent government solely bears the responsibility for this disaster in our country, and indeed with its destructive policy of artificial energy scarcity and energy of increased expense, the incessant turning of the tax screws, the ban policy, the expropriation, the money squandering, while you tell the people fairy tales of a rich country. Rich in Germany is only the overfed, over-reaching state, but not the taxpayers. 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Where do you pay taxes, Frau Weidel?

Hundreds of thousands of Germans receive in these days their heating cost bill, and often do not know how they shall pay it. Normal earners, pensioners, families, those of the Mittelstand, independents, year for year need to restrict themselves more so as still be able to make ends meet. You however certainly do not think of restricting yourselves. You grant yourselves new helicopters and motor pools. Your cabinet members expend untold sums for hairstyling and photographs. The Foreign Minister flies with a grand entourage on embarrassing missions worldwide, while the average earner does not know what at all he still can do. And you hold fast to your snob Chancellor’s Office for, believe it or not, almost 800 million euros. The giganto-maniac expansion construction alone costs almost as much as the yearly special sacrifice which you want to exact from the farmers. 

You have inflated the officials’ apparatus in just two years by around 11,500 positions. Nice for your favorites, bad for the taxpayer for whom all the fun costs eight billion euros. 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Yet you pay no taxes!

Where other governments reconsider and recoil their international engagements, you intrude everywhere with German tax money. 

Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Yet you pay no taxes here, Frau Weidel. You still pay taxes in Switzerland!

You threaten the livelihoods of your own farmers so as to save scarcely a billion euros; yet for senseless agriculture projects in the world, you expend additional hundreds of millions of euros. The much cited bike paths in Peru are only one of hundreds of superfluous development aid proposals which cost the taxpayer to the sum of 33 billions euros – for nothing, only for your NGO favorites. 

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): You are no taxpayer in Germany!

You squander this money, without consideration, for eco-refrigerators in Colombia, feminist foreign policy in South Africa, for the Taliban in Afghanistan and for Hamas terrorists in Gaza. 

            Bettina Hagedorn (SPD): That is a lie!

Even to India go billions, even though India flies to the moon while, with us, infrastructure falls apart, the schools spoil and the students in part are no longer able to read, write and figure correctly. 

Against the laws of physics and logic, you further drive forward the planned economy and subventions monster of the energy transition. In energy policy, Germany is the world’s wrong-way driver. The costs explode in all dimensions. They are the principal reason for the budget crisis. They sum up to almost a trillion euros. That is a one with how many zeros, Herr Habeck? – He does not know. Those are no investments in the future, that is the most expensive destruction of a functioning infrastructure which the world has ever seen! 

You further flood the country with illegal immigrants. Everyone can come, none need go. You naturalize in an accord new voters, obtain a pseudo-legality for illegals through the residence opportunity law. Your deportation acceleration law is a deportation prevention law when the taxpayers must pay for a lawyer for rejected asylum applicants so as to continue to bring process against the overdue departure. 

            Wiebke Esdar (SPD): That is called the state of law!

With this policy, you drive the local governments to despair, explode the social system, intensify the housing emergency and undermine the domestic security. Yet, before all, you take from the Germans their Heimat

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): Yet you do not reside in Germany.

Over 1,000 women every year become victims of sexual violence by an immigrant, 

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): Has your co-worker written the speech?

7,000 since the 2015 welcome putsch by the CDU Chancellor. Yet of that, you are silent; of that also, the media is silent. Under the swindle label of “Bürgergeld”, you have created a migration magnet the costs of which are long since out of control. The next budget gap already stands at the door. 

You leave the citizens in the lurch where the state would be urgently needed. What has become of the compensation for the many of those harmed by the vaccine of your Covid vaccination? What actually has become of it? What at all has become of the reappraisal of this entire disaster? 

Again and again I have here presented what is required to bring this country to the front rank. Again: Closing and control of borders, sending back illegal immigrants, following up rejected and criminal asylum applicants and anyone who has no right of residency – that is the enforcement of law and statute after years of the rule of injustice; you want to criminalize deportations; that we have seen in your campaign – a stop of energy transition, a restriction of state spending and of course an elimination of Bürgergeld for foreign citizens who have never paid into the social accounts; benefits in kind instead of money benefits is the watchword. 

Yet rational arguments clearly no longer suffice for you. You cannot well govern Germany, and you do not want to. You are ruining it. And I say to you, why: Because you your own country, because Germany, you hate.                

            Sven-Christian Kindler (Greens): You do not live in Germany!

This government hates Germany. At least accept the possibility of a democratic change of power, and make the way free for new elections! 

I am grateful. 


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