German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/209, pp. 27149-27150.
Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.
With the election of Donald Trump, the Western leading powers
began to set policy aright. The Trump Administration’s most recent Ukraine
peace plan is – with the exception of EU membership – identical with the peace
motion of the AfD. For that very reason, the new U.S. government supports our
party’s position of reason and rejects your war delusion. It was of course
recognized by the AfD since 2022 that weapons deliveries without negotiations
prolong the war, exact countless human lives on both sides, and can produce
only an ancillary peace diplomacy.
Since 2022, according to available numbers, the Ukraine has
received from around 40 countries a total of 424 billion euros in promised
weapons and financial assistance. In the year 2017, Ukrainian economic experts
estimated that the Ukraine’s corruption level was comparable with that of
Faber (FDP): Worse even than Russia!
In 2019, Transparency International believed that, in
regards armaments expenditures, some 30 percent of the budget disappeared into unknown
channels. And today the country stands there in this ranking somewhat like
Faber (FDP): Radio Moscow!
yet clearly behind states like Ethiopia or Burkina Faso. A
counselor of the Ukrainian president explained in 2023 that money would be
pilfered without penalty, and the officials – cite – “steal as if there were no
According to one study of the Ukrainian agency for
corruption in the year 2023, 88 percent of the population and 81 percent of business
held the corruption to be the most considerable problem in the Ukraine. The
three most corrupt areas are the customs service, the military, and public
Agnieszka Brugger (Greens): The
Ukraine in regards the anti-corruption campaign has gone up according to
Transparency International, despite the war. Did you realize that, or do you
just recite the talking points from Moscow?
In March 2024, 70 percent of the Ukrainians were of the opinion
that their government profits from the war and increasingly sinks into
corruption. From January 2023 to June 2024, the perception of increasing
corruption rose from 15 to 49 percent nationwide.
Schäfer (Greens): Then how much do you make from Moscow each month?
Jörg Nünnberger (SPD): How would it
be if you consider the Ukrainian war victims? The civilians who each day were
Interpol warned already in June 2022 that delivered weapons
arrive in the hands of organized crime. And the New York Times reported that the whereabouts of around 60 percent
of the goods deficiently delivered to the Ukraine is so far unexplained. All of
this is no Putin lie;
Faber (FDP): No, that’s simply Radio Moscow!
since the U.S.A. is now investigating the whereabouts of 100
billion euros of Ukraine aid. Under the guidance of Robert Gates, over 200
researchers are thereby engaged. Storch explained it’s about theft, fraud and
Faber (FDP): Of which you know!
The Pentagon reported 63 percent of the military aid has
disappeared without a trace. 63 percent!
Bachmann (AfD): Listen! Shame on you!
Germany is the second largest bilateral aid donor to the
Ukraine after the U.S.A. Our support is more than double so high as that from France
and Italy together. In 2024, it was again double in comparison to 2023. Yet the
EU control council set up in June 2024 has so far named merely three members as
independent experts for an audit. A great interest in transparency thus
obviously does not exist.
The AfD demands of the Federal government, following the
U.S. model, to finally set up a staff of at least 50 members which examines the
entire German Ukraine assistance of almost 40 billion euros, and finally uncovers
and prosecutes corruption. Your motion for an additional three billion euros we
of course reject.
And besides: The change of times begins now!
Many thanks.
[trans: tem]