Monday, September 25, 2023

Marc Jongen, September 6, 2023, Culture by Decree

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/118, pp. 14571-14572. 

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

Who comes forward as Germany’s “rupture squad” [Abbruchkommando] – I very gladly overtake your term, Herr Scholz, for it perfectly fits this Federal government – needs obviously to make a high expenditure on propaganda. 

At the so-called green culture conference, Culture State Minister Claudia Roth swore in the culture branch to “climate defense and sustainability”, and indeed not only to what concerns energy consumption and the like, but – as we have heard – it will also be called upon for “aesthetic discussion with the climate crisis”, for the “sensitization of the public” in regards to “man-made climate change”. Gender and diversity guidelines in film promotion have already been announced. It is frightening with what sang-froid art and culture are being instrumentalized by this government. That has nothing to do with freedom of art, Frau Roth. That is decreed state art [verordnete Staatskunst]. Yet the lack of success of the woke Netflix series or the politically correct German films very clearly shows what the public thinks of such educative and instructional art; namely, simply nothing, ladies and gentlemen. 

Quite important themes for this Federal government: Sexual harassment and violence. No, not on Germany’s streets at night, but in the culture and media branches. The culture council shall now prepare a relations code, initially for voluntary personal commitment. Yet Frau Roth already threatens: Should this no “thorough effect show, we will go to the next step and make our requirements mandatory for all”. End citation. Say it: Who before state feminism is not a well-behaved little man receives no more funding. 

Ladies and gentlemen, one need not be a fan of Till Lindemann, yet the Rammstein affair has nevertheless shown that the denunciation and indignation industry in this country long since runs wild [freidrehen], according to the motto, “Just throw dirt, something will stick”. This Unkultur you systematically promote, and with the reporting person defense law – Orwellian title – whereby any citizen can be slandered with impunity by specifically created reporting offices. That is the way to a totalitarian state, ladies and gentlemen. 

The anti-racism commissioner, Frau Alabali-Radovan, naturally here does not want to come up short and demands more complaint offices for victims of racism where then can be happily denounced he who expresses wrong views on mass migration and thereby proves himself  a “structural racist”. What then do you actually say to the Zeche Zollern Museum in Dortmund, Frau Alabali, where whites on Saturdays are not allowed to enter the colonialism exhibition; evidently so that their historical guilt based on their being white will be remembered? That is the racism which needs disturb us today in Germany. And it does not proceed from the majority society, but from an aggressive ideology into which this Federal government has long since lapsed. 

What else do we we see in this Culture budget? Growth for the Prussian Cultural Foundation – yes, that is good – yet a threefold increase of means to around 6 million euros for the deep red socio-cultural centers, of which the association chief has disparaged the idea of a “deutsche Kultur” as “nationalistic”. And zero euros for the memorial for the victims of communist tyranny. You again put off its construction, Frau Roth. That, you should here also honestly admit. 

And still a word for the Federal government’s eastern commissioner, Carsten Schneider. When you tell the press that the strength of the AfD in eastern Germany is a danger for economy and society, 

            Wiebke Esdar (SPD): He’s right there!

you thereby prove only one thing, namely your complete de-coupling from the reality. From a government which drives industry out of the country and permanently defames the citizens as “racists” and “extremists”, the eastern Germans quite clearly need not let themselves be arrogantly tutored, and they no longer do so: 35 percent for the AfD in Saxony and 7 percent for the SPD speaks a clear Sprache. You perhaps should ponder who on your summer vacation was underway as a wrong-way driver. 

Many thanks. 


[trans: tem]