Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Markus Frohnmaier, November 23, 2022, Foreign Office

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/69, pp. 8070-8071.

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

Frau Baerbock, you have directly said: You stand on the side of the Ukraine, all the same what happens with the citizens in Germany,

            Jamila Schäfer (Greens): That is a lie!

with the nine year old schoolgirl or with the pensioner. I say to you one thing: We of the AfD, we stand at the side of the German people and we do politics for their interests.

More than half the expenditures for the Foreign Office serve for the securing of peace and stability. Yet does Frau Baerbock trouble herself about peace and stability in the Baltic Sea? On September 26, Nord Stream 1 as well as Nord Stream 2 were blown up: What have you done about that? I therein recall: As a couple of pieces of Ukrainian rocket debris fell on Polish territory and there were also unfortunately two deaths, all of NATO sounded the alarm. The Polish government even considered whether it called for the preliminary stage of an instance of the alliance. Baerbock on the same evening made known on Twitter that she found herself in close agreement with the Polish allies.

Ulrich Lechte (FDP): Then with whom else? You called upon your friends in the Kremlin!

Yet what did the Foreign Minister do when there was an attack, a terrorist sabotage against the Nord Stream pipelines? Nothing! She did nothing! And today this house still knows nothing of what actually occurred. Silence in the forest.

Thus was the Foreign Minister, who otherwise is always good for giving advice, quite silent. And more still: Up to today, the government has undertaken nothing for hastening further clarification. Four billion euros for the securing of peace and stability and nothing when a pillar of the German economic and energy supply is blown up.

The fourth largest economy on Earth – you yourself have also noted that – is either incapable, that we see when you send divers to the Baltic who lack the necessary equipment to dive 70 meters deep to be able to pursue a reconnaissance; or – this is the other conjecture which we have lately – you even do not want to clarify. Since whoever blew up Nord Stream 2, he actually has implemented your Green Party program, Frau Baerbock.

            Kay Gottschalk (AfD): Party politics before security policy!

You have wanted to make Germany dependent on fluttering electricity and hydrogen. Know that that has not escaped us: There was quite a clandestine joy of the parliamentary arm of the “Last Generation”, thus, of your party, the Greens, when Nord Stream was blown up.

            Jamila Schäfer (Greens): You should be ashamed!

When I take a look at your Instagram account – your story – you nevertheless are not dancing, that’s something – then I ascertain that you apparently interest yourself in all possible things in the world: Multikulti in Canada, feminism in Afghanistan, climate protection in Egypt, weapons donations to the Ukraine, a fight against rightist extremism in foreign countries

            Alexander Lambsdorff (FDP): We will also fight you at home until                                        you are again gone!  

in regards to a contemporary elimination of foreign cultural work promoting dialogue. Only for German interests, nothing will be found in the Instagram story of the Foreign Minister. Since your foreign policy proceeds on the principle – I cite you word for word: “…all the same, what my German voters think”. That is the value-based, feminist foreign policy of which you are always speaking. We say: An end to that.

            Nils Schmid (SPD): Just listen to that!

When the Ukraine is attacked by its neighbor, then there is a sanctions orgy. When Azerbaidjan bombs Armenia, then there are no sanctions. On the contrary: Then you, Frau Baerbock, make a fat gas deal with Baku. When in Iran women remove the head scarf, then this government rejoices. When however in Germany anyone says something against veiling, then the Haldenwang pounds on the door.

            Derya Türk-Nachbaur (SPD): You haven’t caught it, or?

When Russia bombs, you call upon the Hague. When U.S. President Obama – as we recall – illegally attacks and kills hundreds of people with drones, then he may place a Nobel Peace Prize in the window. And, quite moved by values, the Greens of that time, Renate Künast and Jürgen Trittin, explained that was a “signal of revolt” and a demand for disarmament.

            Kay Gottschalk (AfD): Double morality!

I believe Germany has enough of this double morality, of this values-based, feminist foreign policy. We say quite clearly: No more meddling in the internal affairs of other states. Commerce and economic cooperation, yes; but, without giving ourselves over to dependencies, protection of German key industries from foreign takeover and primarily an end to the arrogant and tutelary Green foreign policy, ladies and gentlemen.

            Vice-president Wolfgang Kubicki: Herr colleague.

You here need not bellow so. Just listen for once, then you may learn something.


[trans: tem]