Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Gottfried Curio, October 19, 2022, Asylum Fraud

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/62, pp. 7004-7005.

Right honorable President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The new law which softens the conditions for a permission to remain has the purpose of now conclusively burdening Germany with rejected asylum applicants who – under a series of known pretenses – were despite after five years not deported but tolerated. This so-called opportunity residence shall conclusively take from Germany the opportunity of once again at some time dislodging asylum fraudsters.

What are the keystones of this profligacy? In the calculation of this minimum residence were up to now not included demands of time in which the simply tolerated migrant – who demonstrated no basis for asylum – obscured if necessary his identity whereby he concealed the actually indicated country of deportation. These time periods of known concealment of one’s own identity will in the future be calculated as waiting until the hour for permission for permanent residence. Generally in the future, an unclarified identity shall no longer be an absolute hindrance – truly a step forward, only not for Germany, only not for friends of the state of aw, ladies and gentlemen.  

In the same sense shall still further hurdles for the residence permission be elided. If one withdrew himself from a planned deportation by means of a timely disappearance, that was previously a no-go; as of immediately, that is no longer a problem. Lawbreakers by this government are rewarded. This is only consistent with consolidating here in this country, despite everything, what concerns rejected asylum applicants – that is, people without a right of asylum. Here, the vanishing point of all regulation is of course the success of the deception, the reward of the lie.

Ladies and gentlemen, why by chance should asylum applicants up to 27 after three years here proceed to permanent residence?  Quite simple: Asylum and complaint procedures last somewhat longer. Thus here, just before a court has ruled on the factual standing or non-standing of the claim to protection, will be hurriedly fabricated a right to remain – which could where possible upset the decision of the legal state.

Integration courses should as yet naturally not be financed in cases of foreseeable non-recognition; perhaps for applicants from secure countries of origin. Even here shall now an integration state of facts be made possible on paper. Apparently for a single purpose: To then nevertheless in some way force through the actually contraindicated recognition. When the Germans themselves can no longer make the fire, their tax money is burned for illegals.

The passepartout argument, ever gladly produced by the government for the legitimization of injustice, of a skilled labor shortage is of course a joke for millions of unemployed European youth and a quarter million unemployed recognized asylum applicants – plus 400,000 employable Ukrainians – even though a bad one; indeed actually a mockery of these ‘normal” unemployed to whom it happens were preferred imported asylum fraudsters given the occasion.  

            Lamya Kaddor (Green): So there are good and bad unemployed?

Opportunity residence? Here the government accepts alone the view of rejected foreigners who have an opportunity to get along well in Germany. The priorities are clear. German interests are not.

Besides: Do you want ot attract people into a country where energy and dwelling space are scarce, are not available, no longer heated, and one may only cold rinse, if it goes according to the Greens? Does that not resemble the conditions unworthy of men on which account courts forbid deportations, say, to Greece? The local councils’ opinion confirms that the affected circle of persons has no interest in fulfilling the legal duty nor at any time themselves seriously want to integrate; a reason to remain in Germany is exclusively an economic benefit.  

Yet instead of a feminist foreign policy, Frau Faeser rather employs an anti-feminist interior policy and wants to unconditionally allow groups of immigrants into the country who often over-proportionately commit violent and sexual crimes. It is slowly being asked: Does the Ampel in the energy questions intentionally produce where possible so much murkiness so as to distract from the destructive plans which they have in the migration policy?

            Lukas Köhler (FDP): That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard!

These opportunities are all only at the cost of Germany, ladies and gentlemen, and it therefore in that regard must remain: No time extension for illegals!

I thank you.

            Lamya Kaddor (Green): Your party is the only one which sees it so!



[trans: tem]