Monday, November 14, 2022

Beatrix von Storch, November 9, 2022, Anti-semitism

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/65, pp. 7406-7407.

Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

Who speaks of anti-semitism in the year 2022 cannot be silent on the most dangerous anti-semitic movement in western Europe, the BDS movement. Which has a key function. It is the dirty link between the leftist and Moslem anti-semitism of intellectuals, artists, of Greta Thunberg and Claudia Roth, and the violence-prone Moslem anti-semitism of Hezbollah and Hamas.

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): That is unbelievable!

            Saskia Esken (SPD): Herr President!

The title of this discussion is “…To Remember Means to Act”. So let us remember: The Bundestag has passed one resolution for BDS and one against anti-semitism, all without any measurable effect.  

            Saskia Esken (SPD): Herr President!

The anti-semitism resolution demands legal consequences for foreigners, hence deportation for anti-semitism. That has not happened a single time.

            Lamya Kaddor (Greens): That is unworthy! Honestly!

The BDS resolution says that the BDS movement is to receive no more space and no financial means. Culture Minister Claudia Roth in her vote declaration of 17 May 2019 expressly rejected that. As long as Germany is afforded such a Culture Minister, the fight against anti-semitism is a farce; in the best case a farce, rather actually a mockery of the victims.

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): That is unbelievable! You mock the victims! You!

Let us come to the action. If one wants to achieve something against the Judenhass, one should take a peek at the country which is the only one in which Jews feel safe since Merkel’s refugee crisis of 2015,

Filiz Polat (Green): You are nevertheless the extended arm of the anti-semitic                    conspiracy here in the Bundestag!

feel less assailed than before Merkel’s refugee crisis. That is Hungary. The European Union in its second large inquiry in 2018 questioned 16,000 Jews in western Europe. The result is clear: The portion of Jews who, for example, have fear of violent attacks in Hungary was halved to under 30 percent between 2012 and 2018. In Germany in the same time frame this quota increased to over 60 percent. According to an inquiry of the European Union, over 60 percent of Jews have fear of attacks. The portion of Jews who were in fact victims of attack has in Hungary receded to 17 percent and in Germany climbed by approximately one-third to almost 30 percent – almost 30 percent of all Jews in Germany are victims of attacks. Rabbi Slomo Köves said that Hungary’s good example should be made use of by the entire EU. Merkel’s colorful country is ever more dangerous for Jews, and Orban’s decidedly Catholic Hungary is for Jews ever more safe. Or, as in December 2017 the left-liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz headlined – I cite word for word: “Hungary is Keeping Jews Safe by Keeping Muslims Out” – end citation.

Instead of slandering Hans-Georg Maaßen, our leftist climate terrorists around Lisa Neubauer should devote themselves to the anti-semitism in their climate sect. “Climate Intifada from Hamburg to Gaza”, that was the battle cry. One certainly need not know more. These Green climate spinners are ideologically lost, extremist, and also anti-semitic. We should stick them all in some hollow tree stump where they can disturb no one and can no longer kill.

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): Shame on you!

“To Remember” and “To Act” hang over this debate today. You are in the government and could act, yet you will again do nothing. When the AfD governs, we will deport Judenhass and Islamists and allow no more in,

            Britta Haßelmann (Green): The AfD will never govern!

we will close the mosques of hatred, ban the BDS movement and thwart the foreign financing of mosques. And where the AfD governs, the cry of the muezzin in our cities will grow silent.

Many thanks.

            Sebastian Hartmann (SPD): Shame on you!

            (Cries from the Linke: Nazi speech!) 


[trans: tem]