Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Albrecht Glaser, October 21, 2022, Energy Stabilization Fund

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/64, pp. 7266-7267.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

This government has discontinued the energy trade with Russia because it holds that to be necessary for the attainment of foreign policy goals.

When the government does this, then it needs to have a plan for the consequences arising therefrom. They must know that Germany until now obtains 46 percent of its oil imports and 55 percent of its gas imports from Russia. They must know that neither the amounts of energy therein nor the necessary logistics thereof are in the near term replaceable. The government must also know that the energy sources of petroleum and gas represent 60 percent of the energy consumed here in this country. Electricity makes up 20 percent and the renewables 8.8 percent of the end energy. From these few although fundamental correlations is yielded that the energy imports from Russia make up almost a third of the energy basis of this country.

The sudden termination of these energy imports must thus lead to an even so sudden energy crisis in Germany. It means exorbitant prices increases for all customers, supply shortages and supply interruptions. Since energy is the life’s blood of a modern economy and a civilized society, what we are presently experiencing is a matter of an attack upon this state and which has been conducted by this government.

A government which incessantly mouths the term of responsibility needs also bear this in regards such an extraordinary government failure. Instead, it puts before us for the second time this year a resolution for a breach of the debts brake. In June, you in addition demanded 116 billion euros on account of the pandemic and a Russian war of aggression, as you there wrote. Today, you want a further 200 billion euros and refer again to the Russian war of aggression and the termination of gas deliveries and – as related to the sum of credits – that it is therein a clear sign to Russia. That may be understood by who wants to.  In that regard, it is not at all stated who shall receive what and when. And Russia shows you that we need to make mighty debts for the overcoming of a crisis. An extraordinary sign of strength!

The credits shall be immediately borrowed for a re-purposed special fund, stored there for 2023 and 2024, and amortized until 2058 by our grandchildren.

            Matthias W. Birkwald (Linke): There, I’m already dead seven years!

That all does not go so well has been declared to you by the Federal Audit Authority with whom you however certainly do not speak. We therefore will also reject the resolution to breach. You treat the debts brake exactly as do the EU states the stability and growth pact.

There must be a temporary support of citizens and businesses. Yet it is no solution for the German energy problem and soon becomes unaffordable. It is only tenable if you immediately begin with a new energy policy, an energy policy in which nuclear energy comes to the fore. Besides, Greta welcomes nuclear energy, if that is of further assistance to you.  

Who supports an energy supply on wind and sun alone has not understood the trivial physics. He thereby produces the next energy catastrophe. The rest of the world beyond Germany knows this and acts accordingly. We steer ourselves into Dreamland and think we circumvent the next crisis. We notify you: It will take place and you will pay politically for it.


[trans: tem]