Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Martin Hess, September 9, 2022, Islamism and Free Speech

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/52, pp. 5610-5611.

Right honorable Frau President. Dear colleagues.

An Interior Minister who considers her most important duties and wants to guarantee security and protection for the citizens of our country must convincingly conduct a situation analysis free of ideology and then take all necessary measures for the strengthening of domestic security. Yet you, Frau Interior Minister, steadily and persistently do the opposite. If your actions are examined, it need be quite clearly stated: Never before was the office of Federal Interior Minister occupied by a person so ideologically narrow-minded and almost completely ignorant of reality.

Jamila Schäfer (Greens): The opposite is the case!

For example, Islamism. By no one can it be seriously doubted that political Islam and Islamist terror present a massive security danger for our country which must be sternly and resolutely fought.

            Sebastian Hartmann (SPD): And the AfD!

Yet what does the Interior Minister do? She positively stops the work of the political Islamism experts’ circle at the Interior Ministry. Who previously thought that you were merely incompetent, dilettantish or in other ways over-charged with your office will now be better instructed. You knowingly and willfully reject the effective struggle against Islamism in our country. That is equivalent to a capitulation before the Islamist criminals and you are thus completely intolerable as an Interior Minister.

Just so irresponsible and basically nonsensical is your conduct in the area of migration policy. You continually complain – quite correctly – of the violence against, as named by you, queer persons; yet year by year let tens of thousands of people into our country who on the basis of their mostly Islamist socialization bring and act out exactly this hatred in our country.

Just recently, the trans-man Malte was murdered. The perpetrator was – it meanwhile has become a pattern in our country – a Moslem refugee convicted of violent crimes. Had this violent criminal never been let into the country, or at least had been deported, then Malte would today still be alive. Finally acknowledge this.

And you are warned of the exploding knife crime in our country. Yet what you persistently ignore is that the portion of foreign suspects in Baden-Württemberg is for years over 50 percent. The fact is: Your migration policy worsens day by day the security situation in our country. More effective border protection and deportations are the order of the hour and must now finally be implemented.

Stop continually defaming citizens’ protests. That, by means of the introduction of the field of “Delegitimization of the State Relevant to the Constitution Defense”

            Irene Mihalic (Greens): You are the model for this field!

now nearly every citizen who hard and emphatically criticizes the government can be in danger of being observed by the Constitution Defense, is not acceptable by convinced and upright democrats and must most quickly be corrected.

Julian Pahlke (Greens): You are scared of the Constitution Defense!

For the reasoning that by means of all too sharply formulated criticism of the government trust in the state is lost, is just tendentious. Note one thing: Trust in the state is not lost by criticism of the government, but by your disastrous policy which has catastrophic consequences for the citizens of this country.

If in the autumn and winter, as a result of your wrong decisions, living becomes unaffordable for thousands of citizens, countless firms go bankrupt and unemployment explodes,

            Filiz Polat (Greens): Yet which you want!

            Sebastian Hartmann (SPD): Yet which you want! It’s your buddy                                           Putin who does that!

then it is the vested, basic right of every citizen of our country to go into the street and certainly in an unsparing and direct form show the red card to the government.

Who defames and even prevents these justified protests as “right-wing extremist”, as you constantly do, yet at the same time welcomes on ideological grounds the actions of Fridays for Future or Black Lives Matter, damages our democracy and conducts herself in a way unworthy of an Interior Minister.

Frau Minister, you are not only an ideologically deluded, security policy wrong-way driver and thereby plainly miscast; no, you are essentially more! You are a danger for domestic security and democracy in our country.

Sebastian Hartmann (SPD): Shamelessness! The AfD is the greatest security risk for our country!

The sooner you resign, the better for us all!

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Bravo! That was a good speech!


[trans: tem]