Monday, September 5, 2022

Alice Weidel, August 31, 2022, Nuclear Energy

AfD Kompakt, August 31, 2022.

Hopefully, it is not a newspaper hoax: The Economy Ministry shall work up a statute which foresees the continued operation of the three remaining nuclear power plants. A long overdue step – and even in the right direction, which however does not go far enough. For the citizens and the economy rightly expect from the Federal government that it provide for a favorable and secure energy – and to be sure on occasions when no wind blows and the sun does not shine.

The Federal government must stop the gas assessment, undertake Nord Stream 2, withdraw the sanctions against Russia and set up a secure supply by means of employment of diverse technologies as well as a multi-faceted energy mix.  

The AfD demands the re-organization of nuclear research centers and a comprehensive participation in international nuclear research projects. The AfD is for the installation of new, secure nuclear power plants so as to avoid an energy shortage for industrial Germany and its citizens. Beyond that, the AfD demands of the Federal government to join the “Generation IV International Forum (GIF)” to move forward the construction of a demonstration reactor with a liquid fuel technology (molten salt reactor, MSR) so as to create the opportunity to test the use of thorium under real conditions in sustained operation.


[trans: tem]