Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Björn Höcke, January 20, 2021, Corona Preventive Measures

Thüringer Landtag, Plenarprotokoll 7/33, pp. 6-9. 

Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

Prof. John Ioannidis is one of the world’s most cited scientists. Already in October of last year, he published a world-wide applied meta-study which has an unequivocal conclusion: The Corona mortality rate of 0.23 percent is only slightly above that of a serious flu. It is in any case miles away from the panic value of 1 percent permanently maintained to the people by Herr Drosten, along with the RKI, via the government media. And we know: Corona is an epidemic of those advanced in years. In the last months, it was ever more evident that the running down of the public and economic lives, the limitations of the basic rights, of children, youth, young and middle-aged adults have no effects on the mortality rate of those advanced in years. 

In a quite topical study the above mentioned Prof. Ioannidis unmistakably declares: There is scientific evidence that the so-called lockdown has no positive effects on the groups known to be at risk. 

At the University of Munich for some time labors a working group of medical statisticians which prepares routine reports on the so-called Corona pandemic. In the recently published fourth report, the scientists put forward three central statements which corroborate the above mentioned Ioannidis. 

First: The fatalities resulting from Covid-19 – adjusted for the number of inhabitants – do not show a distinct excess mortality. 

Second: The previous Corona preventive measures fail to protect the elderly. 

Third and last: The course of the pandemic shows that there is no clear remission after the so-called lockdowns. 

Right honorable ladies and gentlemen, the factual situation, which we can determine for ourselves from diverse studies, is in fact meanwhile so clear that the Federal Constitutional Court and the State Constitutional Courts of our Free States must immediately declare the massive reductions of the basic rights to be unconstitutional. 

Right honorable ladies and gentlemen, apparently – and this at least is my personal opinion – the so-called lockdowns are more harmful to public health than is the virus. In any case, they are highly dangerous for our democracy and our parliamentary government. According to our basis of decision, the parliament should be incorporated into the technical consultations on the Corona preventive measures. In that regard, for the present provisions, the Social Committee and Education Committee should have met in common on January 8. That however did not happen. Some members had just shortly before carried out an antigen rapid test – and behold, a colleague of the Linke delegation tested positive. 

            Rothe-Beinlich (Greens): You had not let yourself be tested.

Therefore the sitting was simply brought to an end. A few hours later, it is reported: False alarm. A PCR test had now yielded that the colleague was nevertheless not positive. The foregoing not only shows that the diverse Corona test are not reliable, it primarily before all things shows that one – I stress, one – false positive test result – and if almost a hundred members were tested, then statistically 2 to 3 percent false tests would ostensibly result therefrom – that one positive test in fact suffices to simply set aside parliamentary arrangements, processes and participation rights. 

           Rothe-Beinlich (Greens): State your reason why you had not let yourself                                                   be tested.

Since last spring, the Free State’s parliamentary life becomes more and more a phantom. Committee sittings were set aside, sittings did not take place, visitors’ groups simply remain excluded. Parallel to this, the political life of our Free State is dying away; thereby namely the holding of round tables, citizens’ dialogues and rallies will either by means of restrictive measures be actively impeded, or they will be directly and entirely forbidden. What we are experiencing, right honorable ladies and gentlemen, right honorable colleague members, is in my eyes the liquidation [Abwicklung] of democracy under cover of the fight against the pandemic. 

Right honorable ladies and gentlemen of the old delegations, right honorable State government, despite the evident unreality of your Corona policy – no, despite the evident harm of your Corona policy – you run ever further into a dead end. And each day without success forces you deeper into this dead end. Ever more arbitrary, ever more ineffective, ever more disproportionate become your preventive measures. Not a few at this point will think of Albert Einstein and his definition of madness. 

Look in this regard at your present confinement decree. The going-out restrictions between 10 PM and 5 AM or the mobility restriction to a radius of 15 kilometers by chance are arbitrary. I ask you, right honorable colleagues of the old delegations, right honorable State government, and I ask you in the name of ever more citizens in the State: How are such measures still to be substantiated? In which way does this preventive measure really check the spread of the virus? Why a limitation of 15 kilometers? Why not 10 or 25 kilometers? Or why, for example, are bookstores closed, while bookstores with newspaper sales are allowed to be open? Do these measures protect the especially endangered groups, particularly our citizens of advanced age? 

And where actually is the State government’s protection strategy which pertains to the high-risk groups? For almost a year we wait in vain for this strategy. 

Your arbitrary and ineffective government protective measures, once more, mean a massive harm for the economy, an education catastrophe for the present school generation who as well suffer for years from a massive instruction deficit; mean a division of society, a growth of poverty and unforeseeable consequences for the public health. 

You, right honorable Herr Minister-president Ramelow, right honorable colleagues of the old delegations have, in my eyes and the eyes of my delegation, lost every measure and mean. Your Corona extremism is destroying our country. 

In conclusion, I emphasize: We need a paradigm change. We must get out of the dead end in the area of Corona policy into which you have driven, into which you have entered. We must exit this dead end. With the adoption of our resolution motion [Drucksache 7/2566], we can do that. We of the AfD say: Let us protect the at-risk groups – but please also with a goal-oriented strategy – yet immediately open the kindergartens, schools and businesses. We will finally again become a normal country; it is high time. 

I thank you for your attention. 


[trans: tem]