Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Gunnar Beck, October 4, 2023, Green Bonds

AfD Kompakt, October 4, 2023. 

How deficient actually is the so-called Green Economy is seen not only in the horrendous promotion programs for windpower and photovoltaic at the cost of the citizens and consumers, but also in the so-called Green Bonds. So as to be even only rudimentarily competitive, these loans require a green EU mark of quality so that they will at all be purchased and traded in large quantities. 

Under normal circumstances – without this unspeakable EU economy planned around the Green Deal – the current loans would scarcely arouse an interest. And this mark of quality shows how stubborn and aloof the EU elites act, far from any connection to reality. We of the AfD work for the citizens and want to return a sense of freedom, prosperity and growth to the expensive as sin Green Deal. 


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Monday, October 9, 2023

Wolfgang Wiehle, September 21, 2023, Railways Administration

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/122, pp. 15143-15144. 

Right honorable Frau President. Valued colleagues. 

There are almost 200 ways how the Bund finances the Bahn. That was computed for us in the last months. I have understood that as a warning, that this complexity is a problem. A good Bahn reform should drastically simplify that. And now the government lays on the table before us a law which makes of these 200 ways probably 250 or 300. If you want to demonstrate that you cannot do Bahn reform, then you have thereby really succeeded. 

Yes, all of that will be later improved, you will say. Yet on a bad foundation you can build no good house and this fatal failure you clearly make again – colleague Donth just now used the same image. The analysis thus needs to agree. Decisive for an effective and transparent direction of the Bahn is the legal form of the Bahn undertakings. The new infrastructure company shall now again be a joint-stock company. That is a legacy from the time of the Bahn stock market plan, and that is the worst of all possibilities for control by the owners. 

Today the Federal railways construction law is on the daily order. By means of this law, the Bahn shall in the future receive money not only for the construction of the Bahn sections but also for their maintenance and repair. Yet that does not always apply, but only when there is an extra contract between Bund and Bahn. Otherwise, you apparently do not manage control of the Bahn. If you now make a new contract for each new measure, then we are soon at 300 ways of financing. 

The Audit Authority moreover sounds the alarm because the Transportation Ministry in another contract proposes hectic changes which could result in a disadvantage to the Bund. Here, it is about the performance and financing agreement which with an authentic Bahn reform will necessarily be, plain and simply, superfluous. 

A couple of new Bahn billions in the Transportation budget, then still a couple of billions from the shadow budget “climate and transformation fund”, additional billions as equity of the Deutschen Bahn: What you tie up here crowns the financial chaos. 

Because the money still does not suffice, you get it from the citizens, all the same whether the trains run or not. Yes, from the citizens; since we all must pay for the billions of your brutal increase of the trucking fee. Everything that we buy in the supermarket ultimately comes by truck. 

            Matthais Gastel (Greens): What?

One already reads in the media how thereby the prices of foodstuffs climb. The inflation will be still higher and the citizens still poorer. 

We require an authentic Bahn reform and that is something other than your bungled job. Who does it fundamentally, gives the Bahn and its subsidiaries a new legal form. Yet you need to enforce it against the great red union at the Bahn. The Bund as owner needs to take in hand the direction of the railway networks. The Politik is responsible for the infrastructure. Period. And for that, the Bund needs to clearly command the firms’ rail network, not by umpteen contracts, but by one, unequivocal structure. 

The Federal railways construction law now goes to committee. The AfD delegation clearly names the problem. Because the wrangling in the Ampel is not less than the chaos at the Bahn, hopes for an improvement are however limited. We will in no case vote for your adventurous cobbling [abenteuerlichen Flickschusterei] as it now stands in the draft law.


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Saturday, October 7, 2023

Stephan Brandner, October 6, 2023, Attack on Tino Chrupalla

AfD Kompakt, October 6, 2023. 

During an election campaign event in Ingolstadt, our chairman Tino Chrupalla, by means of external factors, suffered a bodily injury the consequences of which cannot so far be conclusively assessed. He was, by persons unknown, attacked and wounded by means of a needle by which possibly toxic substances were conveyed. According to the information submitted to me, I cannot in the present situation exclude an attempted homicide. And as if this and the fact the Bavarian police could not protect him were not already bad enough and a scandal of the first order, pitiless and unprincipled statements come from the responsible Bavarian Interior Minister and also from Thüringen Minister-president Ramelow. An Interior Minister in the midst of an election campaign who apparently feels secretive joy over an attack on a political competitor and designates his party as “infamous and underhanded” [infam und hinterfotzig] sounds like the propagandist of an actual one-party society. And a Minister-president, who for years governs without a majority and arrived in office in dubious ways, wallows in antifa speech and mocks the “victim’s role” of the injured. No wonder that malice and mockery dominate, primarily in the public broadcasting media, instead of sticking to the facts and questioning in what a wretched political condition our society finds itself. Those governing and their helpers in the so-called civil society, flanked by the all too close media, are attempting to physically and psychologically attack and destroy the AfD and its representatives. That is shabby and most profoundly unworthy of a free society.



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Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, September 26, 2023, Nord Stream Pipelines Attack

AfD Kompakt, September 26, 2023. 

The attack on Nord Stream was an attack on our energy sovereignty. The lifeline of German industry was severed. Advantageous gas from Russia was replaced by expensive and dirty fracking gas. Energy and electricity are now so expensive that every second large business considers emigration. Hungary’s Minister-president Viktor Orban declared in a recent interview that he would consider a similar attack on Hungary’s critical infrastructure as a reason for war. Our Bundestag delegation demands an investigating committee. We will never forget 26.9.22: Nord Stream needs to be repaired, opened and secured.


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Monday, October 2, 2023

Gottfried Curio, September 21, 2023, Immigration

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/122, pp. 15098-15099. 

Right honorable Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. 

Had Interior Minister Faeser invested as much zeal in her own area of duties as in Schönbohm’s dismissal - in border defense, domestic security, deportations  - Germany would then have no acceptance problems, Europe no migration crisis, there would be no pictures from Lampedusa. For it might lie within her power to make an end to it all. The migrants primarily want Germany. Yet Faeser rather wants to show solidarity, to take these migrants from Lampedusa. If again next week an armada lands there: Germany in case of doubt takes them – France however not. 

Germany is concerned that the stream does not dry up. Therefore Germany last year had three times as many asylum applications as Italy. That indeed must be the much praised EU solidarity by which those already most heavily burdened will then be ever more heavily burdened to the benefit of others. We require no acceptance in solidarity, no European distribution, certainly not from the CDU Frau von der Leyen, but decisiveness. No one from inner Africa is in flight on the Mediterranean. Germany in area fits into Africa 85 times, yet Africa into Germany not once. It is so simple. 

Europe's attractiveness will nevertheless remain; since the grade of living standards will remain. Better to live on support in Germany than to work in Africa.

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): Oh, man! 

            Clara Bünger (Linke): Disgusting! ****!

The solution thus bids, when the next fleet of welfare migrants invades Europe: Bon voyage home! Build yourselves a beautiful continent! 

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): Cynical!

Therefore an immediate stop of all programs by which Germany itself acts as a trafficker [Scheluser]. No family reunion for illegal immigrants. It must not occur in Germany. 

            Filiz Polat (Greens): All of that is just untruth!

The yearning appears not to have been so great as the billeting officers were sent forward – from, besides, well to do families who gladly afford the trafficker costs and danger to life so as to later have it paid back a hundred times in the fools’ paradise of Germany. 

From non-refuge transit countries like Tunisia or Turkey, no one can be accepted. No Nigerian is in refuge in Tunisia, no Syrian, Afghan in Turkey. As soon as these countries speak of themselves as deadends, the fortune hunter caravan stream immediately dries up. “Afghan local auxiliaries”, a perverted term. Perhaps there were a couple hundred, the government invents 44,000 

            Clara Bünger (Linke): Lies! Those are lies! You lie! Of course there were                                               more auxiliaries than you say!

plus each year again 12,000 in the scope of an arbitrary acceptance program. 

When the Polish government underhandedly sells hundreds of thousands of work visas, Italy refuses to again accept those first registered there, when for Greece it is supposedly unreasonable, then can Schengen not even defend the external borders. Germany itself needs, at least for the time-being, to take the required defense and control measures at its borders. Who does not process deportations just so is allowed to again accept no one. 

Yet instead Faeser sends quite different signals: Opportunities to remain for those without a right to remain, turbo-naturalization as soon as the Afghan can read the three letters, SPD. 

            Tabea Rößner (Greens): What rubbish! 

In Hesse, the desperation is so great that now even the right to vote shall come for asylum applicants! Mein Gott, how embarrassing is that then? 

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): Nonsense! 

            Tabea Rößner (Greens): Nonsense!

We are indebted to the unsustainable migration situation for exploding immigrant violence: For New Year’s in Berlin, our new citizens’ festival of destruction, public swimming pools no longer to be entered by girls and women, clan war in the inner cities, 

            Clara Bünger (Linke): ****!

faction compromise managed by Scharia judges. When there is again a slugfest of hostile groups of foreigners, Faeser somewhere says: Violence with us certainly does not go. – When thus again a traumatized case in need slits open innocent people, she says: We really need more social workers.   

            Filiz Polat (Greens): Sickening!

What do all parties other than the AfD want? Continue with the immigration from the Near East and black Africa. The Ampel just as so. 

            Filiz Polat (Greens): Shamelessness!

The Union demands hundreds of thousands yearly simply as a quota [Kontingent]. 

            Philip Amthor (CDU/CSU): What?

What a madness, ladies and gentlemen. 

You now bring the ugly pictures of 2015 into our cities. Train stations, parks, schools: Ever more often zones of fear. Daily, dozens of knife attacks, twice daily gang rapes, swimming pool terror through the entire summer, repeated large family brawlings. Lübeck: Faeser’s police want to suppress the evidence videos of migrant violence. Instead: A quick right to vote for all. No politicians want to take the lead to stop these illegal border crossings other than the AfD. We say: Deportations make security. Who defends borders, defends people. 

Yet the Union certainly does not want to change the destructive migration policy of Ampel-Faeser. They want to hypocritically copy the AfD motions, 

            Philip Amthor (CDU/CSU): We have no need of that.

yet at the same time want to keep Ampel Minister Faeser, as they showed yesterday. One needs for once to imagine it. Who then needs such a pseudo-opponent which wants that the government remain in office?           

            Clara Bünger (Linke): You cannot do more than recite, or?

You Union voters, you voters in Bavaria, you voters in Hesse. Look at this hall and recognize that you might not trust and could not trust this Union. 

            Gulistan Yüksel (SPD): But you! 


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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Peter Boehringer, September 22, 2023, EU Finance

AfD Kompakt, September 22, 2023. 

The EU parliamentarians have ever more obviously lost every contact to the situation in their homelands. Already, the Commission’s demand for an increase of the multi-year financing is completely overdrawn and inappropriate. The financing is fixed at seven years, for which the present budget, with over 1.8 trillion euros, is more than sufficiently provided. Nothing which is planned in Brussels might not be financed from this budget. If additional needs arise, the EU plainly must save in other places. 

That the EU Parliament now readies itself to simply raise the contribution named by the Commission without a conclusive needs analysis verifies the aloofness of the Brussels elites who, solely and alone, draw to themselves yet ever more resources so as to build up their power and to further pursue their ideological goals in the areas of climate and migration. The AfD has good reasons for wanting to end the pseudo-democratic behavior in Brussels and Strasbourg. 


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