Monday, April 3, 2023

Christian Wirth, March 29, 2023, German Sovereignty

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/93, p. 11189. 

Herr President. Worthy colleagues.

The outcry was great as the former President of the Federal Constitutional Court Andreas Voßkuhle in 2021 accused the EU Commission and the European High Court [EuGH] of a collusive, thus illegal, collaboration to erect “in a cold way”, as he said it, a European federal state.

The stumbling stone was that the Federal Constitutional Court in the year 2020 had designated a decision of the EuGH on the European Central Bank’s credits to certain member states and its reasoning thereon as “simply no longer comprehensible”. Following the Federal Constitutional Court’s decision, the EU Commission brought an action for violation of the treaty against the Federal Republic of Germany. An unabashed power demonstration and a disdain for our democratic state of law, especially the separation of powers.

Instead of backing the Federal Constitutional Court, the grand coalition of that time, likewise in violation of the separation of powers, decided to declare that in regards the EU the highest German court, for all that an organ of the Constitution, has almost nothing to say in EU affairs. Still more: The Federal government pledged to actively avoid unauthorized, thus illegal and encroaching, statements [Ultra-vires-Feststellungen] of the EU and its courts.   

Ladies and gentlemen, how nice that you meanwhile install in the Federal Constitutional Court only party politicians. In the good, old times, when distinguished jurists still sat in the Senate of the Constitutional Court, it would likely have pulled itself together.

            Völker Ulrich (CSU/CSU): Speak to the issue!

To show how other countries handle this problematic: The Polish Constitutional Court declared in 2021 the EuGH’s attempts to meddle in Polish jurisprudence to be incompatible with the Polish Constitution. It besides likewise violated European law which guarantees the sovereignty of member states in the European integration process. The Ampel coalition on the other hand has even agreed in its coalition contract at least in the long-term to be quite willing to give up the Federal Republic and its Constitution. I cite with permission of the President:

The conference on the future of Europe…should result in a constitutional convention and lead to further development of a federal European state which is decentrally organized according to the fundamentals of subsidiarity and proportionality and which has the basic rights charter as a principle.

Ladies and gentlemen, where is the Constitution Defense when it is really needed? Such strivings as evidently pursued by the Ampel coalition are of course unconstitutional, and they are also not wanted by the sovereign, the German people.

All other peoples plainly reject this EU state, as for example the peoples in Scandinavia. It is no wonder, considering how the EU meanwhile conducts itself. It becomes ever more overbearing and more frequently meddles in the smallest areas of the lives of its citizens which actually do not pertain to it.

A present, deplorable example is the stop for the combustion engines by 2035. Here, the Ampel could merely attain that combustion engines which can be operated exclusively with so-called E-fuels are to be excluded from the ban. That can actually be called sabotage in the most important German key industry, the automobile industry. Driving for Otto Normal Consumer, as apparently desired by you, becomes unaffordable. Hundreds of thousands of workplaces are in play. As a Saaarländer – we still sound like one there – I can here sing you a song. The closing of the Ford works in Saarlouis is already decided, the future is unknown.

            Alexander Ulrich (Linke): That has nothing to do with it!

Ladies and gentlemen, the democratic national state is not, as always asserted by leftist powers, at death’s door. It is state of the art; it is an achievement which the peoples in Europe have won for themselves with hard and bloody fighting. Not only the Ukrainians have the right to a sovereign national state. On that account, I ask: Vote in favor of our motion [Drucksache 20/6172]. Germany’s sovereignty needs to be maintained.

Many thanks and Glück auf!


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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, March 28, 2023, United Nations and Nord Stream

AfD Kompakt, March 28, 2023.

The Western powers and the non-permanent members apparently want no international and independent explanation. That is a shame. We are thus to be further informed by the investigations of partial states and the researches of impartial investigative journalists. The members of the UN Security Council have let slip an opportunity to strengthen the UNO in the present crisis. They cede the initiative to the BRICS states. In Germany, only the Alternative für Deutschland supports an unsparing explanation of the attacks and the consequent punishment of the perpetrators.


[trans: tem]



Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Dirk Spaniel, March 28, 2023, EU Synthetic Fuel Taxation

AfD Kompakt, March 28, 2023.

Energy taxes on synthetic fuels ought only be raised to the level equivalent to that for electric current.

The AfD delegation will look precisely at the plan as soon as it is concretely put forward. From the view of the AfD delegation, it would be right to dedicate ourselves in this relation to the entire taxation of motor vehicles and eliminate one-sided subvention measures by tax mechanisms and instead find complete solutions. Today already more than half of the diesel and benzene prices consist of taxes and duties.


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