Monday, March 27, 2023

Steffen Kotré, March 17, 2023, Energy and Expropriation

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/92, pp. 11110-11111.

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

The green Ampel coalition plans with this draft law a further attack on the state of law. Expropriations of businesses can now more arbitrarily proceed. The affected need no more be heard. The legal procedure is abbreviated. And even if the expropriation is categorized as illegal, it can nevertheless remain standing. That is unconstitutional.

Frau Dr. Nestle, it was just now odd how you have here let slip not a word on what is actually in the draft law. It is only about expropriation in this draft law. You have spoken not a word on the expropriation, but you have wrapped up all in a nebulous packaging.  

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Exactly!

That was a story hour rather than anything else.

We did not say that the electricity supply is no longer secured. The McKinsey report says it: By 2030, 30 gigawatts will accordingly be lacking.

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Just a conspiracy theory!

            Ingrid Nestle (Greens): Hadn’t I said it? Ever again, the same story!

            Götz Frömming (AfD): You cannot laugh it away!

All of that is also in the report of the Federal Network Agency; it can be looked up there. We do not say it, but it is in black and white in the corresponding experts’ reports.  

The reasoning for you wanting to expropriate is of course spun like propaganda. The supply security is further endangered.

            Sebastian Roloff (SPD): Yet you always say that! You say that all the day!

In that regard, the Federal government itself has capped our secured energy supply; first coal and nuclear energy dismantled, then gas and oil imports throttled. Naturally is the supply security then endangered, yet not by business but by you of the Federal government.

The Ukraine war is used for propaganda. Putin is now guilty of our energy shortage and high prices. Yet once again: The Federal government has without necessity taken leave of coal electricity and nuclear energy and torpedoed gas and electricity imports. The Russians simply reacted after the Ampel announced it was no more willing to take gas.

One Russian business now experiences arbitrariness and the Federal Republic as a state of injustice.

            Michael Kruse (FDP): Really honest people!

First it was placed under the trusteeship of the Federal government. Now in further steps it shall be expropriated, even though the business always delivered according to contract and has observed all contracts. The only fault: It is Russian.

            Götz Frömming (AfD): State of law, quo vadis?

Frau Annalena Baerbock imagines herself at war. The Ampel coalition prevents a peace diplomacy. They use the Ukraine was for propaganda so as to more quickly drive forward the eco-socialist reconstruction of society.  

            Thomas Heilmann (CDU/CSU): Speak of Putin!

It will unfortunately not remain with this one expropriation. We know of may examples. In Venezuela, it began similarly as now with small things in Germany:

            Markus Kurth (Greens): Exactly! First we expropriate, then we burn down                               everything!

Defamation of the opposition, ignition of inflation, occupation of the higher courts with party soldiers true to the line, political cleansing of the officialdom, expulsion of the well trained key players. We unfortunately see this now in all the small things and its beginning here in Germany – and to oppose that means to offer resistance.

The green Ampel coalition is a wrecking undertaking and manages a policy of state control. The instruments for that are the poisoning of the social climate, prohibitions, expropriations – as we have presented here – redistribution, misappropriation of tax money, destruction of the business fundamentals of firms, deconstruction of prosperity, damage to social accounts, expulsion of skilled labor from Germany. Ladies and gentlemen, these are unfortunately the sad facts.

Let us look at examples: Combustion engine autos as an affordable means of movement, as well as oil and gas heating, will be forbidden. That is a policy of prohibition.

Homeowners will be compelled to expensively renovate their houses. That is an expropriation. The failed energy transition costs one to two trillion euros – many say, six trillion euros. That is destruction of prosperity.

            Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Herr colleague.

The electricity supply is no longer secured; disconnections threaten. That is a scarcity economy.

Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Your speaking time is at an end. You have likely already noticed.

Exactly. On that account, I come to a last sentence.

            Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: A last of all sentence.

The coalition should re-name itself “plunder coalition”. That is the correct name.


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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Markus Buchheit, March 14, 2023, EU Forced Housing Restoration

AfD Kompakt, March 14, 2023

That eco-fanatics and climate sectarians are allowed to presume such a deep intervention in rights of ownership and privacy is unbelievable. This proceeding affects not only homeowners. Renters also will need to bear the costs. One in addition may be yoked to thousands of legal procedures which will strain the tormented citizens. Yet in Germany there still is in principle the basic right of Art. 13 of the Basic Law which guarantees the immunity of the dwelling. The individual has the right to a secured, elementary living space in which one is left in peace – and indeed from planned-economy, regulatory interferences in the freedom of individuals.


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Monday, March 20, 2023

Albrecht Glaser, March 17, 2023, Election Law

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/92, pp. 11018-11019.

Honored Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen. Honored fellow citizens.

We deal with a central theme of our democracy: The election law, the legitimation of the Bundestag as a law-giving power by means of a mandate of the citizenry, from which, according to Article 20, Section 2 of the Basic Law, all power of the state proceeds.

The Ampel wrote in its coalition agreement – I cite with permission of the President:

We will within the first year re-work the election law so as to durably prevent the growth of the Bundestag

It needs to be reduced in line with a statutory control parameter [gesetzliche Regelgrösse]. And further:

A committee will concern itself with a parity representation of women and men in the parliament…We want to alter the Basic Law so as to lower the active voting age…to 16 years.

All of this was more or less intense because the Ampel has also blocked themes debated in a reform committee which up to today still has not concluded its work. The infantilization of the active right to vote, ladies and gentlemen, happily requires a change of the constitution. It can thus be prevented by a qualified minority of the reasonable in this house.

Of interest is which other states lay their fate in the hands of the young. I name for example Cuba, Nicaragua, Sudan and North Korea – thus good models for Ampel regulation.

            Götz Frömming (AfD): Good friends of the Greens!

The presumption may be posited that such countries want to exploit for political propaganda the young’s lack of ability to judge.

            Ralf Stegner (SPD): The people are smarter than you!

Easily manipulated citizens are good citizens.

The manufacture of a parity representation – allow me also to let slip a few words in this regards – of women and men in the Bundestag by means of simple legislation, right honorable ladies and gentlemen, is a usurpation of the pouvoir constitué over the pouvoir constituant, that is, the mastery of parliament over the sovereign.  

The citizenry [Staatsvolk] is as it is: It comprises women, men, old, young, believers, non-believers, intelligent, less intelligent, responsible, irresponsible, crooked and straight, people with and without a migration background. No one has the right to make quotas of this heterogeneity of the citizenry and from that derive proportions by which group rights to organs of the state will be allocated. The citizenry is inseparable and consists of individuals, not of clusters of groups of persons. This proposal of the Ampel is unconstitutional, as has already been declared by the Constitutional Courts in Potsdam and Weimar for their States.

With that, I come to the Bundestag. For the goal of limiting the Bundestag’s excess, the Ampel formulates very defensively; the growth should be prevented. In this question, we were in the last legislative period further along.

One hundred public law scholars in the autumn of 2019 had expressly reported and stated in an open letter to the German Bundestag that a deferral of the reform would “violently shake the people’s trust in our democracy”. They regarded the parties’ particular interests as a hindrance to reaching results after years of discussion. I cite:

In no case may the impression arise that many members would defer the urgently necessary changes because their own shirt was more important to them than the common coat.

The AfD delegation was new in the Bundestag and had a clear charge from its basic program: A Bundestag with 450 members should be strived for. We have worked for that and in September 2020 put forward a formulated draft law which included the fixed mandate number of 598 – 598! – so as to prevent the new arrangement of election constituencies and thereby to attain a quick implementation of the reform in the last legislative period – besides billions in savings for the state in this legislative period. This proposal was rejected under the usual, inclusive din against the AfD from all other delegations.

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): Shabby. Yet they learn.

In May of last year, a day before the reform committee occupied itself with the Bundestag’s excess, right honorable ladies and gentlemen, a miracle occurred: The Ampel put before the public a concept for shrinking the Bundestag to 598 mandates, which is nearly identical with the AfD’s concept of 2020,

             Stephan Brandner (AfD): The AfD works! Even the Ampel notices!

which in any case is to be voted on today. The Ampel  thereby knowingly gave rise to the impression its election law proposal may be a product of its own cognitive performance.

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): That, it certainly cannot be!

The media believes it to this day and they write it so. Borrowed wisdom is still wisdom.

Not overtaken were our requests for an open list election which should guarantee a direct influence of the voter on the candidates order on the State lists. That would be an authentic democratic progress; but the Ampel does not want it.

With a motion to amend of three days ago, the Ampel wants the number of future mandates, hitherto disputed by no one,

            Konstantin Kuhle (FDP): Other than by the reality! We have namely 736!

            Christian Dürr (FDP): But with reality the AfD has nothing to do!

of 598 – never disputed, by no one! – to increase to 630, and abolish the basic mandate clause, as already ever in the proposal of the AfD.

Herr Dobrindt, I now tell you a secret.

             Stephan Brandner (AfD): Ui!

This presumption which you have of the effect of this clause on your political fate in Bavaria is false. It is false; the application is not as you believe it to be. This I unfortunately cannot pursue since the President gives me only a few minutes of time.

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): The President shakes her head!

There are no arguments for this latest government sleight of hand, ladies and gentlemen. The Ampel has justified what it otherwise never does. They have thereby determined that, by means of the original reform à la AfD, the SPD alone would lose 38 mandates, according to the election results of 2021. This price was too high for the comrades. First the party, then the public good. By means of the increase of the number of mandates and the elimination of the basic mandate clause, they can halve their loss of mandates. That is the crux of the matter in regards the sleight of hand we experienced three days ago. What – Frau President, if you will permit me this concluding paragraph – would the one hundred public law scholars have said to this sleight of hand?

On account of the self-serving increase of the mandates number in the last seconds, and the lack of direct democracy progress, the AfD does not agree to the Ampel draft. We so far abstain. We will support our own draft on account of its consistent quality of reform.

Hearty thanks.

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): Bravo!


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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Thomas Ehrhorn, March 3, 2023, Automobiles

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/89, pp, 10644-10645.

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

 For at least three decades now rages the obstinate – it might be said, hate-filled – struggle of leftist ideologues against the automobile, against one of the greatest achievements of the industrial age. The Euro-7 norm is in that regard only a further piece in the puzzle, the additional chess move in this perfidious game. If it continues to persist in its present form, it means the ultimate end of the combustion engine in Germany and Europe. For the German auto industry, that means the annihilation of from 300,000 to 400,000 workplaces.

Yet ultimately something quite else is hidden behind. It is namely the attempt to force us into a new world order, in which the vehicle in private possession shall no longer be at all in the least possible. “You will own nothing and will be happy”. That is evidently the motto of a self-named, arrogant and unashamed financial elite.

            Markus Hümpfer (SPD): Such an imbecility!

According to the line: Scarcely affordable electro-SUVs for us and for you, rabble, the freight bicycle.

It would have been long since time to solidly defend oneself against this. If a sufficient number of EU countries had managed by today to get underway a subsidiary reprimand, this would perhaps have been a beginning. The immediate vote necessary for that, you, ladies and gentlemen, however once again – it might almost be said, as expected – have gambled and snoozed away. Thus all participating actors in this campaign of destruction attain step by step their goal.

            Dunja Kreiser (SPD): Alter Schwede!

This then functions for example in the following ways: The World Health Organization (WHO), elected by no one, democratically legitimated by nothing in the world, issues new recommendations for clean air on the basis of indemonstrable hypotheses, naturally – who could be surprised? – with drastically reduced limit values. Shortly thereafter – you can bet on it – the EU Commission then as expected assumes these value limits and makes therefrom obligatory guidelines.

The monitoring stations in our cities, which previously measured and demonstrated an excellent air quality

            Susanne Menge (Greens): That is not at all right!

then naturally present excesses of the permitted values. Like a miracle, overnight is put forward a reason for banning even the cleanest Euro-6 diesel from our cities – an additional, long wished for justification for the already long before determined and aspired to auto-free city.

Exactly so will it be executed: Way above the heads of the citizens, today likely branded by you as a conspiracy theory, tomorrow – this, I guarantee you – the bitter reality in our cities. All of this will be justified by the tales of a green climate sect, by theses which will no longer be questioned by a portion of our population because the left-green media ever again manages to simply exclude from the political discourse thousands of critical voices.  

            Nyke Slawik (Greens): In what parallel world do you live?

Natural climate changes however will meanwhile continue, and indeed with or without our assistance. Yet in that regard we are gambling away our prosperity, our quality of life, and before all things, our freedom. Our predecessors drove with the horse and carriage, we had the automobile, our children and grandchildren will drive with the freight bicycle. Long live the world of red-green progress!

Many thanks.


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