Bundestag, February 10, 2023, Plenarprotokoll 20/86, pp. 10317-10318.
honorable Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.
In a “best
Germany of all time”, according to a homelessness report, almost 40,000 people
are on the street, all together around 260,000 have no fixed shelter. Who with
open eyes moves through German cities can see this suffering under many bridges
and in many subway stations.
The motion
put forward by the Linke now wants to fight this problem with the Housing First
concept. Positive examples and some studies show that the concept thoroughly
works. First a dwelling and then assistance in specific areas of living which
are often concerned with an improvement and for a dwelling stability. We also
welcome this concept. We are strongly persuaded that Housing First can be a
component of a strategy against homelessness.
Yet if this
concept “Housing First” is to function, then known conditions need to be
fulfilled, and that is the great contradiction of your motion, ladies and
gentlemen. Since it is just your political dispositions which prevent
successful strategies in regards homelessness. That has two reasons.
First. In
Germany prevails an acute housing shortage, as you yourselves correctly write
in your motion. Today, we are lacking 700,000 dwellings. That is besides the
greatest deficit in more than 20 years. And what does the policy do to counter
that? At the Federal level, the Federal ministries fail completely. The great
goal of 400,000 dwellings – it really is an impudence that have have once again
defended it – you have botched, you will botch it, you will never achieve it.
You have this year crashingly failed. Apparently, not even 200,000 dwellings
will be built this year. The only sensible thing which could done with your Ampel building ministry would be: We abolish
it. We re-designate the offices as dwelling space. Then would Frau Geywitz have
at least achieved one sensible thing in her life.
Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): You are
again today quite witty?
Yet not only
you of the Ampel are guilty of the
housing misery – you need not get excited – the Linke also in part contribute
to it.
Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): Nevertheless quite witty, what
you say there! Man, man, man!
You write in
your motion, dear Linke, it should be managed “according to the example of the
State of Berlin”. To me, that is real satire. It is, ja, nice, Frau Katja Kipping, that you use your last days as a Senator
to visit us here in the Bundestag; we rejoice. Yet I would prefer you did your
work in Berlin; since the housing market in Berlin, where you of the Linke have
co-governed since 2016, is overall one of the most catastrophic. For years, the
number of approved new housing constructions declines. And instead of promoting
new housing construction, the Linke prefer to blather on about expropriations
and, with their socialist projects like the rent cap, drive the last builders
out of Berlin. You are not part of the solution, you are the problem, dear
Linke delegation.
Dirk-Ulrich Mende (SPD): You are the problem!
Let us come
to the second reason why your dispositions do not function. Even if you do not
want to hear it – you may again bleat alike –
Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD):
Intelligent interjection, that was!
who wants
Housing First must live “Germany First”. The uncontrolled mass immigration of
the last years exorbitantly increases the housing demand.
Maximilian Mordhorst (FDP): Yet it
rapidly turns the corner!
Yes, I know,
you do not want to hear it. Last year, 1.3 million foreigners came to Germany;
those are not my numbers. I did not invite them; that was you.
Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn (Greens):
It was Putin who provided for that!
1.3 million
foreigners! The empirica regio
reckons in 2023 alone with an additional 600,000 households of Ukrainians alone
in the housing market. Quite honestly: You always rile yourselves up over it!
Maximilian Mordhorst (FDP): You always
rile yourself up!
Yet is it
then so difficult to grasp – I know it is apparently for one or the other
really difficult – that you are able to just once bestow any dwelling in
Germany? You can give them either to German citizens who produce the prosperity
of this country, or implement them for projects like Housing First,
Leni Breymaier (SPD): What then do you want to do with
the people? You wicked man, you!
or give them
to anyone who yesterday has stumbled over the border.
Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): Oh, oh,
Yet you can
give them only once. That is prioritization, that is the duty of politics. You
appear willing to simply not understand it, ladies and gentlemen.
Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn (Greens): You
prioritize between people! That is offensive!
Leni Breymaier (SPD): You are a
humanitarian disaster on two legs!
For us of the
AfD, the priorites in this area are clearly set: To build more housing, deport
those obligated to leave, stop migration and instead make housing space
available for our own people and gladly for projects like Housing First.
Allow me in conclusion
to direct some words to the Berliners who are voting on Sunday.
Vice-president Aydan Özoğuz: Yet
that must be quickly, please.
Who wants
Housing First must vote “Germany First”. For affordable rents, new housing space
and a pleasant neighbor, there is on Sunday just one option:
Vice-president Aydan Özoğuz: Please
come to a conclusion.
All votes for
the AfD!
I am grateful
to you for your attention.
[trans: tem]