Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Alice Weidel, August 24, 2022, Citizens’ Sacrifices

AfD Kompakt, August 24, 2022.

Whether migration, climate or the Ukraine conflict: It is always the German citizens who should make sacrifices while it is those in government who make the most abstruse demands of our own citizens. Thereby those who demand more readiness to sacrifice need themselves practice no renunciation at all. Provided with a state income, pension claim and all sorts of amenities, the Ampel’s protagonists lack any standing.

We of the AfD demand of the Federal government to lay off their hyper-morality and finally glance at the people’s reality of living. No one in Germany is obligated to make sacrifices for a policy which completely ignores the interests of our own population. On the contrary, those governing have to finally dedicate themselves to their core duty inscribed in the Basic Law: To promote the welfare of the German people and protect them from harm.


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Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Ralf Stadler, August 18, 2022, Bavarian Farmers' Protests

AfD Kompakt, August 18, 2022.

In a time of war in Ukraine, numerous export bans on agricultural goods, frequent breakdowns in supply chains and a steadily increasing inflation in regards foodstuffs, the EU’s environmental packet is a false signal. The professionally over-charged Minister Özdemir already needed to back-pedal and has signaled provisionally setting aside the non-cultivation obligation [Pflichtbrache] and the crop rotation for the 2023 harvest year. The unrealistic environmental policy of the Greens has thus failed all along the line. The farmers’ massive protests have thus shown effect.

From the Bavarian State government the farmers as usual receive no support. On the contrary: State Economy Minister Kaniber voted with the Greens in the Bundesrat for further restrictions on farming. She thereby endangers not only farm livelihoods but the population’s food supply. Only the AfD is strong for the farmers. Our food is not to become a luxury!


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Monday, August 22, 2022

Alice Weidel, August 17, 2022, Gas Assessment

AfD Kompakt, August 17, 2022.

Scarcities of gas and electricity are not sudden natural events but the result of the Federal government’s policy. This negative situation might be turned around if only there was the political will for it. Yet the Ampel lacks even this. A German Finance Minister in the present situation cannot let Brussels decide whether or not the value added tax is allowed to apply to the gas assessment. The gas assessment costs for the citizens thus now increase – whereby is crowned a senseless idea.

The gas assessment does not in fact offer relief in the energy crisis, but a turning away from the Ampel’s ideological Russia and energy policy does. The start up of Nord Stream 2 as well as the continued use of coal and nuclear power again need to be on the table. The Ampel must no longer let itself be led exclusively by ideology in these questions but must commit itself to the interests of the citizens – just like the AfD!


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