Showing posts with label Martin Böhm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Martin Böhm. Show all posts

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Martin Böhm, January 12, 2022, Inflation and the EU

AfD Kompakt, January 12, 2022.

What [ECB director Isabel] Schnabel now finally concedes, the citizens already for months painfully feel in the purse. With this delayed admission, the ECB manifestly makes use of a salami tactic. Instead of shoving off the price increase onto the “Corona pandemic” and temporary delivery bottlenecks for certain goods, it should rather speak plainly to the citizens: The origins of the inflation lie in the complete suppression by the ECB of all economic and financial principles. The expropriation of savers and the acknowledged acceptance of the impoverishment of our pensioners for years has a system – with the overriding goal of amortizing by means of inflation the debt burden of the decayed, southern European, red wine states.  The left-green energy transition introduced by Merkel and driven forward by the Ampel certainly accelerates it. The reasons nevertheless lie deeper. If in the last ten years a solid interest rate policy had been managed, this would have maintained our prosperity and without mercy exposed the mismanagement of the recipient countries.

Our demands as the AfD are clear: A sozial energy policy is to be formed. And by means of a foresighted change in interest rates in connection with a drastic reversal of all loan purchases, the worst for our citizens needs be avoided. Anything else requires an intensive consideration of a revision of the EU to the treaty basis prior to Maastricht and, in the last consequence, a DEXIT.


[trans: tem]


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Martin Böhm, July 6, 2021, Price Stability

Bavarian Landtag, Plenarprotokoll 18/87, p. 133.

Right honorable Herr President. Dear colleagues.

After eight months ripening, our motion [Drucksache 18/11418] today is still more relevant than in November. Yet it is no self-fulfilling prophesy, no.

In this time, the ECB [European Central Bank] has hung its price tag inside out. On this tag appears “inflation”. For the citizens, it is the same whether the ECB inflates its balance with the sale of state loans or with the purchase of green odd lot loans. That at the beginning of May there are 7.6 trillion euros in the fire, and thus 30% more than a year ago, should stir up the people.

The purchase of state loans serves the pampered ones of economically shaky, red wine states. The purchase of green loans promotes the technologies of the mind [Gesinnungstechnologien] and destroys solid, German industrial workplaces.

The struggle over the consequences of Corona shuns no monetary experiment and hides every risk. At the end of the day, the Bavarian citizen stands bail. He stands bail for all, before he stifles in the strangling grasp of an ECB painted green.

Article 119 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union demands:

stable prices, sound public finances and monetary conditions, and a sustainable balance of payments

Wastepaper! All of that is only wastepaper! Our motion is to indict this law-breaking and be the loud voice of our citizens. I can nevertheless only hear the AfD, while all the cartel parties duck out. The ECB today is exactly so obligated to price stability as was formerly our Bundesbank. That was then the political pact and when the people were not asked whether it wants to surrender its D-mark on the altar of the EU.

The wrestling over price stability is no easy undertaking, everyone knows that. Yet he who like the ECB board throws overboard the simplest economic principles only so as quickly as possible to sail after incompetent governments, instead of with measure and moderation watching over the people’s welfare, has missed his goal, wissen Gott.

That von der Leyen as a German, with the debts mutualization as well as with her green climate policy, commits an acknowledged assault on the prosperity of her own people is the raised side of the coin; the flat side is the death of prosperity by means of inflation, which like hydrofluoric acid consumes our society from top to bottom. Beginning with the asset price inflation, it has meanwhile arrived at the shopping basket. The shopping basket standard is deceptive. For the shopping basket, which actually remains empty, is the shopping basket of the pensioner and the single parent.

The shopping basket inflates at between five and seven percent. For these citizens, the emergency is gathering. Precisely there is our assistance of utmost importance. Support our efforts for price stability at all levels.


[trans: tem]