Monday, July 15, 2024

Peter Felser, June 28, 2024, Farm Policy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/179, pp. 23306-23307. 

Right honorable Frau President. Herr Minister. Ladies and gentlemen. Dear guests. 

With the massive elimination of half a billion euros per year for farm diesel, the Ampel unleashed the greatest farmers protests ever since the Peasants Wars of the 16th Century in Germany. 

            Karmaba Diaby (SPD):  Mein Gott! 

Maximilian Mordhorst (FDP): I would say, since 2019! Yet each has his version of history!

Because you wanted to remove pressure, you promised the German agriculture: At latest by the summer pause, there shall be more planning security, there shall be more relief. You wanted to thereby compensate for the tax hike on farm diesel. 

Since then however, as good as nothing has happened. Quite the opposite: You meanwhile have burdened the agriculture with even more bureaucracy; for example, with the obligatory material flow balance [Stoffstrombilanz] for fertilizer. And then we need learn on Tuesday from the farm press that the Ampel has now put forward a so-called farm package. At lightning speed, this shall now be bludgeoned through the German Bundestag. In three days, on Monday, we shall hear the experts – if they come in at all. Two days later, it shall be in committee and then next Friday, presumably in the last minutes before the summer pause, it shall be decided. 

I truly ask myself: Have you then learned simply nothing from the chaos in regards the heating law? The Federal Constitutional Court expressly wrote to you in the album: You need to give parliament sufficient time so that we can thoroughly occupy ourselves with legal initiatives. Of that, there can be no talk here. Dear colleagues, allow me in this place to clearly emphasize: It thus definitely does not go. That is a trivialization of parliament. If you can’t do it professionally, then at least leave out these conjuring tricks. That is unheard of. 

And what is in the farm package – as opposed to what you now have spoken of? As expected, it falls completely short of the promises of January. You appear to have understood not at all the seriousness of the situation  in agriculture. Where is the reliable financing for animal husbandry? Where are the measures for affordable land prices? Where are the measures for affordable working capital? Where is the tax moratorium? This, what you propose to us here, is nothing more than a farm small parcel. This does not nearly compensate the massive costs of the tax hike on farm diesel. The president of the German farmers union therefore rightly accuses you of a loss of reality. 

Dear colleagues, I say to you what would be the most effective relief measure for the German agriculture: 

            Maximilian Mordhorst (FDP): Bad results for the AfD!

The immediate resignation of the Ampel government. Finally make free the way to new elections! 

I thank you.

[trans: tem]