Monday, July 1, 2024

Malte Kaufmann, June 26, 2024, Eco-socialism

AfD Kompakt, June 26, 2024. 

The mood in the German economy is long since desolate. The situation becomes further critical. The energy costs are much too high, the bureaucracy insanity is no longer to be endured. Who does not flee to a foreign country, needs in Germany to either struggle for survival or close the business. The overall conditions are no longer suitable; they were for years consistently run down.   

I do not believe that a call to reason by Economy Minister Habeck could in any way suffice and put in motion a turnaround. He has much too far set out on his wrong way and thereby fantasizes of beautiful numbers far from reality. In the view of the AfD delegation, Germany urgently needs to forsake the path of the destructive eco-socialist transformation, and for that requires a capable Economy Minister. The free market economy alone creates the correct overall conditions for business, secures workplaces and increases prosperity. Habeck’s eco-socialism destroys them – we will rebuild them. 


[trans: tem]