Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Martin Reichardt, November 9, 2023, Children’s Basic Security

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/134, 16885-16886. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

The Children’s Basic Security [Kindergrundsicherung] will be praised by the green Ampel as a heart’s project. Yet we all certainly know what actually are the heart’s projects of this green Ampel: Disconnection of the climate-friendly nuclear power plants, weapons deliveries to war zones, 

            Nina Stahr (Greens): The theme!

comprehensive de-industrialization of Germany and unbridled mass immigration. That is the political framework with which you drive families in Germany into poverty. Yet, for that, you will be rightly punished throughout Germany at the elections, and das ist gut so. 

            Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn (Greens): Pride comes before a fall!

The expenditures in connection with flight and migration alone in this year amount to 48.2 billion euros. 

            Götz Frömming (AfD): At least!

For your big toss for families, you have a crummy 2.4 billion left over. And that is a scandal which speaks for itself. 

All of this of course becomes the more perverse as your entire social rhetoric is continually sabotaged by your own concrete policy. What you give to families on one side, you take away from them on the other side. The effect of your Kindergrundsicherung immediately dissolves  into nothing in the face of shocks which families receive in regards purchasing, the glance at the corresponding accounting and the energy prices, ladies and gentlemen.

So it is to be designated as one thing only, namely a labeling swindle. And here we have once again politically placed you, ladies and gentlemen. 

            Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn (Greens): Oh!

For the Kindergrundsicherung, it is so as for the Bürgergeld [citizens’ wage]. Much money has been inequitably pumped into imported poverty since 2015. The number of foreign children in receipt of transfer benefits has tripled since 2010. 

Kai Whittaker (CDU/CSU): Here, someone apparently has not at all peeked at the law! Had no desire to read the legal text, Herr colleague. Or what? 

Martin Gassner-Herz (FDP): It was too complicated for him! He understood nothing!

In 2010, it was 303,962 children, this year it is 935,000 children, most of whom come from Syria and the Ukraine. And I say to you: The opinion of the people in this country makes clear that the understanding for a policy which gives away the social benefits to all the world and drives one’s own people into poverty has finally been used up, ladies and gentlemen. 

            Wolfgang Strengmann-Kuhn (Greens): Crude nonsense! 

The Kindergrundsicherung is an additional instrument for the financial benefit of all the world and provides an additional incentive for migration into our moreover wasted social system, ladies and gentlemen. 

            Emilia Fester (Greens): Can you not for once think of something new?

In addition, the Kindergrundsicherung is an additional building block within the left-green reconstruction of society. It is in line with an entire chain of similarly mounted projects, as, for example, the so-called children’s rights in the Basic Law. All of these projects have one thing in common: The child shall be removed from the family social relation and transferred into the hands of a supposedly kindly, leftist political state. And we will not let you get away with that! 

            Anke Hennig (SPD): That is just ridiculous, what you are saying here! 

Nina Stahr (Greens): Because you do not tolerate that children have their own opinion! Inconceivable!

You propagandize for the de-coupling of the child from its parents. Greens and SPD especially want state command over the children’s beds. Yet we will prevent that, ladies and gentlemen. 

            Nina Stahr (Greens): We want that children have rights! That is a difference!

The families, the parents – that is for all of you just a burdensome intermediate level which hides a risk. You want that children be raised and financed not by their parents, but better by leftist ideologues, and exactly so raised as you would gladly have it. Yet this also we will not allow, ladies and gentlemen.   

            Stephanie Aeffner (Greens): You haven’t cast a glance at the law!

In conclusion, the following may be said: With this law, you go a further step along the way, well-known by you, to the disempowerment [Entmündigung] of the parents, the disempowerment of families, and the happiness of all the world. 

            Vice-president Aydan Özoğuz: Please come to a conclusion.

Yet we of the AfD will not participate in this. For we as the only ones say: Our families and our Germany first! 

            Annika Klose (SPD): Name one concrete example! Name just one!

Many thanks.

           Anke Hennig (SPD): Ridiculous! 


[trans: tem]