Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Götz Frömming, October 18, 2023, Gender Ideology

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/131, pp. 16301-16302. 

Right honorable Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. 

In the year 1817, thus around 200 years ago, the last teaching chair for astrology at a German university was closed. Who now thinks that the Enlightenment has finally triumphed, he is in error. 

            Maria Klein-Schmeink (Greens): You are evidence of that!

For a number of years, another pseudo-science has been on the march at our colleges. We speak today of the so-called gender research whereby in this connection the word “research” is a gross euphemism. Astrology could be better designated as a science than this gender ideology. 

The entire gender ideology, ladies and gentlemen, is based on the thesis, initially formulated by Judith Butler, that sex and indeed also biology may be freely chosen or – more precisely – constructed. When today you see on the internet pictures of young people who have undergone with the scalpel a sex change, these shocking, unhappy faces of mutilated children treated with puberty blockers, then you see modern human sacrifices brought there to the altar of the gender ideology. 

The acceptance of these trespasses upon the bodily inviolability increases with the medical-technical potentialities and – yes – with the money which can thereby be earned. Numerous clinics in the U.S.A., yet also in Germany, are already fixated on this business model. Gender ideology is thereby one of the present masks of Marxism. It could also be formulated: It is the theology of the woke left. It has nothing to do with medicine or science, ladies and gentlemen. 

The gender ideology besides also places in question the rights of women and homosexuals. A shrewd woman like Alice Schwarzer recognized this. She is therefore removed with hatred and spite from the left corner. 

Gender ideologues cannot answer the simple question of why the two sexes, which were allegedly invented by society and imposed upon people, exist in the animal realm. They also cannot answer how many socially constructed sexes there generally are and where they can be found. 

In Hamburg officially live just 31 people who designate themselves as diverse. An AfD delegation inquiry to the Senate has yielded this. 

            Martin Sichert (AfD); Hear, hear!

Nationwide, just about 400 people up to February 2021 have had themselves registered as diverse. That thus corresponds to .00047 percent of the population. 

            Maria Klein-Schmeink (Greens): Why then do you feel threatened?

We have thereby needed to be accustomed to how under a leftist discourse hegemony one wronged minority after another was discovered and then needed to be pampered by the taxpayers. Yet how could it actually come to that such a small and exotic fringe group is able to push forward into the center of all Western societies? 

With his fringe group, it is not as usual. Their lawyers are responsible for that, who themselves as usual have issued the mandate. For these lawyers, who exert this theme with an enormous moral extortion pressure on the Western public, conduct themselves like a woke left. They want to remove from biology the sex theme so as to use it as a weapon in a political struggle. 

            Renate Künst (Linke): Speak German!

The so-called gender research also has not any scientific yield; political proceeds are put forward throughout. Here primarily needs to be named the dictatorship of gender speech and the early sexualization of children. Both follow the ancient Marxist goal: The attack on the traditional family, the elementary foundation of bürgerlichen society. It’s about re-education. 

Scientists, ladies and gentlemen, concern themselves with what is. Gender ideologues are only interested in what should be. Thus for the gender ideologues it is all the same that gender speech is hideous and semantic nonsense. A Studierende, ladies and gentlemen, needs to bring her child into the world in an auditorium, otherwise she would be a student giving birth. Thus for the gender ideologues it is also all the same that in all surveys a great part of the population rejects gender speech. 

Yet for all that – a little glimmer of hope – some of the Federal States and administrations are on the way to no longer taking part in this nonsense. Ladies and gentlemen of the CDU, we also have hope in the CDU delegation in Thüringen which prepares a similar motion. We will of course vote in favor. Pleasant greetings to Herr Merz. The wall must go, ladies and gentlemen. 

The mental health of our children is also all the same to the gender ideologues. In the meantime, in school books also are biological facts contorted. 

Ladies and gentlemen, we must put an end to it. Post-secondary schools [Hochschulen] need again to recall ideology-free research and teaching. Elementary education [Schulbildung] needs again to return to a value-neutral, age-appropriate investigation of knowledge on a foundation of fact-based recogntion of human propagation [wertneutralen und altersentsprechenden Wissensvermittlung auf Grundlage faktenbasierter Erkenntnisse zur menschlichen Fortpflanzung]. Gender is a dangerous, manipulative, unscientific nonsense. 

            Vice-president Aydan Özoğuz: Please come to a conclusion.

 Jawohl, Frau President. – Follow our motion [Drucksache 20/8862]. Let us deprive gender ideology of the the financial swamp. 

Many thanks, ladies and gentlemen. 


[trans: tem]