German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/87, p.
Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.
The policy of this Ampel
government has led to that the criminality on trains and at train stations in
the year 2022 simply exploded. According to an evaluation of the Bundespolizei,
the number of knife attacks has risen from 166 to 336 and thus has almost
doubled. Also, the number of violent offenses climbed in the year 2022 38.6
percent, from around 16,700 to around 23,100. The number of weapons offenses
increased 30.4 percent and for sexual offenses an increase of 35.5 percent is to
be noted. These numbers allow only one conclusion: Trains and train stations
ever more become places of crime and areas of fear for our citizens. This is an
unacceptable situation. Here, the state must take counter-measures as quickly
as possible.
Manuel Höferlin (FDP): And on that account, the state needs to make a statistic! That is the AfD’s solution!
I hear now those who, trivializing and relativizing, will
assert these numbers cannot be compared; since the increases trace back to the
ending of the pandemic. Yet such an assertion is plainly false; since the
numbers prior to the pandemic – without any restriction of freedom of travel –
were in any case considerably lower than in the year 2022; thus for example,
the number of violent offenses, which in the year 2019 was at 17,927. The fact
is: The exorbitant increase has nearly nothing to do with the pandemic. Thus
please do not attempt to present this false assertion in this place and thereby
take the citizens for fools.
Manuel Höferlin (FDP): Nay, that pertains to you!
He who wants to manage a serious and credible security
policy needs to attribute a particular meaning and pay attention to the portion
of non-German suspects. To these are attributed over 50 percent of knife
offenses on trains, for violent offenses 42.8 percent, for weapons offenses
around 35 percent and for sexual offenses, believe it or not, 58.7 percent.
Again – so each understands it – the majority of investigated knife attackers
on trains and sexual offenders on trains and in train stations were
non-Germans. In view of these numbers he who continues to relativize and
trivialize or indeed simply does not pay attention to the high proportion of
non-Germans suspects for violent and sexual offenses, he acts exclusively
guided by ideology and against the security interests of our citizens.
Kamya Kaddor (Greens): Thus, quite different from you, right?
That, we no longer accept.
We need to state it clearly and distinctly: The principal
origin of this disastrous security development is the fully unchecked migration
policy of this government. It thereby destroys security in our country, and
against that, every responsible security politician must now finally oppose
Instead of executing a radical change of course in the
migration policy so as to fight the origins of this disastrous development, you
set up more video surveillance and zones banning weapons. With this purely
symptomatic fight you will however only be able, if at all, to deter a quite
small portion of the violent perpetrators from the implementation of their acts.
For that, you ever again restrict the rights of the citizens, and indeed of
blameless citizens. The debate over the New Year’s Eve rioting was to be
similarly understood. There, a general ban on fireworks was demanded
Götz Frömming (AfD): Such an imbecility!
instead of approaching the origins. That, right honorable
ladies and gentlemen, is high-grade security policy dilettantism, paired with
an unacceptable disregard of elementary civil rights. And we go along with that
no more.
And we also do not let it escape you that to an increasing
degree you want to belie the citizens as to the consequences of your disastrous
migration policy, as we needed to experience in the discussion on the New Year’s
Eve rioting. And as you now also attempt by means of changing the citizenship
laws so that namely some non-Germans become, essentially earlier than
previously, Germans, and by means of this solemnity a criminal act will
consequently be included in the criminal statistics as German. Thereby,
following a present renunciation of the original citizenship, a conclusion as
to a migration background according to the previous situation is no longer
possible. We therefore say: Stop this deception! Stop this disguise! We need to
rein in such manipulations. We therefore demand in our motion [Drucksache 20/5808] a publicly
accessible Federal overview of criminality in trains and train stations, and
which distinguishes between not only “German” and “non-German” but also
includes the migration background of the suspects.
By means of your mobility transition, you ever more forcibly
compel the citizen into public means of transportation; thus he must also have
the right to make for himself a picture of the criminality situation there. The
same applies besides for knife crime. Who refuses to accept this, who ignores
fundamental interests of the people, may not wonder about the citizens’ ever
greater loss of trust in politics.
[trans: tem]