Plastics Tax
Kompakt, August 7, 2020
[Ingo Hahn is a chairman of the Alternative für
Deutschland delegation in the state legislature of Bavaria. He is a geography professor.]
is simply an injustice should German citizens, to cover an over-drawn EU
budget, be saddled with a plastics tax which is moreover equivalent to EU
direct taxation. While the AfD is committed to a reduction of plastic, it is
not in the form, if you please, of a hypocritical EU refinancing strategy but
one with a realistic focus on the environment. That in the same stroke the
emissions deal is to be expanded sets the crown on the whole. Since the
emissions deal now furthers a creeping, compulsory taxation of citizens and
businesses without developing a recognizably positive effect on the environment.
question of Europe’s future ought not become the fatal issue for the German Mittelstand which already now has been
seriously affected by the economic consequences of the Corona crisis. The
further introduction of freely invented surtaxes under the ostensible argument of
aid to the environment should no longer be sold to the citizens as an
ecological contribution. Since all that this government under Merkel aims at is
a redistribution of German tax money towards a failed monetary union which is
to be kept artificially alive by the German side.
[trans: tem]