Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Joana Cotar, May 7, 2020, Basic Rights in the Corona Crisis

Joana Cotar
Basic Rights in the Corona Crisis
German Bundestag, May 7, 2020, Plenarprotokoll 19/158, pp. 19561-19562

[Joana Cotar is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the western German state of Hessen. A communications manager, she is the AfD’s spokesman for digital policy in the Bundestag. She here introduces two AfD motions (Drucksache 19/18976, 18977) concerning basic rights in the Corona crisis. Jens Spahn (CDU/CSU) is the German Minister for Health.]

Right honorable Frau President. Worthy colleagues.

How is an amount of trust squandered in the briefest time? The government in recent weeks has impressively demonstrated that to us. I am speaking of the Corona app. What chaos, what a communications disaster, what absurd and dangerous planning, ladies and gentlemen.

            Ulli Nissen (SPD): You are the ultimate in absurdity.

Initially, Jens Spahn wanted to allow the evaluation of location data for the control of Covid-19; an absolutely disproportionate incursion upon the basic right to information self-determination, as well as being technologically senseless. The outcry was sufficiently great that he had to withdraw the plan. Now it shall be directed to apps. To a tracing app is suddenly associated the data contribution app of the RKI [Robert Koch Institute]. Soon there shall be – besides others – a quarantine logbook app. An immunity certification app is also being discussed. The government is evidently happy to make use of this crisis so as to see how far it can go before the citizens have finally had enough. These assaults upon the rights of freedom may not be otherwise described.

Initially, the government added the tracing app to the central service approach. Thereupon 300 scientists from renowned universities warned of a possibly unprecedented surveillance. Despite that, the Federal government adhered to the central approach. The Big Brother idea was plainly too attractive. Once athwart the tech giants Google and Apple, the government had to give up the plan.

Thus it shall now be aimed at the decentralized approach. Exactly how, we do not know. We could ascertain in the Digital Agenda committee that there is no schedule, no budget, no one is responsible. The data defense is not yet defined and the technical problems quite certainly not. There has been not the slightest personal conversation with Apple, thus with those responsible for whether this app can function at all. There is no exit plan. And most important of all: There is not the slightest planning by the government to defend those not using the app from social discrimination. This app must, if it comes to that, be absolutely transparent and voluntary, and it must not come to pass that one can no longer simply set foot in the supermarket or can no longer go to work if one does not use the app. That it does not go that far, lies within your responsibility, dear government. Do your job!

At the moment, you are doing the exact opposite. From the CSU ranks comes the proposal to link the use of the app to the basic rights.

            Stefan Müller (CDU/CSU –Erlangen): What rubbish! Where did you get 
            that nonsense?

What an absurdly dangerous thought! Just like the idea of coaxing the people with tax reductions. Basic rights are not for sale, dear colleagues.

An app is not a cure-all. It replaces no hygiene measures. Not once has it been shown to be of general epidemiological significance. Singapore, long considered a model, is experiencing a horrific second wave – despite the app. Yet that is the government’s Brave New World; we shall simply accustom ourselves to the surveillance. And if not enough citizens participate, then after the freedom comes the compulsion – and it is to be by social exclusion. The city and local councils are already requiring extensive access to practically stored data. The police are fine with that. Look at Baden-Württemberg.

The AfD consistently rejects these incursions upon civil rights. When in doubt, freedom! The AfD therefore demands that the government stop the app planning. Come about and concentrate yourself on what may really help. Let us find a way to normality without spying, without surrender of civil rights, but with a healthy, human understanding.

[Translated by Todd Martin]