Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Alexander Gauland, May 2, 2020, Church and State

Alexander Gauland
Church and State
AfD Kompakt, May 2, 2020

[Alexander Gauland is honorary national chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland and a chairman of the AfD delegation in the Bundestag. He here responds to a recent court ruling concerning the government’s regulation of public gatherings during the Corona pandemic.]

The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court is very welcome. However, the Christian Amtskirchen [official churches] ought to be ashamed that it required a Moslem mosque association to sue for this basic right in Germany. The former, essentially with a shrug, accepted the total suspension of the basic right to undisturbed religious practice. Not even Christian funerals were regularly performed.

For long have both Christian Amtskirchen neglected their core duty of the cure of souls in favor of a biased involvement in daily politics. Now, when it comes to the elementary concerns of Christians, the Church hierarchy takes a dive. It is quite clear that the membership decline of the churches will not be thusly halted.

[Translated by Todd Martin]