German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/164, pp. 21103-21104.
Right honorable Frau President.
Dear colleagues. Dear taxpayers in the gallery.
Beck (SPD): We’re taxpayers , too!
And before all things: Dear tax
kleptomaniacs – it cannot be otherwise said – of the Debts Coalition!
I want to again help you on the
point upon which we speak here today. We are speaking on that the minimum
livelihood be made tax free. This besides results from the ability to pay [Leisitungsfähigkeit] principle. Okay,
that is difficult for the Greens, – it cannot be quite comprehended there – yet
for the SPD meanwhile also.
I want to help you with the point
of what the Constitutional Court said. We have today spoken so much of human
dignity. The Constitutional Court actually derives this principle from the human
dignity. I cite with the permission of
the president:
It is
accordingly not only not sensible when the state first takes from the citizen
as tax a portion of his minimum livelihood, and afterwards returns the money to
him in the form of support payments
– as for example in the form of
social assistance, housing money and many other things. It is besides a
principle which this Debts Coalition manages for years: To take money away from
people so as to refund to them a small portion. No, the Constitutional Court
further states that, as a result of such proceedings, people who actually were
in the condition to live independently were forced into the position of a
supplicant to state offices. That reveals precisely your policy, my dear friends
of the Debts Ampel.
Yet let us come to the sobering
numbers. Here, even the CDU has slumbered; the press here assembled has
slumbered. The scandal of the Bürgergeld
[citizens’ wage] increase on Januuary 1 of 12.1 percent, namely from 502 euros to
563 euros, occurred already on 1 January 2023. You of course then increased the
basic allowance by merely 5.4 percent, while with the Bürgergeld introduction you just raised the old social assistance
contribution from 449 euros to 502 euros; that is 11.8 percent. Reckoned as a
basis percentage, you increased the Bürgergeld
in not 15 months by around 25 percent.
Strengmann-Kuhn (Greens): That is falsified. That’s not right! That is wrong!
And in regards the basic
allowance, you have not managed an increase of 12 percent. That reveals you for
what you are. To that I say: Phooey, that’s shameful, what you are doing!
Schieder (SPD): Na, na, na! Slow
For nights, so to say, I checked
that with the calculator and it certainly wasn’t difficult. You now hopefully
have noted what we here demand – and Herr Lindner now partially, quite timidly –
is only a drop on the hot stone.
So as to support the same with
facts, dear taxpayers up there:
speaker holds up a diagram)
From one euro – this is from the
Taxpayers Union – remains 47.5 euros cents.
Aydan Özoğuz: Herr member, in that regard, we have…
Print this!
microphone is disconnected)
member, I am speaking with you.
Kay Gottschalk (AfD) continues to speak)
member, is it then so difficult to pause for a second?
But of course!
I am
simply attempting to bring to your attention that we here have an understanding
to display no drawings and pictures.
This is no picture. This is a
was a graphic. Yet please refrain therefrom.
Good. I do so in the future. Thank
you for the reference. My party since 2019 has here brought in multiple motions
and draft laws and therein demanded increasing the basic allowance, or to
introduce the tax schedule on wheels [Tarif
auf Rädern] which is even in some of the elections programs of parties
which have been present here. You have refused all of this with threadbare
reasonings and prefer to increase the Bürgergeld
in the last 13 months by 25 percent.
Your learning curve – it can, I
believe, be stated – actually approaches asymptomatically the zero line. I hope
that the voters at the next elections will correspondingly prepare a bill and
make the X by the party which is really committed to the people who are
On our motion [Drucksache 20/10975] is the program
name: “Observe the Wage Difference Rule [Lohnabstandsgebot]
– Relieve Wage-earners and Mittelstand”, and the basic allowance in fact
clearly increase – I believe I’ve made clear why it must be – to 14,000 euros. It
needs be said: Herr Lindner has a bad conscience, you not. He undertook a small
project and wanted tax relief in the future for foreign employees in the first
three years. At least he recognized: For real skilled labor, how I would define
it, Germany is quite unattractive. Yet this also applies for the home
employees, ladies and gentlemen of the FDP. Perhaps be honest for once!
Herr Fuerst supports the whole,
in which is stated in his study – I cite with permission of the President: "Who
works full-time not always has more therefrom”, especially the people who earn
between 4,000 euros and 5,500 euros and live in large cities; since then basic
supplements and other supplements come to nothing. He calculated: When a labor
force under this government changes from part-time to full-time, then it has 32
euros more.
You thus see: Only one party
here in the German Bundestag is really committed for the people. We stand for
that working people do not meanwhile become supplicants of a socialist state,
ladies and gentlemen.
I am grateful for your
[trans: tem]