Monday, April 17, 2023

Rainer Kraft, March 31, 2023, Nuclear Power

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/95, pp. 11423-11424.

Honored President. Valued colleagues.

For over 60 years, the German nuclear power plants have supplied our country with safe, economic [preiswert], and sustainable electricity. In 15 days, this German success story shall go to an end. In Bavaria, the nuclear plant Isar 2 goes from the network after 35 years of productive operation in which 404 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity were produced. That corresponds to nearly the entire amount of electricity generated in Germany by photovoltaic, generated from just one nuclear power plant. From this place, a hearty thank you to all the nuclear power workers who have made possible this engine of prosperity.

In so far as one wants a well-to-do, competitive industrial nation, and does not have the good fortune to be geographically blessed with geothermal or much water, one needs to produce in another way his reliable and economic electricity. That then occurs by means of burning carbon materials or by the use of nuclear fission, since contingent energy like wind and sun are not compatible with the attribute “reliable”. All nations worldwide follow this pattern; there are no exceptions. The laws of physics are stronger than ideology.  

Germany is therein the wrong-way driver of global energy policy. Nowhere is this so clear as in the question of nuclear energy. Despite a global energy crisis, the Federal government clings to the withdrawal decision and wants next month to take from the network nuclear power plants with 4,000 megawatts of economic and low CO2 output. By 2022, these three nuclear power plants have generated around 32 terawatt-hours of energy. This energy in the coming year will be bitterly lacking for industry and our citizens.

To generate these amounts of electricity in Germany, 10,000 wind energy installations, or eight to ten gas power plants, need to be erected as a replacement. Here, we put the question, dear government: Where are these replacement constructions? To where can I drive to see them? To where can I drive to reach them? Then comes the answer: This replacement simply does not exist. In the past year, 2022, despite all the money squandering in Germany, just a net 213, instead of 10,000, windmills were erected – 213 instead of 10,000 installations which were certainly needed so as to replace the energy of just three remaining nuclear power plants. And how many gas power plants were built? None were built; a replacement was not made. That means, you take production from the network without making a replacement. The consequences  are further energy scarcities and rising prices for taxpayers and consumers who already stand before financial ruin as a result of other government measures and the inflation of the common currency.

How does it look outside of Germany? You may want to deny it, yet nuclear power is economic. France wants to build fourteen new nuclear power plants, Poland six, the Netherlands two, Czechia two, Slovakia two, Hungary two, the United Kingdom four, etc. – yes, that can be applauded. – One sees: All responsible governments take care for reliable, economic and green electricity for their citizens and for their industry.

            Maik Aussendorf (Greens): They are subvention diggers!

And what does our government do? They take economic and reliable electricity from the market and burn much more expensive gas. In the end, private and industrial electricity customers pay the bill – to the harm of the entire Republic.

Our Economy Minister hoped for a mild winter, and he got it.

Stephan Brandner (AfD): Thanks to climate change! Otherwise, there would have been nothing!

He will nevertheless not be able to rely on it. The gas supply is indeed stable at a high level. That however is based on that we have simply bought out the market for gas from the developing and rising countries. The consequence is that countries in southern Asia, as for example Pakistan, have announced to quadruple their energy production from coal power. The consequence of your ideological withdrawal from nuclear power plants is then thus a global increase of CO2 emissions – and that, even though you here ever, ever and ever again stress that for you the CO2 removal is the most important of all. Apparently, that is not so.

The result: After 20 years of energy transition, the citizens know that the supposed minimal additional cost of an ice cream cone was a willful falsehood. The promises, that other than the generation methods nothing will change and price and reliability will remain the same, are exposed and seen through. Yet if the people are simply asked what to them in regards the energy supply is really important – electricity without nuclear powr plants on one side, or economic, reliable and truly green electricity on the other side – then is the vote of the sovereign clear, namely a distinct affirmation for nuclear power.

            Stephan Brandner (AfD): And that is right!

If electricity and energy in Germany are thus to be economic and reliable, if our industry is to meet with competitive parameters,  and if our citizens are not to be impoverished by their electricity bill, then this nation needs to go the way of other people’s communities and provide large quantities of economic, reliable, modern and by all means also low CO2 energy for the welfare of the state.

            Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP): Herr colleague, please come to a conclusion.

That means: Continued operation of the three remaining installations, ordering new fuel rods and, yes, an affirmation for construction of new nuclear installations.


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Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Tino Chrupalla, April 4, 2023, Peace in the Ukraine

AfD Kompakt, April 4, 2023.

The Alternative für Deutschland is the peace party. We want peace through negotiations. We thereby give voice to two-thirds of Germans and present ourselves as the only political power opposed to the trend of the Federal policy. The Federal government contributes to escalation through weapons deliveries and war rhetoric. The citizens pay the price for that. The war inflation makes life beyond one’s means, the risk of a third world war threatens one’s existence. We demand that Germany come forward as an honest and neutral mediator and not as a war party. The Ukraine war is not our war.


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Monday, April 10, 2023

Gottfried Curio, March 29, 2023, Asylum, Deportation and the CDU

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/93, p. 11176.

Right honorable President. Ladies and gentlemen.

With clearly over 200,000 asylum applicants last year – besides one million Ukrainians – the quite overburdened reception capacities are definitely overcharged. Yet, despite dramatic cries for help from States and communities, the Federal government undertakes nothing. No stop of the ever further influx of illegals migrants, no effective border defense; instead, new incentives, giveaway rights to remain for the unwarranted, so-called opportunities.

The army of hundreds of thousands of illegal intruders itself remains untouched. Of over 300,000 rejected asylum applicants who are effectively obliged to depart, 96 percent simply remain sitting in Germany and they continue to collect from the taxpayers. Return quota: Just four percent. The Swiss have 54 percent; the EU average at least amounts to 23 percent. And this lawbreaking mentality of Germany in its migration policy, meanwhile recognized worldwide – that the unwarranted can remain – is a first-class pull factor. That Germany since 2015 permanently stands for lawbreaking will become the historical role of the Union Chancellor and her helpers, not to speak of the countless crimes of violence, all the murders, because the government violates its legal obligation in regards deportations.

            Clara Bünger (Greens): Lies!

It is no longer acceptable. The government remains inactive where countries of origin are not willing to again receive their citizens. The AfD here demands finally the strengthened use of the visa lever, the use of all measures of trade policy, development co-operation, technology transfer, so as to compel these states to an observance of their obligation. And since countless migrants, to fraudulently obtain social benefits, throw away their personal documents, the acceptance of laisser-passer papers by countries of origin is to be compelled. Those that remain obdurate are to be deported to reception-ready third countries – following the model agreement between Great Britain and Rwanda. And self-evidently also to deport to Iraq and to widely pacified Syria. Here, there must be an end to the active hindrance by the Federal government, ladies and gentlemen.

We also want to put an end to the refusal of EU member states. In regards 69,000 acceptance requests, just 4,000 transfers; of 10,000 requests in regards Greece, exactly one transfer. Italy refuses entirely. Yet that cannot be. This EU lives alone on grants of German money; that is to say: From the misappropriation of German tax money for the anti-national machinations in Brussels – thus, the law without mitigation is to be enforced. The revolving door phenomenon, that the returnee may again enter Germany as an asylum applicant: This disdain of the law is to be ended by coordinated border defense, immediate return, as well as by no longer processing the corresponding petitions.

And the number of places for those subject to deportation is to be built up. On all levels, we want that it effectively goes ahead. And besides: Who wants to effectively deport must of course first for once secure the borders against ever further illegal immigration.

Yet what has a CDU government done? Signed the global migration pact, paid millions for refugee counselors, extended the deportation date for those affected who then submerge! How ridiculous it is that the CDU now presents a deportation motion against its own former policy, where they as the government rejected a better migration policy as put forward in all AfD motions, where they de facto abolished Dublin III, allowed everyone into the country even though they have entered from a secure third country! Most of those obliged to depart came under a CDU government, and needed not leave it under a CDU government.

We need see that the Union for 16 years fueled illegal immigration, then in opposition copied from AfD motions rejected by them, alone in the hope of getting along by again joining with the SPD or Greens. That is a cynicism not to be outdone and only to entered under “Chronicle of a Proclaimed Voter Fraud”.

            Marc Henrichmann (CDU/CSU): State of law!

Nein, ladies and gentlemen, it is time for another policy, time for an Alternative für Deutschland!

            Canan Bayram (Greens): Dream on!


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Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Michael Kaufmann, March 15, 2023, Vaccination Side-effects

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/990, p. 10773. 

Right honorable Herr President. Esteemed colleagues.

You, dear colleagues of the CDU, in your motion focus almost exclusively on the research on the so-called Long Covid Syndrome. The research on the vaccination side-effects, named Post-Vac, you appear to regard rather as a kind of additional matter [Beifang]. Yet you thereby presume to already anticipate the results of the research animated by you. Science initially proceeds from observed phenomena and from there seeks origins and relations, yet does not previously anticipate these.

Solely ascertainable today is that in the wake of the Corona epidemic there arrived an enormously increased number of lasting, manifest, in part very distinct pathologies [Krankheitsbilder]. Yet whether these various pathologies are to be traced back to an infection or to the vaccination, serious research must first determine.

Contrary to the emphasis in your motion, the vaccination side-effects are not marginal phenomena. The EMA’s data bank as of February 18 lists almost 2.2 million cases of side-effects of the Covid shots throughout Europe, around 630,000 of which are serious. It comes to 27,669 fatal cases. And those are only the reported cases!

Let us recall: Especially Herr Lauterbach – he is not here today; the government bench on the whole is astonishingly empty – and with him the entire previous and current government bench spoke at the time of a highly effective vaccination free of side-effects. Today we know that both were not right, not to say were lies. Had not this government been so resistant to advice, then they would have listened to the numerous, worldwide warnings of recognized scientists like the co-inventor of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone. Instead, the citizens were driven to this experimental gene therapy with a mixture of false promises and massive pressure.

Even still in November of last year, to my written individual inquiry, Herr Lauterbach had informed me – I cite: “Accordingly, there are now no risk signals for the complaints designated by the term Post-Vac Syndrome”. In that regard, at that point in time the sparrows were already whistling from the roofs that the Covid shots are entirely other than free of side-effects.

            Rupert Stüwe (SPD): It’s vaccinations!

Sunday evening, the so-inclined viewers needed to watch Herr Lauterbach’s embarrassing squirming on the ZDF’s “heute journal” as he finally under stress for once addressed his seriously false descriptions of the Covid vaccination. A supposed health expert and then Health Minister who has to answer for such catastrophic mis-estimates must immediately resign.

Your motion, dear colleagues of the Union, sets false priorities. The tens of thousands of people in our country who suffer under the side-effects of the shots need finally to be helped. For the research on Long Covid preferred by you, considerable means have already been made available. For that, there are no fewer than ten research associations. On the other hand, the Health Minister was so far not ready to commit even one euro for the research on vaccination side-effects. That is a mockery of the people who once trusted him.

We are anxious for the deliberations in the committees, but we now say to you that we will not vote for your motion in this form.

Many thanks.


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