Thursday, September 8, 2022

Tino Chrupalla, September 7, 2022, Economic War against Russia

German Bundestag, September 7, 2022, Plenarprotokoll 20/50, pp. 5336-5338.

Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Dear countrymen.

When one listens to the discussion between CDU and SPD, it can be said: One donkey calls the other Long Ears. – That is your discussion and your strife culture.

Germany is presently changing at a furious speed. Formerly the economic poster child in Europe, we are well on the way to becoming from a donor to a recipient country. The frightful circumstance of the Ukraine war tears Europe apart, and Germany finds itself in a new, long-term dependency on the U.S.A. Concerning the real causes, Herr Scholz, you’ve not wasted a single word.

By means of a wide-ranging economic sanctions regime against Russia, we will piece by piece isolate ourselves and limit the possibilities of action. The economic war contrived by Robert Habeck on the basis of these sanctions damages Germany, our citizens, but not Russia.

Instead of wanting to end the Ukraine war as quickly as possible, the Federal government continues to deliver heavy weapons. Instead of mediating with all diplomatic means between Russia and the Ukraine – for example, with a peace conference here in Berlin – oil will yet again be poured on the fire by means of the media. Instead of actually de-escalating, the Federal government wants to enforce its ideologies.  

The result: Russia has stopped the delivery of natural gas via Nord Stream 1 until the sanctions have been lifted. It then really needs be asked: Did you actually not consider that? Are the means used by Germany and the results still in proportion here? Ask yourself that!

Chancellor Scholz has said, Russia is no more a reliable partner. Herr Chancellor, partnerships also need to be cultivated. Had all of you here really believed that Russia humbly accepts these sanctions? Also presented is the question of our reliability. Have we renounced the long-term delivery contracts? Which quantities of gas or oil were actually ordered, were to be received? What have we actually paid? Question on question which the government does not answer.

In this situation, sure of victory, the Federal government blithely drives forward the energy transition – as we have heard here today – without regard to losing the citizens in our own country. The goal of the energy transition has failed or was never attainable; since first, one energy carrier should be replaced by another; second, we have continually pointed to fossil energy carriers or nuclear energy – besides, Herr Merz, we might have here in this Bundestag a majority for continuing to operate nuclear energy – ; and third, you in this regard contribute to that the energy requirement further grows. Political goals, measures like digitalization, electro-mobility for reducing the output of CO2 or now the glorification of the warm air pump, show you continually occupy yourselves with partial problem solving.

I ask you – unfortunately, Herr Habeck is now gone – do you really so poorly know what’s what, or it it all the same to you how our citizens should pay for their flame? Yet you have, ja, impressively demonstrated that yesterday evening. Then it needs be stated: Herr Habeck, you really have as much inkling of economics as a blind man has of color.

Valued Federal government, you do not find yourselves in a political planning game. What you are pursuing here becomes a bitter reality for all citizens and businesses. You deride all who daily contribute to the creation of value. Your proposals offer nothing. It can of course therein lie that scarcely anyone in your ranks still at all analyses with feasibility. Water simply comes out of the line. Electricity comes out of the socket. That is your policy.

Nevertheless, for a change, get yourselves together with the people who do have an inkling of technology, who use this technology. Those are the tradesmen [Handwerker]. Those who can convert your magical fables from the children’s books into living reality. Should you then find a Handwerker who in the next years still has free time, it would surely be good. Should this one then still use construction materials, because the supply chains which you have distorted are still at hand, it would be better still. Nevertheless, you for decades with your economic and education policy provide that soon there will no longer be a Mittelstand. Crushed under the enormous tax burden, manipulated by means of certification by the European Union, your disastrous energy transition policy in the end provides for the death of many branches. This development unfortunately has already begun.

You see, we have here to do with the sell-out of our interests. The Federal government stands in its own way and that of our country. Do you really believe that the people do not recognize what little games you play at here? Here, it is about the prosperity which our parents and grandparents have wrought, about prosperity and primarily also about the values in which generations of families have been raised. Green ideologues destroy it all at lightning speed. It is devastating that the FDP, the former Mittelstand and Handwerker party, here also applauds. It has failed exactly so.

Dear citizens, you receive from this Federal government no honestly offered alternatives. The policy of this Ampel coalition always first clarifies what may no longer be. A case of necessity will be sanctioned so as to enforce its own will or to please so-called friends. This Ampel government completely loses sight of the overall context, it manages patchwork with the result that we more and more lose our economic prosperity. The rescue packages’ billions, which you here want to sell as a success of your government policy, are hard earned by the people out there. Please do not forget that! All of that no longer agrees with many Germans, and they will now also be able to manifest that in the street. It is their basic right to go into the street so as to demonstrate; that is what every citizen is free to do [das ist das, was jedem Bürger freisteht].

            Stefan Schmidt (Greens): Exactly!

Therefore in conclusion: We continue to need Russian gas so as to realize a reform of the energy sector capable of the base load. In that are Saxony Minister-president Michael Kretschmer and the Alternative für Deutschland agreed. Therefore, Herr Chancellor, make the facts and make an end of this economic war against Russia. We need a foreign policy led by interests for Germany and for the continent of Europe.

Many thanks.



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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Leif-Erik Holm, September 6, 2022, Energy Crisis

AfD Kompakt, September 6, 2022.

The Ampel’s decision to no longer allow the remaining nuclear power plants to run but to use only as reserve power plants is a bad joke. Thereby will be contributed purely nothing for a solution of the energy crisis. The Federal government ignores not only the economic necessity of nuclear power but the great majority of the people’s desire to longer allow the power plants on the network. Apparently the opinion in his party is more important to Minister Habeck than that of the citizens. Unfortunately once again the ideology triumphs over reason. The Ampel thereby further contributes to that the prices for electricity and for gas still continue to explode.

A rapid and permanent relief in regards the electricity prices is only possible with nuclear energy. Therefore, not only must the running times of the nuclear power plants [KKW] still in operation be extended by at least five years but also the three KKW removed from the network at the end of last year are to be reactivated. Numerous experts in an open letter to the government have lately clearly stated that a continued operation would be possible without further ado.

The citizens and the economic basis of Germany urgently require a secure and affordable energy supply. Nuclear energy delivers precisely this, and what is more is environmental friendly. A withdrawal from the atomic withdrawal is therefore long since overdue. Germany needs to finally give up its fatal energy policy Sonderweg adopted under red-green and Chancellor Merkel. It is time for the re-entry.


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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Tino Chrupalla, September 5, 2022, German Tanks and Ukraine

AfD Kompakt, September 5, 2022.

Germany may deliver no combat tanks to the Ukraine. The delivery of these offensive weapons would draw Germany still deeper into the war. The economic war would also thereby be intensified. Chancellor Scholz needs finally muster the courage to commit himself for de-escalation and a peaceful solution. For that, he urgently needs to chain up his krieg-crazy Foreign Minister.

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