Monday, January 17, 2022

Gottfried Curio, January 12, 2022, Deconstruction of Democracy

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/10, pp. 497-499.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The coalition’s contract – the nitwitted population migration program of the Global Migration Pact now as German law – : Barrier-free access for treasure hunters from all the world and mit Turbo into the voting booths; the creators want it like this. This already so far costs 50 billion euros annually and does not function. Yet Herr Lindner, who prefers to govern falsely than not at all, he’s certainly for it. The printing presses for the Brussels fake money shall rattle on day and night. The frantic German debts clock is already going to bits: Life-long debt liability for our children and grandchildren; yet the main thing is that fake billions are poured out over bankrupt EU states.

The Ampel thus wants the paradigm change. So as to prevent illegal migration, a legal way needs to be created. As an answer to shoplifting the goods, it would be well to advance the same with the label of “takeout”. Hundreds of thousands of rejected asylum applicants, for whom the state has committed fraud with an asseverated need of protection, are since 2015 not only tolerated; much more, they shall now get a so-called integrated right to remain; foreigners up to 27, moreover, citizenship already after three years, in connection with once again occurring elections. For that: Lowering the language requirement and multiple citizenship. Thereby are all really able to vote leftist.

Who wants to disguise his identity simply declares a certified one: Try it with your vaccination pass! More Mediterranean trafficking, more resettlement in Germany, more Afghans – 25,000 more. From Afghanistan to Absurdistan, it is apparently not so far!

Through countless secure states, all economic migrants and asylum tourists worldwide shall come to and be cared for in Germany. Thus becomes clear who shall occupy the 400,000 per year new dwellings. Thus the green migration lobbyist meets the yellow industrial low-wage lobbyists; the German renters and employees obviously do not sit at the coalition table. It should make possible a more stealthy deconstruction of democracy.

Nothing is done to oppose – ja, it is ignited – the spreading of hatred and agitation by the  government television and the cartel parties against those thinking otherwise, yet the Interior Minister wants to proceed against Telegram. We say: Who wants freedom of opinion and plural discussion authorizes no internet censorship.

Who, like the five undemocratic delegations of the old parties, abuses his majority to take from a minority power its properly provided representation in praesidium and committees, has declared war on the idea of representative advocacy of the German people in the Bundestag and on representative democracy in general.

Who, like the CDU in Saxony with a restriction of the number of participants to ten persons wants to abolish the basic right to demonstrate – out of doors and fundamentally taken with utterly threadbare Corona reasons –, he shows he can imagine his political survival only by means of an abolition of the opposition’s basic rights. That appears to be quite analogous in regards to the Interior Minister with her fact-free defamation of peaceful strollers critical of the government.

Who, instead of 3G imposes 2G, thus tested negative and cured, without reason restrains their rights, has himself exposed health arguments as pretentious lies and only still manages the vexation of those vaccinated for the erection of a totalitarianism puffed up by panic.

Who wants to cloud the brains of the voters with a release of cannabis, who so as to promote pliant lotus eaters works for an opium war against his own citizens, he also wants to organize a children’s right to vote for Friday’s hordes of school peacocks who are no longer educated to think for themselves but shall be dressed up for the screeching of propaganda.

Merkel is gone, the Merkel system governs. A gigantic expropriation of the German citizenry on all levels: Basic rights, sovereignty, state borders, finances, culture. It is then fine for you, the commended continuity of the government: That earlier Merkel snatches the German flag from Gröhe and with disgust flings it in the corner, today Habeck is nauseated by love of country. Not surprisingly, it is he who does not know what to do with Germany, with his Morgenthau Plan for the complete de-industrialization of Germany, the incarnate wrecking ball of our prosperity.

We demand: Send back illegals! Abolish incentives! Finally deport! A social state for our citizens instead of an asylum abuse paradise! Humanity does not mean driving entire hosts of people over the globe and to alienate migrants and recepetioners alike. We require no advertising action for mass immigration, no construction program for clan formation, no sell-out to all the world of German citizens’ rights. We want to preserve our way of life and our constitutional order.

Yet with a thronging of state territory and voter booths, the Ampel wants to recruit its own voter population, and by means of a culture which does not accept the rights of women and other religions. We say: Restrain the beginnings!

In the last year there were – as of the autumn – those posing a threat: Islamist, a good 550, rightist extremists, a good 70. Recently initiated terrorism proceedings: Islamist 210, right extreme 5. Ja, is then a political fake news narrative of a right-wing extremist threat more important than the protection of the population from those really posing a threat? We plead for an all-around view, free of ideology. It is about the security of of the citizens.

Ladies and gentlemen, three of four voters do not want the SPD. 85 percent do not want these Greens. Complicit in the perversion of the parliamentary system is the FDP. Loriot well knew: “Liberal” in a liberal sense means not only “liberal”. Obviously it often also simply means “power hungry”. An end to this coalition of losers, an end to more religious mobbing and headscarf terror against little girls in the schools by less achievement, an end to more German money for foreign claims by less voting rights in the EU, an end to less democracy in Germany by a transformation of a free nation into a compliant lever of total globalization by a total exploitation on behalf of foreign interests!

Ladies and gentlemen, an SPD politician warned – I may cite:

We have taken upon ourselves the situation of people from fully different cultural worlds, 7 million foreigners in Germany is a defective development.

And, cite:

We need to prevent an immigration from foreign cultures, immigration of people from Anatolia and black Africa only creates an additional problem.

Reasonable attitudes. This SPD today stands for the opposite. Helmut Schmidt,

            Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): Take it easy!

he, Helmut Schmidt – would today be in the AfD, ladies and gentlemen.

Gabriele Katzmarek (SPD): What an impudence! He would turn over in his grave, if he could! He would be utterly ashamed!


[trans: tem]






Thursday, January 13, 2022

Martin Böhm, January 12, 2022, Inflation and the EU

AfD Kompakt, January 12, 2022.

What [ECB director Isabel] Schnabel now finally concedes, the citizens already for months painfully feel in the purse. With this delayed admission, the ECB manifestly makes use of a salami tactic. Instead of shoving off the price increase onto the “Corona pandemic” and temporary delivery bottlenecks for certain goods, it should rather speak plainly to the citizens: The origins of the inflation lie in the complete suppression by the ECB of all economic and financial principles. The expropriation of savers and the acknowledged acceptance of the impoverishment of our pensioners for years has a system – with the overriding goal of amortizing by means of inflation the debt burden of the decayed, southern European, red wine states.  The left-green energy transition introduced by Merkel and driven forward by the Ampel certainly accelerates it. The reasons nevertheless lie deeper. If in the last ten years a solid interest rate policy had been managed, this would have maintained our prosperity and without mercy exposed the mismanagement of the recipient countries.

Our demands as the AfD are clear: A sozial energy policy is to be formed. And by means of a foresighted change in interest rates in connection with a drastic reversal of all loan purchases, the worst for our citizens needs be avoided. Anything else requires an intensive consideration of a revision of the EU to the treaty basis prior to Maastricht and, in the last consequence, a DEXIT.


[trans: tem]


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Nicolaus Fest, January 4, 2022, Migration and Hybrid War

AfD Kompakt, January 4, 2022.

The distinct preparedness on the part of the German Federal government for the reception of migrants, and the lack of preparedness for their deportation, makes wastepaper of Dublin III: The EU external borders will be more or less secured. Migrants will be waved through and registered not in the first country of reception because registration in the paradise social state of Germany pays more; at the same time, they will not be deported. This explains why more than half of the asylum applicants in Germany have been registered in no EU transit country, even though according to applicable EU regulations this is not allowed to occur.

Here, member states with EU external borders have an obligation to Germany: When it is about the money, solidarity will always be demanded of Germany. Yet just those countries which most profit from the German generosity, such as Greece, are currently violating their obligations to Germany in regards the initial registration.

The AfD has brought into the EU Parliament over 200 motions to amend which among other things are aimed at preventing illegal immigration into the EU. Illegal applies to him who does not immediately report himself at the EU border with his request for application and without such continues on his journey. Such cases must be immediately deported. A welcome culture, as for years practiced by the Federal government and which shall be strengthened by the new EU migration pact, ruins our continent and makes it susceptible to the actions of hybrid war directed against us, as we could lately observe on the Polish-Byelorussian border.


[trans: tem]