Sunday, January 2, 2022

Giorgia Meloni, The War of Our Time


Oggi dardi e cannoni non si usano più, i metodi per colpirti                 

         sono molto più subdoli e sofisticati.

Ho messo in conto anche questo, ma non diserterò.

È la guerra dei nostri tempi, e io sono un soldato.


                        - Giorgia Meloni


Today, arrows and cannon are no longer so useful, the means of striking

         are much more devious and sophisticated.  

I take this also into account, but will not desert.

It is the war of our time, and I am a soldier. 



[trans: tem]



Thursday, December 30, 2021

Gunnar Beck, December 16, 2021, EU Unemployment Fund

AfD Kompakt, December 16, 2021.

Countries like Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark or Sweden have obtained nothing from it since they have a functioning unemployment insurance. A country like Italy, on the other hand, receives 27.438 billion euros from this instrument, which corresponds to nearly 40% of the total SURE [Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency] budget. It thereby saves 2.835 billion euros in interest payments. Yet the Germans are in common liable for the EU debts with which the SURE program is financed and from which Italy has profited to an especial extent.

The [EU] Commission has now confirmed our fear: The unemployment rate in some member states has increased and in others decreased, independent of whether they have received SURE support. In other words, the billions in unemployment assistance have no influence on the unemployment rate in the EU.

According to Eurostat, Italy, the largest recipient of SURE monies, has the highest portion of employable persons who presently seek no work: 11.5%. The Commission could not answer for where the 27.438 billion euros from the SURE program have flown, yet clearly not into the creation of workplaces for the unemployed population in Italy, but undoubtedly in part into social-political projects for LBGT groups and against conservatives and critics of migration and just so into stimulus for settlement of ever more unqualified migrants, not mainly in Italy but throughout the EU.


[trans: tem]